Ascension of the elder

Chapter 73: Country files

"The devil smiles, the devil smiles."

Miranda on seeing One's reaction moved towards him and as she was a caring and sympathetic person she began to rub his back to help calm him down. Bruno and Clara also saw One's reaction remembered how Dylan was acting.

"Another one down." Bruno

"Another one gone." Clara

"Another one bites the dust." Kyle

Kyle had seen them trying to be sympathetic to One so he had returned to them and on hearing what they were saying decided to join in on the fun. One on seeing Kyle had returned during his delusion panicked and tried to rapidly move away.

On seeing his reaction Kyle was feeling guilty, had he given One some kind of PTSD with one day of training. He had seen some of One personality while they fought and remembered a line he had heard in a movie or story about drill sergeants.

"You know One whatever happens to you during your training you get to put through your trainees through as well."

On hearing Kyle's words One stopped trying to retreat and took on a thoughtful expression. You know that doesn't sound too bad, not bad at all. One took on a slightly sadistic smile as he imagined putting his juniors through the same training he had been and was going to be subjected to.

As the saying goes "misery loves company" and he knew the rest of 'shadow hand' needed to understand this boon they would be given to relieve their pain and anguish on those they would be training subsequently. Another saying jumped to mind that being "shit rolls downhill". Before he could run away with his fantasy Kyle brought him crashing back down.

"But you still have to complete your training first so chin up."

One slumped at this but at least there was a light at the end of the tunnel the only problem was it could be a train coming towards him. Kyle didn't feel the need to say to him that whatever punishing training he was putting him and the rest of 'shadow hand' through he was going through the same pain and anguish as them but he knew it was necessary and hey maybe they would realise he was doing the same as them on their own.

With this little aside out of the way the group carried on towards Bruno's shop to collect their steeds. The area gradually regained life and light as they exited the slums and they could breathe easier once again. The slums radiated a feeling of dejection and loss that was suffocating and after experiencing this feeling twice Kyle determined he would do his best to help the slums recover unlike how the rest of the city had almost quarantined it like some kind of infection.

They reached the store in good time and collected their steeds and began to make their way to the black estate. The estate while not as large as the Powell estate was still quite large and contained several large mansion for the members of the household.

The style within the estate was markedly different than the buildings in the Powell estate. While the Powell's had an architectural aesthetic of around the 1500-1600's with an almost fantasy feel to them, the Black's seemed to have taken a more utilitarian approach with their buildings being made of large blocks of granite or some similar stone. It gave the entire estate a feeling of being massive and intimidating but lacked any real impression of beauty.

As they approached the first checkpoint within the estate they stopped to speak to the guards and get permission to enter. The checkpoint was built into the protective wall which surrounded the main building. The wall was made of the same material as the wall that surrounded the city and the one which surrounded the Powell estate but perhaps due to financial or time constraints this one only surrounded the main building.

"Good afternoon I'm Kyle Powell son of Maria and Landon Powell; I would like to speak to Lord Leonard Black about the posting he placed in the array masters guild. May I have permission to enter or would you be able to get permission for my entrance thank you." Kyle spoke to the guards politely as he didn't think there would be any problems as the Black's and the Powell family were known allies.

The guards were surprised Kyle spoke to them without arrogance and instead with respect, most young masters were to be perfectly blunt tossers. The guard captain stepped up and addressed Kyle.

"I'm sorry Junior Lord Powell I will have to get authorisation from Lord Leonard would you kindly wait here?" The captain spoke to Kyle with some trepidation as he couldn't predict how this young one may react to being delayed and if he wanted to make his life difficult it would be easy.

"No problem captain is there a stable we can store our steeds in within the wall?" Kyle wasn't bothered about waiting the captain was only doing his job.

"Yes there is a stable on the east side but if you'll excuse me I will be as quick as possible."

With this the captain hurried through the door and began to jog to the building. The guards who remained were left looking up at Kyle and his group who were still mounted. Kyle didn't feel like looking down on these men so he dismounted and loosely held the reins. When he jumped down Clara and Miranda who were still riding with him also dismounted followed by Bruno and One.

Looking through the gate Kyle could see a large area between the wall and the building which looked like some kind of park with a few trees and open grass areas. Kyle looked to the guards who remained who looked at him with some interest and also a little fear.

These gate guards weren't direct members of the Black family; they were instead of commoner descent but had been employed by the Black's. This was a blessing getting the work but could easily become a curse because if there were any problems the family wouldn't hesitate to throw them under the bus to protect themselves. The Black were not a bad group but they would always protect their interests first.

"Good afternoon how are you guys doing?" Kyle didn't like the silence so he decided to speak to the guards.

The guards looked at each other unsure of what they should do before one of the older members, a corporal spoke up deciding it was better to say something rather than leave the kid hanging.

"We're good sir can't really complain about much." The corporal had a slight accent which to Kyle's ear almost sounded like he was from the West Country in good old England.

Hearing this accent Kyle felt a small but sharp feeling of home sickness but he was also happy to hear this slowly spoken accent which made you feel at ease.

"Oh you're not a local then?" Kyle asked as he was curious where this guy had picked up this accent from.

"Nah sir I'm originally from a small city to the south, not much to say about it but it was home." As the man spoke he had a slightly wistful look in his eyes.

"Really why'd you come here then? Not much work over there I take it."

"Nar nothing hap'nin bout there you can work to fields all day but get nuthin but sun burn and a burnin ass as me da used to say." As the corporal spoke his accent became stronger and his country bumpkin upbringing came to the front.

"Yup my dad says there's nothing stranger than folk and if all you want is to watch your wheat grow you have a go." Kyle was enjoying speaking to this man and had also begun to slip into a folksy drawl while he was speaking to him.

The surrounding guards and Kyle's group were staring at the now in-sync pair who appeared to understand each other on some unknown wavelength. How did this happen wasn't Kyle a scion of one of the most powerful families in the city.

Gradually the guards began to lose their fears as they watched Kyle and their corporal bantering back and forth about various stupid country topics until the captain came back to hear the end of one of his corporals stories which had Kyle and the rest rolling on the floor.

"So thar's me already baked turned the wrong way and walked back out me front door wearing nothing but one sock and the old dear over the road has already called the guard. So I's gets traipsed through the town in shackles in me b'rthday suit with some poor young guard following me bare backside."

HAHAHAHHAHAHAA Kyle was laughing so hard he had tears streaming down his face. This was the kind of thing he missed, not much else from his past life but these ridiculous anecdotes only country boys would be able to dig up. The guard captain was shocked seeing this now seated group of commoners and nobles chatting and laughing like this. Where was the disdain and segregation he hadn't seen this before? So in order to keep from getting an aneurysm he decided to get their attention.

*Cough, Cough*

"Lord Black has asked to see you straight away if you could follow me?"

Hearing this Kyle got himself under control but still with a big smile on his face and held out his hand to the corporal who shook it without any thought.

"It was nice to meet you and I hope you have more stories next time we meet. I tell you what we'll grab a few drinks my shout you all are invited to."

The guards all cheered hearing Kyle while the corporal had a shine in his eye and said.

"Yarp no prob I'll tell you the one about streakin through the local auction 'ouse."

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