Assassin Farmer

Extra 1 (1)

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Special 1: Brother’s League (Section Begin) 1

It was the seventh of the seventh lunar month again. The Hu Cheng Square in Fan Luo City of Da Shi was packed as usual.

It also boosted the business of the shops around the square.

Especially Xing Teng Teahouse, which was in the best spot in the square. Now, the customers were packing the big lobby and the private rooms on the second floor. To not let the customers who wanted to have tea waste their time waiting, two waiters had to wait at the door and bow to the customers who wanted to enter the teahouse. “Sorry, we're currently full. We thank you for understanding.”

Only until some finished enjoying their tea and left, the waiters would guide new customers to the teahouse. Else, they could only continue to deny most of the incoming business.

Sigh, the waiters of the other shops had to stand outside to invite the customers, but their shop was different. They were denying their customers who brought themselves to their door.

“Honored customers, please forgive us, our teahouse doesn’t have empty tables…” Manager Li had just left for the restroom when several gentlemen in luxurious clothes and outstanding temperament walked toward the teahouse. Xiao Wen hurried to apologize to them as Manager Li had instructed him before.puretl . com is the original transla tor, please do not re post

“Eh? Are you new?” The young gentleman opened his fan with a swish. He fanned himself and eyed Xiao Wen from top to toe, arching his brow.

“Ah… Yes sir, I’ve been working here just for five days. Today, we are in a shortage of waiters so they sent me here to welcome the guests. Err… If I’ve done something you don’t like, I’m so sorry.” Xiao Wen remembered some phrases he had learned from school, answering politely. Although he still looked calm, he was actually panicking. He hadn’t finished his probation. He couldn’t afford to be laid off because of this. He needed to take care of his grandfather. He would never want to lose this job at any cost.

Lin Xi observed Xiao Wen for a long time, contemplating. The corners of his lips arose, but Manager Li had got out of the toilet before he could say anything. From a distance, Manager Li saw what was happening in front of the teahouse. He was scared, rushing toward. Panting, he clasped his hands and bowed to the young men. “Young… Young Master, Xiao Wen’s new here. He doesn’t know much. Please forgive him… Young Master and the others are here already. I… Let me take you upstairs.” Then, he kicked Xiao Wen who wasn't able to react yet. “Where are your eyes? This is Young Master Lin Xi, the future Emperor of Da Shi. Hurry and apologize to him!”

“No need. He didn’t say anything wrong to this young master.” Lin Xi stretched his hand that was holding the fan, waving at Manager Li. Then, gently, he asked Xiao Wen, “What’s your name? How old are you?”

“Young Master!” Manager Li was shocked, looking at Xiao Wen, he gingerly asked, “Young, Young Master means?”

“Little Li, there’s none of your business here. All right, if you agree, 6 a.m tomorrow, you come and see me in Guang Yan Hall in the Emperor's palace.” Lin Xi waved back. “No words? Are you done watching the fun? Let’s go. Get upstairs. Otherwise you’ll complain that I don’t treat you well.” Then, he walked into the teahouse.puretl . com is the original transla tor, please do not re post

Three young peers behind Lin Xi exchanged smiles then followed him to the biggest room for important customers on the second floor.

“Manager Li...” Xiao Wen blinked, unknowingly turning his head aside to look at his partner nearby.

“Xiao Wen, kid… Your good day has come… I heard that those whom Young Master Lin Xi has chosen would become the important characters in Da Shi later…”

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