Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Chapter 845 - Warm Christmas Part 1

 There are at least four packages. One from Zendaya and Timothy, then from Demi and Christian, Bea and Noah, and Athena's parents. At that moment, he didn't want to open it. But it's quite mysterious what they send to him. First, he opened Zendaya and Timothy's gift. First is a big photo of the family at the beach with Athena. Then, a leather jacket that is said to be bulletproof and the latest smart watch from Pattinson Company. 

 He took the card and it's Christmas greetings with their family photo. 


Dear Xavier,

Have a Merry Christmas. I hope that you are happy that you break my cousin's heart. But you can always come back to us and fix it up. Unless you don't love her that much. There are just two decisions to make. Be the man that Athena would love or be the man that will stay coward for the rest of his life and regret it. 

The clock is ticking. 


 Xavier took the photo that they sent. He smiled at Athena who was smiling beautifully with him. His smile is brighter than the sun and he knew that he was happy. Although he has lots of problems back in the office and hospital, he could get through it every day. And every day seemed to be always a new bright day because of Athena. She cared for him and whenever he's tired from work, she would already set up dinner or order dinner from the best restaurant. She would help him relieve his stress through lovemaking. She's the only one who cared for him. 

 From his past girlfriends, Athena is the only one that makes his heartbeat loud or fast. More like unsteady every time that he saw her, touched her, and made love to her. But the thought of his mother, being alone worried him. He needed to make a plan to help his mother forget everything. He needed to help his mother to be something new. He just wished that his mother would help herself to change into something good. 

 He looked at the box that Athena's family sent. It might be a few things that he left in their house or a threat. He's a little bit anxious to open it. He opened Bea and Noah's gift and it contains a limited edition bag for his mother and other limited edition shoes for him. They also have a threatening letter. 

Hey Xavier!

Merry Christmas! We still love you even though you hurt Athena. But we'll truly go bully you if you keep denying her! You love her and there you are sulking on your own even though you are the one who causes loneliness on yourself and to her. Get her back, dumb ass!


Bea and Noah XOX

 He didn't know what to see and he's sure that on the next box Demi would threaten him more than Zendaya and Bea would. He didn't want to open it. However, his mother kept knocking on the door. 

"Xavier, come on, dear. Let's get ready." 

 He took the bag and went to the door. He unlocked it and opened it. 

"Mom, this is for you." He said as he gave the box of a known brand in the world. She took it and looked down at it. "Mom let's just stay here for Christmas, okay?" 

"But I already promised Kylie." She said. 

"Mom, it should be just us. Okay?" 

"Iā€”'ll talk to her." 

"Mom, I don't want to leave the house today." He said softly. She nodded. 



 Cyra looked at the big box on the bed. She approached the box and took the letter with her name on it. She opened the card and smiled at the handwritten letter of her knight and shining armor. 

Lady Cyra,

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year as always. 

Truly yours,


 Cyra smirked and opened the box. She took out a heavy basketball size crystal ball. A soft knock on the door makes her stop. 

"Come in." 

 The door opened and Tucker entered gracefully. He walked toward her and put his hands at the back. 

"So, you gave me a crystal ball lamp?" 

"It's not just a crystal ball." He said as he extended it. "May I?" 

 She nodded. He walked to the bedside table and cleared a few things and put it on the other table. Then, he took the crystal ball lamp and replaced it on the bedside table. He plugged it and it shows the galaxy and the planets rounding the sun in different movements. She gaped at it. It looks so beautiful and so unique. 

"I designed it on my own and I told them not to release the design so you are the only one who has this." He said proudly. 

"It's beautiful." She said as she approached the lamp and admired it. 

"Cyra, I couldn't give you the world, but at least, I could give you the galaxy." 

 Cyra looked up at him. He turned to her and scooped her face and kissed her forehead. 

"So, you got it now?" 

"You just give me something more than the world." She said softly. "But you can still extend your contract." 

 He shook his head and gently pulled her back so she could be closer to him. 

"I can't extend my contract, Cyra." He kissed her nose. "I am needed in my farm and that boy needs to be in school. In the next school year, he needed to be ready and focus on studying." 

"Then, stay with me tonight and on the following nights." 

"I can't." 

 She frowned at him. 

"Did you already see my gift?' 

"Yeah, and I love it." He gently caressed her back. 

"Do you want me to beg?" She sighed as she cuddled her fingertips to the collar of his shirt. 


 She tiptoed and pressed her lips to him for a few seconds. Then, he leaned down to kiss her more. After a few smooches, she gently pushed him.

"You don't want to sleep with me but still you are kissing me." 

"I'm just addicted to you." 


 Esme received a beautiful diamond necklace from him. It's simple and the g-clef shaped with a single small diamond is catchy. She would always wear it. She also wished that Laurence would be with her tonight. Everyone already left and went to their rooms while other boys were drinking on the lawn getting drunk and all. She came out from the bathroom and secured all of the expensive accessories that she received from them. A soft knock on the door makes her stop. Laurence entered and he locked the door. He's wearing a t-shirt and PJ pants. 

 She ran to him and flung her arms around his waist. He gently kissed her forehead and took her to bed. Esme finally got what she wanted this time, Laurence wanted to have double protection. She fell asleep at five in the morning in his arms. At that time, Laurence left after she's asleep. He sneaked to his room to sleep. But when he lay down, he realized that he couldn't sleep at all. It's Christmas. He heard the door open and the little ones burst in. 

"Laurence! Wake up! Wake up!" Zayne and Rosie shouted. He sat up and looked down at the two.

"What's up?" He asked. 

"It's Christmas!" They shrilled. 

"I want gifts!" Rosie said. 

"Oh," He slipped off from the bed and followed the two outside his room. He held both of their hands as they went downstairs to the gigantic Christmas Tree. He let them search for their gifts. Since they are the only little ones, they have lots of gifts from everyone. Laurence yawned and lay down on the sofa and let the two read their gifts in front of him. 

"Make sure that your name has it," Laurence said as they excitedly searched around with their names on boxes. Laurence yawned again as he checked the things that they gave to him. 

 He suddenly felt sleepy as he watched his siblings take their boxes and opened their gifts. Someone poke him, and he looked up at his father. 

"Where did you go last night?" His father asked. 

"We were on the lawn last night. Why?" Laurence asked. 

"You weren't there." 

"Dad, I was there. We were watching the fireworks." He said. 

"Where did you go after that?" 

"I don't remember." He said as he yawned. His father stared at him for a while. "What?" 

"Nothing." He said. "Go to your room. I'm going to take care of these little ones." 

"Thanks." He mumbled and dragged his body upstairs. He lay down on the bed and thought for a while. Did his father see him sneaking to Esme's room? It looked like he didn't know yet and was just speculating. Maybe he shouldn't visit Esme in her room so he won't think of anything about them. But telling them their relationship isn't good either. 

 In a few days, everyone will leave the villa and go off to celebrate their New Year's in their own house. He might not be able to hug Esme at night, but it's better than being separated from her. 

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