Are You Addicted?

v2 Chapter 96 - You are my child

His fingers slipped off the office chair, Gu Hai woke up from a nightmare, his heart beating suddenly. At three o’clock in the afternoon, he fell asleep in the office.

Just now in the dream, Gu Haimeng realized that Bai Luoyin had let the wolf eat. He chased after him, so he watched the meat of Bai Luoyin’s body being torn by the wolf’s mouth into countless pieces. Every time a wolf eats a piece, it throws a bone on Gu Hai’s body. The moment before waking up, only wolfroin’s head was left in the wolf’s mouth, and his eyes suddenly opened at that moment.

After more than ten minutes of delay, Gu Hai couldn’t jump out of that terrifying atmosphere.

How could you have such a dream? Gu Hai rubbed his head.

Beloin is sure to be okay, but I am too worried … Gu Hai constantly comforts himself, and will come back when he is wild enough, he must know that I am waiting for him at home.

“Ding …” The doorbell rang.

Gu Haishen said, “Come in.”

She pushed the door open and saw Gu Hai leaning on the office chair, her face was extremely different.

“Yesterday the batch of lamps you asked them to rush to work has already been produced. Is there anything that needs to be produced? Tell me at once, lest I come here to disturb you again and again!”

Rarely, Gu Hai shook her head this time, “It’s gone.”

She was relieved and said with a smirk: “It’s not easy, finally come to an end, what’s the matter? What will we produce next? As long as you can use it for marriage, I think it’s all in our company, anyway There are so many all-round talents in our company, so give them a chance to show their talents. “

“Not urgent.”

Gu Hai stood up from his chair, and took a glass of water in front of the water dispenser to calm his mood.

“I personally planned an outdoor lighting exhibition, and the specific location has been selected. You will ship all of our recently produced batches of lamps and it will officially start tonight.”

It was completely fainted by Gu Hai’s jumping thinking, wasn’t this batch of lamps reserved for marriage? Why are you going to show it again? What’s more, when so many wattage lights are on, the entire capital must not be illuminated.

Gu Hai asked quietly, “Is there anything wrong?”

Looking at the face that Gu Hai’s beard shivered, he couldn’t bear to refuse him.

After coming out of Gu Hai’s office, I went to actively prepare for the incident. I found more than N transport vehicles and transported these powerful headlights and dazzling lanterns to the venue rented by Gu Hai. At first, I was worried that the venue might not be able to put these lights, but after that, I found that the venue could not be seen at a glance.

How much land lease fee does this cost?

I was thinking, a sigh came suddenly, “How much does it cost?”

Turning his head, Yan Yajing was standing next to him, his eyes were dull, his look was dumb, and she was also stunned by Gu Hai.

“Why are you here?” Zhe asked.

Yan Yajing breathed a long breath, “It’s not just me? There are hundreds of people behind, all of whom have been guarded by Gu Haipai. He said that in the past few days, no business has been picked up, and any business talk activities have Shelved for the time being, and devoted herself to this exhibition. I really do n’t know what kind of income this exhibition can bring to our company! Although the smart lamps produced by our family have always been well-known, they can also be produced by the same level of lamps. How much can I sell? I don’t feel the cost of publicity can be recovered. “

“Sell?” Zhe laughed. “Do you think he produced these things for sale?”

Yan Yajing’s eyes narrowed even more, “Do not sell? Do you sell an exhibition? Do you burn money?”

“Did I say that? People are getting married, and these things will be used to decorate the wedding venue.” Zhe said painlessly.

Yan Yajing’s face was gray and her lips were pursed for a while, and she asked again, “… really?”

The errant finger bounced in Yan Yajing’s forehead, and kindly comforted him, “Give up!”

Yan Yajing grabbed the cuff of her rut and asked impatiently, “Who the he is going to marry? Do n’t tell me it ’s you, and you wo n’t believe me if you say it. No matter how gu Hai is nervous Marrying a man and making it so high profile. “

Yan Ruo pinched Yan Yajing’s chin, with a charming smile on the corner of her mouth.

“You’ll know by then.”

In the morning, before dawn, Bai Luoyin arrived in front of the Jokhang Temple. Many worshippers have arrived here, and some even arrived last night. The stone ground in front of the Jokhang Temple has not been worshipped by many pilgrims. It has been polished brightly and glows blue in the morning light.

“I should also worship.”

“People worship for the afterlife, why are you?”

“I don’t practice the afterlife, I just want to be with you in this life.”

“I overtake you on behalf of the Buddha!”

“Hahaha …”

The scene of visiting this place came to my mind at that time, watching these believers wandering and worshiping, like watching the lively. I ca n’t even understand why they believe in these things that are not marginal. I always feel that this is a kind of ignorance. Only empty people come here to find psychological sustenance.

But today, **** has become one of them.

I really do n’t practice the afterlife, I just want to be with you in this life.

A steady stream of worshippers came from all directions, and Beroin was in this team, constantly rising, raising his hands, and prone to the ground … a long way, bumping his head to the ground many times, and many times in Thinking about the prayer in my heart, over and over again, until the road in front of it has been blurred, and there is only a long shadow of Buddha.

As night fell, the lighting exhibition officially opened, and it lasted until two o’clock in the night. Almost no one had entered, and the lights were still bright here.

“Can you turn off some of the lights?” Yan Yajing asked.

Gu Hai thought back without thinking, “Keep on.”

Yan Yajing almost squeezed a few words out of her mouth, “Millions of electricity bills …”

Gu Hai remained indifferent.

At this moment, Yan Yajing suddenly felt a little discouraged. Could it be that these lamps were not really for sale, but were they used for that purpose, as Zhe said?

If so, why is it now on?

Just thinking, Gu Hai suddenly strode away, went to a lamp, and said angrily, “Who put this here?”

A roar frightened everyone around.

Furious rumors came over, “What’s wrong?”

“Isn’t this place supposed to have aviation lights? Who put the spotlights here?” Gu Haitie turned his cheeks.

The administrator in charge of the venue came over and explained cautiously, “The aviation light has malfunctioned, was removed, and there is no stock on the car, so I temporarily change another one.”

“I said I could change it?” Gu Hai roared again. “Go to the warehouse and get a new one right away!”

The administrator shuddered and left, and the next department manager interjected: “General Manager Gu, it’s all this, and no one has watched anyway, so don’t go back and get it? It’s troublesome.”

“I’ll go as soon as I say, and change it for me in twenty minutes!”

Gu Haizheng gave a powerful command, no one dared to disobey.

Although it is bright like daylight, the surrounding atmosphere is dark and low.

After being silent for a long time, Zhe asked, “Do you want to light him the way home?”

In addition, I can’t think of other uses of these lamps, because from the drawings he has obtained, the placement of these lamps has no fixed shape, and it is only bright and dazzling when lit, without the so-called artistic quality. Therefore, it is a matter of course that Gu Hai forced the administrator to take that lamp only because of the difference in brightness between the two lamps. Perhaps in Gu Hai’s heart, the dimness of a lamp will make Bai Luoyin miss the splendor here.

Even so, Zhe had to remind him, “It’s a bit of a loss of money to do this? What if he doesn’t come back many days later, or if he comes back during the day? This will cost tens of millions of electricity.

Touch the other side to have a scale!

But in Gu Hai’s heart, there is no scale for erythroline.

Nine years ago, he could do anything ridiculous for heroin. Nine years later, he still can.

“These electricity bills are not drawn from the company’s accounts. They are all my personal pockets. They stay on like this. Even if he comes back ten days later, it will light me up for ten days!”

“Then … when he comes back, what about these lights?” Zhe asked again.

Gu Hai’s sharp eyes narrowed slightly. “If I can really wait for him here, all these lamps will be donated, leaving no one behind.”

Although Guizhe does not advocate this attitude of sacrificing for love, seeing Gu Hai’s approach, he still admires it heartily.

The heroine of Beloin encountered a little failure in the middle and had to make a forced landing at the local area. It had just been repaired and caught up with the fog. The plane could not take off normally, so it was delayed for a day. It was not until the afternoon of the next day that the fog gradually dissipated, and Beroin took the plane again and drove towards his home.

By the time Bailoin arrived over Beijing, it was already more than ten in the evening. This was the fourth day of the exhibition held by Hein Technology. There were three nights in a row.

Beroin’s helicopter was looking for a landing point in the air and sailing in the night sky, mainly relying on the airport’s lights to identify the direction. Especially when flying at low altitudes, we should pay attention to the flashing aviation obstruction lights on the roof to avoid collision with high buildings.

While the plane of Beloin was hovering in the night sky, I suddenly noticed that one place was quite bright. Light spots are everywhere else, and that spot is the entire spot. The closer the plane gets to the ground, the brighter the area becomes.

Beloin flew involuntarily towards that area of ​​light. As the height dropped, various lights began to appear clear and the colors became more and more distinct. There are millions of colorful lights flashing on the periphery, almost blinding the eyes of Bai Luoyin, and further down are a variety of smart lights, with the system setting flickering. The innermost layer is the aeronautical light, which has the highest brightness, and is the first light that Beloin noticed on the plane.

Beroin’s plane hovered over a huge light curtain. Such a large field of light was completely disorganized for the people below, and they could only see the tip of the iceberg. But it was different for white **** in the sky, he could clearly see the pattern change.

Hearing the roar of the airplane in the night sky, Gu Hai finally held the three remote controls that came in handy.

Beloin was about to activate the monitoring equipment on the plane to take pictures. Suddenly, countless intense rays of light were taken in from the window, his gaze was looking down, and his hand holding the steering rod stiffened.

The innermost aviation light was suddenly adjusted to the strongest brightness, and began to flash at a high frequency, a total of 134, forming eight characters.

“Beroin, let’s get married!”

Beloin was stupid, and his thinking was no longer working. He didn’t even know how he landed the helicopter. Just remember the moment the plane landed, the heart wandering for a few days slammed back into the body.

The cabin door opened, and it took a while for my eyes to adjust to the dazzling glare. Where the eyes were focused, a man stood there, and Bai Luoyin strode towards him.

Seeing that the distance between them was less than two meters, Gu Hai suddenly stepped forward, grabbed the collar of Bai Luoyin, and gave him a hard blow on his cheek.

“Where the **** have you been these days?”

Bai Luoyin moved his lips and said nothing.

In the end, he beat the crying first, rubbing Bai Luoyin into his arms with a violent force, pressing Bai Luoyin’s back with his big hand, choking with angrily and scolding, “Life is in a hurry, half of it, down Leave without saying hello again, I’ll **** you! “

The tears in Bai Luoyin’s eyes rolled down for a long time.

Gu Hai closed her emotions and pushed away Bai Luoyin and asked, “Did you see those big characters that just flashed?”

Bai Luoyin hummed.

“Agree with me?” Gu Hai asked nervously.

Beloin was silent for a long time before he said, “I can’t have a baby for you, and you can’t have a baby for me.”

Gu Hai stretched out her two hands to hold her face and said, “You’re my child, and I’m enough to hurt you all my life.”

Beloin was speechless.

Gu Hai put her finger full of sore wounds in her mouth and took a bite. “Did you say that? I gave your life, and you are my child. You gave my life too. , I am also your child. “

After listening to this sentence, Bai Luoyin couldn’t stop his emotions and cried bitterly towards Gu Hai’s neck.

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