Ascension of the elder

Chapter 69: Use your imagination

"Well Clara I'm going to make my super villain base."

"Who's a what now?"

Clara didn't understand what Kyle was saying while Miranda and Bruno just kept quiet as they had begun to get used to Kyle's odd terms. One just remained quiet and waited for orders from Kyle.

"If I can get the ruins to work in the way I think they will I'll be able to use this as a base for 'shadow hand'."

Kyle had brought the mana crystal shard and one of the spheres from the altar. He would try to get to the ruins now he had taken possession of it and see what would happen when he did as his mansion had directed.

Now that little aside was completed Kyle led the way to the stables while Clara was still trying to work out what Kyle meant. Kyle, Bruno an One mounted up but Clara and Miranda hadn't ridden the Prism Runners before and were a little intimidated.

"If you guys aren't comfortable riding you can mount p with one of us."

Hearing this Clara and Miranda ran over to Kyle and both wanted to ride with him. Seeing this Bruno felt dejected, why didn't anyone want to ride with him weren't they friends? One came next to Bruno and put his hand on his shoulder and tried to comfort him.

"Don't worry one day you'll find a woman who wants to ride with you."

"But why doesn't anyone want to ride with me now I thought we were friends?"

"It doesn't have anything to do with friendship young one, I guess it's true what they say about girls maturing faster than boys."

With this one moved away leaving Bruno with more questions than he began with. Kyle for his part now had Miranda sitting in front of him while Clara was hanging onto him from behind. Luckily these steeds were so large they could easily accommodate a setting like this.

Once everyone was ready they headed out towards the store. As they were riding people stopped and pointed at Kyle and his hangers on while laughing. Clara hid her face on Kyle's back while Miranda shrunk down as far as she could so the people couldn't see her. They both thought this was a good idea when they left but now the embarrassment was getting to them.

For his part Kyle just rode along not worrying about the pointing and staring. If it makes people happy who cares what they say. It didn't take long to reach the store as it was located in the Powell's territory near the estate so it also had a greater deal of protection than the market the day before.

The store was a large three story building. The first floor was for general goods so the day to day materials were housed here. The second floor was the armoury which contained various weapons and armours. The third floor contained a few different rooms, the largest floor space was taken up by array goods or magical tools depending on who was talking.

These goods were ones that used arrays and mana to produce effects and had the highest value in the store. The rest of the third floor was taken up by an office and Bruno's families living quarters. There was also a basement which was used for storage.

When the group entered through the front door they saw a wide array of goods laid out, this included fabrics, basic tools for hunters and various chemicals and spices. There was a shop girl at the counter who was surprised when she saw Bruno.

"Hello young sir are you here to see your parents?"

"Yes Emily can you let me know where they are."

"Currently they are in the offices on the third floor with a new client."

"Great that's why I'm here I'll head up now."

With this Bruno lead the way while the rest were looking around. Everyone besides Kyle was looking at the goods around the shop with interest. Kyle was instead looking for arrays and the best locations and what other arrays would be necessary for the protection of the store.

However laid the protection down in the store previously hadn't done a very good job and had even left multiple holes and blind spots in the coverage. This was good and bad, good because Kyle could essentially start from fresh without having to merge his new system with the old, bad because it would take a while to install.

As they reached the second floor they all looked at the weapons and Kyle could only shake his head. The quality of these weapons and armours was ridiculously low; there were poor alloys and bad leather used in their construction.

While they walked to the next set of stairs Kyle could hear a few of the patrons chatting while they inspected the goods.

"Look at this sword the quality is excellent."

"These armguards are awesome I've saved for 3 months for these."

"No wonder this is the best shop in this zone."

Maybe Kyle had his standards to high but after hearing what they were saying about these sub-par goods Kyle felt better about what he was going to be placing on the market. Miranda saw Kyle's sinister grin and couldn't help but ask.

"Sir what's making you smile like that?"

"Oh nothing just couldn't help but think if they like these wait till they get a load of me."

Miranda nodded when she heard Kyle's response, after she had seen the quality of the sword he made in less than 2 hours she understood what he meant, she looked over the goods once again and could see how bad the quality was in comparison to what Kyle produced. Clara who heard them speaking couldn't understand what they meant.

"Sir what do you mean?"

"Well the materials we are going to be selling are far higher in quality than what is currently available here, plus if people want them repaired a normal blacksmith just won't cut it."

Clara still didn't really understand what the difference would be but just accepted what they said and let it go. Once they reached the third floor Kyle paid a bit more attention and looked at the different tools available. As these tools were much more expensive than those on the lower floors there were far fewer people on this floor.

Again the quality available was far lower than Kyle could produce himself. As they walked further in suddenly they heard a ruckus.


Kyle was surprised by this sudden change and quickly looked around to make sure there was no guild manager around to quickly settle this. Seeing no one there Kyle took the lead and headed to where the shouting was coming from.

He once again saw a peacock; this one looked a little younger than the one he had seen previously. This little maggot was shouting in the face of the clerk who was trying to placate them. Looking to the side Kyle could see Mike and Kelly hurrying over with Zak behind them.

When Zak saw Kyle he changed direction and came straight over to his side.

"Sir I'm glad you have arrived but it is unfortunate you had to see something like this."

"That's okay Zak who is this preening prat?"

"He is one of the sons of the Miles house."

"Not another one, do I need to get involved or can your parents deal with him Bruno?"

"Sorry Kyle I don't know usually I would say my folks are enough but recently the Miles family seem to be going against everyone."

Hearing Bruno's response Kyle decided to wait for a moment and see what was going to happen. Once Mike and Kelly had intervened they began to speak to the irate little maggot.

"Sorry dear customer but currently these are the totality of our stocks."


Bruno on hearing this took a step forward, no one speaks to his mum that way but Kyle put a hand on his shoulder.

"Let me deal with this."

Kyle had a malicious smile on his face, One shivered when he saw this and Dylan would likely pass out as this was the same smile he gave them before he fully broke them. Kyle walked forward and looked around him. There were more people around than previously as some had come from the lower floors when they heard this Miles family prat shouting.

This looked like this is what he was aiming for, trying to cause a scene and insult the Powell family that was why he came to a store in their territory rather than one in their own. He also had 2 guards with him but they were only at level 5 so Kyle wasn't worried about them. Even One had a higher level than them. Kyle thought of the best way to get his attention before he settled on just insulting him in as many ways as possible in the shortest time.

"Hey maggot why are you bothering these store owners you little ***** ****** ****** why don't you go back to daddy and *********** ***** ***** **** **** **** with a banana and cream."

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