Ascension of the elder

Chapter 75: CSI

"It seems like somebody is looking to burn!"

This was the first time any of them had seen Kyle truly angry. He was generally mild mannered with a little sadistic streak when it came to training but this had crossed his bottom line. Even in his past life he always felt rage when he heard stories of children being hurt and now it happened to one of his people he was fully off the leash.

While other people would shout and scream with rage Kyle instead became colder and more detached. Thinking for a moment under the fearful gaze of men and women Kyle came up with a plan quickly.

"Ash I need to know what happened were there any witnesses?"

"Sir the children went out with the father of Sid the other kid but he was attacked from behind. Even though he tried to resist he was already woozy and couldn't stand against multiple assailants. Once they had the kids they just knocked him down and scattered. He's currently in the infirmary with his wife."

"I'll go and speak to him now. Ash tell the others to calm down, I want 'shadow hand' to be armoured with dark leather armour and cloaks and you select the five best fighters from amongst the guards also send a runner to see guard Captain Tobias I want to know if he knows any group that operates like this. One once you have been armoured go and see Lady Sparrow and see if this sounds like anyone she knows of. I'm going to see the father also someone get me some armour that will fit me." Kyle spoke with a quiet voice as he issued commands everyone was dead silent so as soon as he finished everyone began to organise.

One left for the armoury immediately while Ash went to organise his men a few of the surrounding crowd left to gather 'shadow hand' and get them prepped. Clara, Miranda and Bruno didn't know what to do, all this was moving too fast and the way Kyle commanded the adults was shocking. Miranda as the closest to Kyle couldn't help but ask him.

"Lord Kyle what should we do?"

"Currently the adults will be hurrying and preparing could you three organise and care for the youngsters. They look at you like leaders of their generation so keep them calm and let them know the missing members of our family will be back before the end of the day."

Receiving Kyle direction the 3 hurried away to attend to their duties. Kyle made his way through the halls he noticed a member of 'shadow hand' rushing to get ready. Thinking of something he called out to the member.

"Hey you there I just wanted to double check that this won't have anything to do with your last gang?"

"It's very unlikely sir we used to deal with extortion and occasional violence sometimes someone would die but it was an accident. The bosses never had any interest in slavery or kidnapping."

"Good carry on." Kyle had taken a look through the file Captain Tobias had given him after he had defeated One and his subordinates and this really didn't seem like the way they operated but it's always better to check. He could have checked with One but he needed to issue orders even if they weren't completely thought out. As the man said "it's sometimes better to run into a wall than not move at all".

Kyle continued on his way to the infirmary. On entering he could see a man struggling to stand up while being held down by a couple of guards and a woman who was presumably his wife. Kyle knew he would have to take a hard line or else this man wouldn't listen to reason.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" Kyle shouted as loudly as he could shocking everyone into stillness before the man who was struggling responded.

"I need to find my kid."

"What do you think you can do in that state you can barely even stand straight? Let us deal with this you know we won't let anything happen to them right?" Kyle was harsh at first before asking the second part with a gentler voice.

"I failed them I couldn't protect them." As the man spoke he broke down and Kyle knew how guilty he must be feeling. He had stopped struggling and merely hugged his wife who was crying as well. Kyle had never had children in his past life so he couldn't understand the pain they were feeling but his empathy allowed him to feel a shadow of it.

"We will bring them home, I swear to you but right now I need any information you remember. Can you describe any of the attackers, weapons, voices just anything you remember."

"I don't know they were all dressed in dark clothing, they didn't speak. I managed to get a good hit on one of them so he was bleeding."

"Did you see which direction they took the children?"

"I was a bit dazed but they did run past the nearby tavern, I think that was a south west direction. The tavern is called the rampant beaver."

Kyle normally would have laughed at this name but right now it didn't even register.

"Okay rest up we'll begin looking for them right away."

Kyle exited the infirmary and began to think about how to approach this. There was very little evidence as to the culprit so it looked like the best place to start was the crime scene. Walking back to the entrance he found 'shadow hand' and Ash with his guards were present and ready.

The rest of the household was standing nearby wanting to know what the situation was, with Zak, Randall and Nettie standing with Ash. On seeing Kyle returning Nettie came forward with a package in her hands.

"Lord Kyle here is the armour we have been working on for you. Please use it to take vengeance on these beasts." Nettie spoke in an oddly formal tone while Zak and Randall were flanking her as if they had become her guards.

Kyle took the package and saw the armour he had designed was fully realised.

"Thank you I will use this to bring justice to these animals. Ash take the guards and secure the site of the attack 'shadow hand' I need you to inspect the surrounding areas for anything unusual pay particular attention to any blood stains as one of these men was injured. If One or the runner who went to Captain Tobias arrives back inform them as to where we are. Move out."

As the investigation team headed out Kyle moved to his office to get changed into his armour. Once he was changed he moved out as well under the gazes of his household. Rushing through Kyle managed to catch up to the investigation team just as they were arriving at the battle site.

It has to be said the guard had put up a hell of a fight even while being incapacitated. There was damage visible all around the area, boxes and bins had been thrown around and smashed. There were also visible sword marks on the walls to show how much he had struggled.

Looking at the layout of the area Kyle could see three ways in and out, one alley and either end of the road. As this was a kidnapping it was most likely the culprits would have stuck to the back routes so the alley was the most likely route they took. Kyle moved into the alley while the guards stood at either end of the road blocking traffic. The alley was a winding mess but Kyle found blood drops leading away.

This must have been from assailant as he remembered about how blood drops look when someone is moving under their own volition from various crime shows. He could only hope the details were correct on these.

Reaching the end of the alley he could see it spread out in two different directions. Moving out he could see a member of 'shadow hand' looking at something. Kyle approached him and saw an old man sitting there with a bottle in his hand.

The 'shadow hand' member looked to Kyle as he approached.

"Sire this old man says he saw 4 men carrying the children, they headed down the south alley. He also says this isn't the first time this has happened and we should look at warehouse district 3." On hearing this Kyle looked at the old man, he couldn't sense any deceit from him so this info was correct as he understood it. Kyle flipped a silver coin to the man before directing the member of 'shadow hand'.

"Redirect everyone to the warehouse district also see if the guard captain and Lady Sparrow know of any groups active in this specific area I want them found in less than three hours."

"Yes sir."

The member of 'shadow hand' rushed to comply with Kyle's order while he returned to the blood trail. While this information may be correct it didn't mean that the kids were at this location. Kyle had decided he would completely destroy this gang as an example to any others who may try to harm his people.

Somewhere in the warehouse district a middle age man who was observing a crowd of people in a cage felt a shiver down his spine. Looking around he couldn't find where this sudden chill had come from.

"Huh must just be my imagination."

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