Are You Addicted?

v4 Chapter 17 - Mengzi put it on again

Especially when driving the car, Yang Meng was covering her crotch beside her, and her tears fell down.

“People who are all three, and still crying like this, aren’t they shameful?” Especially teased casually.

No matter what, Yang Meng was even more excited when he heard these words, screaming and slamming the door, he had to get out of the car.

In particular, I parked the car on the side of the road and stared at Yang Meng’s poor red eye for a while. He said that it was neither cursing nor yelling. Finally, he touched Yang Meng’s hair with a temper, and asked with concern: “What? He gave You broke it? “

“Go away!” Yang Meng cried and crossed her legs, both hands protecting the crotch tightly.

Especially smirked and yelled in the past, “It’s all men, let me see what’s wrong? In case of seriousness, we have to go to the hospital, don’t delay, this can be related to the happiness of your second life.”

“I have nothing wrong !!” Yang Meng shouted angrily, pushing back in particular with a grudge.

Watching Yang Meng pumping beside him, especially when suddenly remembering that when he was in high school, Yang Meng participated in the five kilometers, because he was thrown for seven or eight laps by Bai Luoying, sitting alone on the lawn and crying, how to persuade Not good … I didn’t expect that after ten years, he was still a virtue.

“What are you laughing at?” Yang Meng, seeing his mouth rising especially, was instantly furious.

Especially resisting Yang Meng’s fierce fist, he explained unhurriedly, “I laugh at you stupid! You think everyone is like me and treats you like a baby, and everything is accommodating to you. What do you go to at home? Light bulb? Aren’t you wondering what Gu Hai is like? Aren’t you looking for the disabled? “

“I’m happy!” Yang Meng gritted his teeth.

He hummed especially, “I’m glad you don’t cry.”

“My pleasure!”

“Good enough … you are willing.” In particular, turning his face over, said helplessly: “You are willing to go to their house for humiliation, and you are not willing to enjoy my blessing. You are willing to run on the street in pants and not to wear me. The clothes I bought for you. “

Yang Meng still stiffened, “Who made you a liar!”

“Yes, I’m a liar.” Especially narrowed his eyes. “Why don’t you think about it and why should I lie to you? There are so many begging meals on the overpass, why don’t I lie to them? Those of our crew who clean and carry props Uncle, who is better than you? Why can’t I let them be my assistant? “

Yang Meng no longer said a word, covering his crotch with his hands, his expression still tangled.

Especially when Yang Meng didn’t seem to pretend, he couldn’t help but ask, “Is there anything wrong?”

“It’s all right.”

“how did you make it?”

Speaking of this matter, Yang Meng wiped her tears again.

“Let the **** toys clip.”

Especially wondering, “Isn’t that **** toy dedicated to this stuff? How can it hurt you?”

“What he used was defective products! They produced them specifically to punish the men who stayed at his house.” After that, Yang Meng’s tears began to fall again.

Especially with a smirk, a slight cough, and a serious saying, “We have to go to the hospital.”

Yang Meng immediately refused, “I won’t go!”

“Must go!” Especially starting the car.

Yang Meng grabbed especially, hissing and shouting, “I won’t go, I won’t go, and I won’t go if I’m killed.”

“You can go to the hospital without going to the hospital. I’ll get you a doctor to visit you and let him see if there’s nothing wrong. Of course, it’s better if there is nothing wrong. You have to treat it early.

Yang Meng weighed it and nodded in agreement.

In the evening, a male doctor knocked on the door of the home.

After the two men exchanged their eyes, the doctor approached Yang Meng and asked professionally, “Are you still in pain?”

Yang Meng answered truthfully, “Yes.”

“Well, let’s not take off our trousers first. I’ll press you. If it hurts, tell me.”

Although Yang Meng was unwilling, seeing the doctor’s sincere gaze, he nodded his promise.

“Come, let’s change rooms.”

Then, the doctor dragged Yang Meng into the bedroom and let him lie on the bed.

“Why not turn on the lights?” Yang Meng asked.

The doctor laughed insincerely. “I’m afraid you’ll be embarrassed to turn on the lights. It feels more real.”

Yang Meng couldn’t help but admire that the doctor was good and took care of the patient’s mood.

The doctor and especially exchanged a look, especially reaching out his hand.

The doctor asked, “Does this hurt?”

Yang shook his head, “It doesn’t hurt.”

Especially with another hand, the doctor asked, “What about this?”

“a little bit.”

Especially the hands rubbed directly, Yang Meng exclaimed in pain.

“It hurts … hurts … hurts …”

The doctor turned on the light and showed anxiety.

“I initially suspected that the sponge in you was injured, which may cause insufficient blood supply and lead to impotence.”

When he heard the word “yangyang”, Yang Meng’s face was green.

“What? It ’s so serious? I ’m still a virgin, so wilted? Doctor! Please save me, I don’t want to end up with such a problem!”

“Don’t worry.” The doctor grabbed Yang Meng’s hand and comforted softly. “This disease can be cured, believe me.”

After that, he took out two boxes of medicines from the medicine box behind him and handed them to Yang Meng.

“The two drugs, one for external application and one for internal use, are taken three times a day and taken on time. I will come back to see you after one week. If you still can’t get an erection by then, we will think of another way.

Yang Meng took the two boxes of medicine with tears.

After the doctor left, Yang Meng embarrassed his face and warned in particular, “Don’t you dare to say this, I’ll cut off with you immediately!”

“What do you think of me as? Can I say anything like that? Take the medicine first!”

Speaking, I went to pour Yang Meng in person and watched the small white particles at the bottom of the cup dilute, especially the corner of my mouth raising an unconscious smile.

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