Assassin Farmer

Chapter 149.1

Chapter 149.1

“Aiya, Young Master Xi, watch the steps!” The ten-year-old maid Cai Yi was so nervous, chasing after the chubby, youngest baby of the Lin Family. The boy had got off the kang in the main house and climbed over the threshold that was even taller than his knees. With his two short legs, he staggered, running to the front of the house.

“Hehe… Cai Yi! Hurry! Cai Yi! Hurry!” Lin Xi had run halfway before he turned around, waving at the little maid who was panting and chasing after him, to speed up.

Tired, Cai Yi wiped beads of sweat on her forehead. She didn’t know what the third Young Master of the Lin Family had been fed that made him so strong. The boy was around three-year-old, but he was even stronger than ten-year-old maids like her. 

The maids were lucky that Her Ladyship was merciful; she had assigned three maids into three shifts to take care of the boy. However, it was strange that after half a year transferring from the maid who helped the kitchen to taking care of the third Young Master, her physique had been boosted a lot. Not to mention, she had rarely gotten sick during the recent year, she was also a head taller than last year. Her current appearance was nothing like the thin girl that Liang-momo had picked up from the streets before.

After half a year, the girl had got used to the life here. Compared to the strict and harsh maid life in the other noble and rich family she had experienced half a year ago, her life being a maid here was really good and comfortable. 

Except for learning her position while working, she didn’t need to worry about anything in her free time. If she wanted to go to the city, she could wait and take the free horse carriage at the stone bridge in front of He Yuan at around wu-shi (5 to 7am). When she wanted to return, she could visit the He Yuan Pickle Shop to take a ride from there. 

She could also ask Xiao-momo to collect the embroidery products she had made in her free time and sell them to Yue Yun Embroidery House. The Yue Yun Embroidery House would pay them periodically according to the quality of the products. Cai Yi had saved a lot of money on her own. 

She had been on the street since she was very small. She didn’t know who her parents were, and she didn’t think about redeeming herself. She just wanted to enjoy this life. 

Her Ladyship had said that the maids and servants hired by He Yuan, as long as they were content with their lot and didn’t do anything wrong, after five years working, they would receive ten silver ingots or a house of their own. Who had been working for ten years would be granted thirty silver ingots or a one-acre house. 

Such great compensations and benefits had kept the new maids and servants inspired and cheered up for quite a long time. If you can read this, it means this chapter was stolen from puretl .com

Let alone the fact that they didn’t need to worry about a roof above their heads or daily meals, they could have hundreds of coins as a monthly salary. After working here for five or ten years, they would even receive bigger rewards. Cai Yi and the other two new maids were trying their best to do their jobs well. Besides He Yuan, where else they could find such good masters? 

“Cai Yi, I’m here to take care of the third Young Master. Madame asked you to meet her.” Cai Lian, who looked around Cai Yi’s age, ran to her and took her shift. 

Alright, this is his water bottle. At 6 a.m, he had a small bowl of porridge and two steam buns.” Cai Yi carefully explained before waving to Lin Xi, who was playing in the distance. “Third Young Master, this maid is going to see Madame. Cai Lian will play with you!” 

“It’s okay. Third Young Master has gotten used to us changing shifts. You don’t need to tell him that all the time.” Cai Lian pushed her, laughing. “Hurry up, Madame is waiting.”

Su Shuilian put the brush in her hand down, gently blowing dry the list of gifts she had just written. Liang Xuan Jing’s fiftieth birthday would come in several days. She had squeezed her head to select some specialties of Fan Luo City and He Yuan to offer him. Afterward, she would ask Guangci House to deliver the gifts to the imperial city. 

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“Madame, you called for Cai Yi?” Cai Yi timidly stood outside the study room. The elegant and nice air in the study room intimidated her.

“You’re here? Come in! Sit and we’ll talk.” Su Shuilian turned around and saw Cai Yi. She waved at the little girl, signaling her to come in. 

“This maid… This maid can just stand here…” Cai Yi looked at the ground matted with white fox fur and then her grass-stained embroidered shoes. She stopped and stood there embarrassedly. 

Listening to Cai Yi, Su Shuilian noticed the girl’s shoes. She smiled mildly, “Mischievous Xi-er ran into the grass yard again? Just come in. It’s all right!” 

Cai Yi was touched by her kind and caring master. She carefully stepped into the room. “Madame, you called for this maid to…”

“Cai Yi, I can tell you’re a careful and meticulous person. Do you want to work in the pickle shop?” Su Shuilian folded the list of gifts and made Cai Yi sit on the chair in the study room. 

“I want… But Young Master…” Being able to work for the business of He Yuan was the dream of the new maids like them. They admired Xin Lan very much. She used to be a First-Grade maid and now was working as the Chief Manager. It was really lucky that she could climb to her position from being a maid. Even if they couldn’t be a manager, it would be enough to become a helpful staff member. Most importantly, working at the pickle shop also meant that they were able to go to Fan Hua School to study reading, writing, and also mathematics. The three-month training was what she yearned for most. 

“You don’t need to worry about the work here. Think about it, if you want to go, I will arrange for you to go to school.” 

“Yes! Cai Yi wants to work there!” The ten-year-old little girl was ready to better herself. 

“Alright, then starting from tomorrow, you will go to school to learn. After three months, if you pass the teacher’s test, you will go to Fan Luo City to work for one year. Cai Yi, one year later, He Yuan Pickle Shop will open a new branch in Shui Yue City. You will do this with Xin Zhi. Believe in yourself, you can do it!” 

I can do that! Madame said I can do that! Cai Yi would learn from Xin Lan and fly high to even the imperial city and succeed. To succeed and show her achievements to the ones who had disdained her and abandoned her!

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“Aiya, Young Master Xi, watch the steps!” The ten-year-old maid Cai Yi was so nervous, chasing after the chubby, youngest baby of the Lin Family. The boy had got off the kang in the main house and climbed over the threshold that was even taller than his knees. With his two short legs, he staggered, running to the front of the house.

“Hehe… Cai Yi! Hurry! Cai Yi! Hurry!” Lin Xi had run halfway before he turned around, waving at the little maid who was panting and chasing after him, to speed up.

Tired, Cai Yi wiped beads of sweat on her forehead. She didn’t know what the third Young Master of the Lin Family had been fed that made him so strong. The boy was around three-year-old, but he was even stronger than ten-year-old maids like her. 

The maids were lucky that Her Ladyship was merciful; she had assigned three maids into three shifts to take care of the boy. However, it was strange that after half a year transferring from the maid who helped the kitchen to taking care of the third Young Master, her physique had been boosted a lot. Not to mention, she had rarely gotten sick during the recent year, she was also a head taller than last year. Her current appearance was nothing like the thin girl that Liang-momo had picked up from the streets before.

After half a year, the girl had got used to the life here. Compared to the strict and harsh maid life in the other noble and rich family she had experienced half a year ago, her life being a maid here was really good and comfortable. 

Except for learning her position while working, she didn’t need to worry about anything in her free time. If she wanted to go to the city, she could wait and take the free horse carriage at the stone bridge in front of He Yuan at around wu-shi (5 to 7am). When she wanted to return, she could visit the He Yuan Pickle Shop to take a ride from there. 

She could also ask Xiao-momo to collect the embroidery products she had made in her free time and sell them to Yue Yun Embroidery House. The Yue Yun Embroidery House would pay them periodically according to the quality of the products. Cai Yi had saved a lot of money on her own. 

She had been on the street since she was very small. She didn’t know who her parents were, and she didn’t think about redeeming herself. She just wanted to enjoy this life. 

Her Ladyship had said that the maids and servants hired by He Yuan, as long as they were content with their lot and didn’t do anything wrong, after five years working, they would receive ten silver ingots or a house of their own. Who had been working for ten years would be granted thirty silver ingots or a one-acre house. 

Such great compensations and benefits had kept the new maids and servants inspired and cheered up for quite a long time. If you can read this, it means this chapter was stolen from puretl .com

Let alone the fact that they didn’t need to worry about a roof above their heads or daily meals, they could have hundreds of coins as a monthly salary. After working here for five or ten years, they would even receive bigger rewards. Cai Yi and the other two new maids were trying their best to do their jobs well. Besides He Yuan, where else they could find such good masters? 

“Cai Yi, I’m here to take care of the third Young Master. Madame asked you to meet her.” Cai Lian, who looked around Cai Yi’s age, ran to her and took her shift. 

Alright, this is his water bottle. At 6 a.m, he had a small bowl of porridge and two steam buns.” Cai Yi carefully explained before waving to Lin Xi, who was playing in the distance. “Third Young Master, this maid is going to see Madame. Cai Lian will play with you!” 

“It’s okay. Third Young Master has gotten used to us changing shifts. You don’t need to tell him that all the time.” Cai Lian pushed her, laughing. “Hurry up, Madame is waiting.”

Su Shuilian put the brush in her hand down, gently blowing dry the list of gifts she had just written. Liang Xuan Jing’s fiftieth birthday would come in several days. She had squeezed her head to select some specialties of Fan Luo City and He Yuan to offer him. Afterward, she would ask Guangci House to deliver the gifts to the imperial city. 

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“Madame, you called for Cai Yi?” Cai Yi timidly stood outside the study room. The elegant and nice air in the study room intimidated her.

“You’re here? Come in! Sit and we’ll talk.” Su Shuilian turned around and saw Cai Yi. She waved at the little girl, signaling her to come in. 

“This maid… This maid can just stand here…” Cai Yi looked at the ground matted with white fox fur and then her grass-stained embroidered shoes. She stopped and stood there embarrassedly. 

Listening to Cai Yi, Su Shuilian noticed the girl’s shoes. She smiled mildly, “Mischievous Xi-er ran into the grass yard again? Just come in. It’s all right!” 

Cai Yi was touched by her kind and caring master. She carefully stepped into the room. “Madame, you called for this maid to…”

“Cai Yi, I can tell you’re a careful and meticulous person. Do you want to work in the pickle shop?” Su Shuilian folded the list of gifts and made Cai Yi sit on the chair in the study room. 

“I want… But Young Master…” Being able to work for the business of He Yuan was the dream of the new maids like them. They admired Xin Lan very much. She used to be a First-Grade maid and now was working as the Chief Manager. It was really lucky that she could climb to her position from being a maid. Even if they couldn’t be a manager, it would be enough to become a helpful staff member. Most importantly, working at the pickle shop also meant that they were able to go to Fan Hua School to study reading, writing, and also mathematics. The three-month training was what she yearned for most. 

“You don’t need to worry about the work here. Think about it, if you want to go, I will arrange for you to go to school.” 

“Yes! Cai Yi wants to work there!” The ten-year-old little girl was ready to better herself. 

“Alright, then starting from tomorrow, you will go to school to learn. After three months, if you pass the teacher’s test, you will go to Fan Luo City to work for one year. Cai Yi, one year later, He Yuan Pickle Shop will open a new branch in Shui Yue City. You will do this with Xin Zhi. Believe in yourself, you can do it!” 

I can do that! Madame said I can do that! Cai Yi would learn from Xin Lan and fly high to even the imperial city and succeed. To succeed and show her achievements to the ones who had disdained her and abandoned her!

“Aiya, Young Master Xi, watch the steps!” The ten-year-old maid Cai Yi was so nervous, chasing after the chubby, youngest baby of the Lin Family. The boy had got off the kang in the main house and climbed over the threshold that was even taller than his knees. With his two short legs, he staggered, running to the front of the house.

“Hehe… Cai Yi! Hurry! Cai Yi! Hurry!” Lin Xi had run halfway before he turned around, waving at the little maid who was panting and chasing after him, to speed up.

Tired, Cai Yi wiped beads of sweat on her forehead. She didn’t know what the third Young Master of the Lin Family had been fed that made him so strong. The boy was around three-year-old, but he was even stronger than ten-year-old maids like her. 

The maids were lucky that Her Ladyship was merciful; she had assigned three maids into three shifts to take care of the boy. However, it was strange that after half a year transferring from the maid who helped the kitchen to taking care of the third Young Master, her physique had been boosted a lot. Not to mention, she had rarely gotten sick during the recent year, she was also a head taller than last year. Her current appearance was nothing like the thin girl that Liang-momo had picked up from the streets before.

After half a year, the girl had got used to the life here. Compared to the strict and harsh maid life in the other noble and rich family she had experienced half a year ago, her life being a maid here was really good and comfortable. 

Except for learning her position while working, she didn’t need to worry about anything in her free time. If she wanted to go to the city, she could wait and take the free horse carriage at the stone bridge in front of He Yuan at around wu-shi (5 to 7am). When she wanted to return, she could visit the He Yuan Pickle Shop to take a ride from there. 

She could also ask Xiao-momo to collect the embroidery products she had made in her free time and sell them to Yue Yun Embroidery House. The Yue Yun Embroidery House would pay them periodically according to the quality of the products. Cai Yi had saved a lot of money on her own. 

She had been on the street since she was very small. She didn’t know who her parents were, and she didn’t think about redeeming herself. She just wanted to enjoy this life. 

Her Ladyship had said that the maids and servants hired by He Yuan, as long as they were content with their lot and didn’t do anything wrong, after five years working, they would receive ten silver ingots or a house of their own. Who had been working for ten years would be granted thirty silver ingots or a one-acre house. 

Such great compensations and benefits had kept the new maids and servants inspired and cheered up for quite a long time. If you can read this, it means this chapter was stolen from puretl .com

Let alone the fact that they didn’t need to worry about a roof above their heads or daily meals, they could have hundreds of coins as a monthly salary. After working here for five or ten years, they would even receive bigger rewards. Cai Yi and the other two new maids were trying their best to do their jobs well. Besides He Yuan, where else they could find such good masters? 

“Cai Yi, I’m here to take care of the third Young Master. Madame asked you to meet her.” Cai Lian, who looked around Cai Yi’s age, ran to her and took her shift. 

Alright, this is his water bottle. At 6 a.m, he had a small bowl of porridge and two steam buns.” Cai Yi carefully explained before waving to Lin Xi, who was playing in the distance. “Third Young Master, this maid is going to see Madame. Cai Lian will play with you!” 

“It’s okay. Third Young Master has gotten used to us changing shifts. You don’t need to tell him that all the time.” Cai Lian pushed her, laughing. “Hurry up, Madame is waiting.”

Su Shuilian put the brush in her hand down, gently blowing dry the list of gifts she had just written. Liang Xuan Jing’s fiftieth birthday would come in several days. She had squeezed her head to select some specialties of Fan Luo City and He Yuan to offer him. Afterward, she would ask Guangci House to deliver the gifts to the imperial city. 

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“Madame, you called for Cai Yi?” Cai Yi timidly stood outside the study room. The elegant and nice air in the study room intimidated her.

“You’re here? Come in! Sit and we’ll talk.” Su Shuilian turned around and saw Cai Yi. She waved at the little girl, signaling her to come in. 

“This maid… This maid can just stand here…” Cai Yi looked at the ground matted with white fox fur and then her grass-stained embroidered shoes. She stopped and stood there embarrassedly. 

Listening to Cai Yi, Su Shuilian noticed the girl’s shoes. She smiled mildly, “Mischievous Xi-er ran into the grass yard again? Just come in. It’s all right!” 

Cai Yi was touched by her kind and caring master. She carefully stepped into the room. “Madame, you called for this maid to…”

“Cai Yi, I can tell you’re a careful and meticulous person. Do you want to work in the pickle shop?” Su Shuilian folded the list of gifts and made Cai Yi sit on the chair in the study room. 

“I want… But Young Master…” Being able to work for the business of He Yuan was the dream of the new maids like them. They admired Xin Lan very much. She used to be a First-Grade maid and now was working as the Chief Manager. It was really lucky that she could climb to her position from being a maid. Even if they couldn’t be a manager, it would be enough to become a helpful staff member. Most importantly, working at the pickle shop also meant that they were able to go to Fan Hua School to study reading, writing, and also mathematics. The three-month training was what she yearned for most. 

“You don’t need to worry about the work here. Think about it, if you want to go, I will arrange for you to go to school.” 

“Yes! Cai Yi wants to work there!” The ten-year-old little girl was ready to better herself. 

“Alright, then starting from tomorrow, you will go to school to learn. After three months, if you pass the teacher’s test, you will go to Fan Luo City to work for one year. Cai Yi, one year later, He Yuan Pickle Shop will open a new branch in Shui Yue City. You will do this with Xin Zhi. Believe in yourself, you can do it!” 

I can do that! Madame said I can do that! Cai Yi would learn from Xin Lan and fly high to even the imperial city and succeed. To succeed and show her achievements to the ones who had disdained her and abandoned her!

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