Are You Addicted?

v2 Chapter 81 - Successfully complete the task

The night before his departure, Bai Luoyin was lying in bed early, thinking that he would return to Beijing tomorrow, and he was so happy! The pilots were tossing around in bed and couldn’t sleep, nervous about the flight show tomorrow. He’d better, without thinking about the stubble in his head, and fell into the bed and fell asleep.

At seven o’clock in the morning, the pilots got up for the last collaborative drill. So far, there were only ten pilots who actually participated in the final flight show, except for Zhou Lingyun, only nine of whom included Beroin and Liu Chong.

“Don’t be nervous today, if something goes wrong, I’ll call you back!”

Everyone fell, Master Zhou, are you comforting?

At nine o’clock in the morning, ten fighter planes steadily lifted off and began to move at a constant speed in the direction of Beijing. Maybe it ’s God who sympathizes with these pilots ’hard training in recent days. On this day, Beijing is clear of air and the flight conditions are excellent.

Gu Hai was sitting on the outfield viewing podium, looking up at the sky, feeling anxious, without any extravagant hope. Everyone hopes that the flight show can be wonderful. He only hopes that the **** will be able to complete the task safely and safely. It doesn’t matter if there is a mistake.

“Hey, who are you? Why haven’t I seen you before?” An Air Force officer asked Gu Hai.

Gu Haiman replied casually, “I am not a member of the army, but a family member of the pilot.”

“No wonder,” the officer teased. “I think you are more nervous than they are.”

nonsense! !! Gu Hai roared, and threw your daughter-in-law into the sky to try! !!

Bai Hanqi also sat on the outfield viewing platform and was asked the same question and gave the other party the same answer. The venue here is not allowed to be viewed by people outside the army, so Bai Hanqi also fought in with great efforts. For nothing else, I wanted him to see how proud his son was.

After each finger was abused, Gu Hai finally saw five fighters in his sight.

Obviously it is five identical fighter planes in five parallel positions, but Gu Hai can find out which one is controlled by Beroin at a glance.

Soon, the five fighters accelerated their flight speeds and pulled up horizontally in five directions. A trail of colored smoke was trailing at the tail of each aircraft, and the colorful smoke band was like a giant bauhinia in full bloom. And these pilots are like drawing on the blue sky and expressing their emotions in the sky.

“Booming …”

A burst of cheering and applause filled Gu Hai’s ears, but his hands seemed to be crushed by megaliths and could not be lifted at all.

In just 20 minutes, 3 machines went up, rolled and disbanded, 4 machines went up and blossomed horizontally, 9 machines went up and down in groups … More than a dozen sets of difficult performances were staged in the sky one after the other. Amazing. I didn’t even breathe, and immediately ushered in the next performance.

After the group performance, a stand-alone performance began.

Zhou Lingyun took the lead in driving the fighter. With the command of the commander, the fighter he drove began to roll away like an off-string arrow, and the nose suddenly lifted up, jumping upward at a nearly vertical angle. The speed of ascension is unimaginably fast, and the heads of the viewing platform are stunned. Such a performance has never been dared to try before.

Gradually, Zhou Lingyun’s fighters faded out of people’s attention, and the heroine of Bai Luoyin followed closely behind.

Not only Gu Hai, but even Gu Weiting, who was sitting on the podium of Zhongzhongguan, sweated sweat for Bai Luoyin.

After a period of climbing, Bai Luoyin began his solo dance in the air. The maximum allowable **** circle, half-pounding flip stunts, ascent and roll throughout the performance climaxes, and the applause from the outside viewing stage is really wonderful!

Gu Hai said silently in his heart, it’s almost there, it’s almost there, don’t you just follow through? Stop plunging suddenly, scaring me, don’t you know? …… This is not only a challenge to the physical endurance of Beroin, but also a challenge to Gu Hai’s psychological endurance.

Just when everyone was so addicted, the heroine of Beroin suddenly began to fall freely, like a wandering iron leaf, and fell suddenly in the sight of everyone.

At this moment, Gu Hai’s heart was cold, and his blood vessels were about to rupture.

Just before the fighter plane was about to fall to the ground, it suddenly rose suddenly again. Within a few seconds, the aircraft continuously rolled, 360 degrees, 720 degrees, 850 degrees …

Gu Haizhen was almost choked by this set of performances that escaped from the dead. Listening to the sound of clapping, Gu Hai couldn’t wait to tear up those people’s mouths. As long as Nima knew that it was lively, how could you still laugh? How much torture will be caused to Beloin’s body in such a set of actions! !!

But if everyone frowned like Gu Hai, he looked angry, my wife-in-law performed so wonderfully, why are you all one of these virtues? !!

Distressed, but involuntarily proud of him.

I can’t wait to announce to people all over the world that this person on the top of the sky is mine.

Bai Hanqi also felt the “Bai” demeanor surrounding the fighter plane, immediately threw Gu Hai’s words to his head, dragged the officers’ hands, and then repeated with excitement.

“Look, that’s my son!”

He returned home less than ten times in nine years, and the pain in Bai Hanqi’s heart was completely dispelled by this moment of pride.

Even the members of the military commission on the viewing platform noticed, pointing at the fighter in the air, turned and asked the Air Force chief behind him, “What’s the name of this pilot?”

The Air Force chief immediately replied, “Beroin.”

Someone beside him interjected, “That’s Lao Gu’s son.”

Then dozens of eyes cast their eyes on Gu Weiting, and Gu Weiting immediately laughed, “Not a son, but a pro.”

Finally, Zhou Lingyun led the nine fighters behind him to form an ultra-dense triangle formation, dragging colored smoke bands, passing over everyone’s heads, and giving the performance a perfect period.

Subsequently, all the pilots returned to the team.

After a short celebration, Beroin and the comrades-in-arms went to the restaurant for dinner.

He didn’t know that Gu Hai had seen his performance, nor did he know that Bai Hanqi had also seen it. He regarded this as an ordinary task. After the task was completed, he could relax with all his heart.

“Captain, I heard that the chief of the air force praised you by name.” A small officer spoke.

Beloine answered absently, “Really?”

Liu Chong was excited beside him, “You have to make a contribution again !!!”

Bai Luoyin’s mouth showed a lazy smile, and then he continued to eat the rice in the bowl. His mind was not here at all. Now that the task has been successfully completed, he can have a rest period. Gu Hai’s company has already gone public. Has he retired from management and will he become his chairman safely?

Should I call him and tell him I’m back?

The people next to each other were chatting happily, and suddenly they heard a bang, and turned around to see that the bowl of Beloxin had fallen, and the whole person was crooked on the dining table, unconscious.

“what happened?”

The comrades panicked, got up quickly, and tried to carry the **** to the infirmary.

“Don’t touch him!”

Suddenly a strange voice interrupted the movement of several people.

Gu Hai came over, booed at these people, then walked to Bai Luoyin, took him gently in his arms, and whispered to those people, “He just fell asleep.”

After hearing these words, a few nervous faces suddenly turned dull.

Gu Hai leaned down, put Bai Luoyin’s two arms on his shoulders, and then hooked his two legs. In the eyes of everyone’s surprise, Bloyne was carried out of the restaurant.

“That …” one of the officers said, “He won’t be wrong with our battalion commander, right?”

Liu Chong gave him a sideways glance. “That’s the family member of our commander.”

“Uh … just when I didn’t say it.” Continued to eat.

Another officer couldn’t help but said with emotion: “I can fall asleep while eating, the level is not easy!”

Then came a cheerful laugh.

Bai Luoyin’s two arms rested on Gu Hai’s shoulder, holding the pair of chopsticks firmly in his hand, and kept dangling in front of Gu Hai’s eyes. Gu Hai was afraid to poke his eyes, so he freed one hand to drag the chopsticks, but he did not pull them down.

How hungry are you?

Bai Luoyin’s chopsticks fiddled a few times in the air and sent them to his mouth.

Gu Haile couldn’t help, “Look at it, don’t poke into your throat.”

Bai Luoyin just woke up, and Gu Haihou’s neck muscles were firm and firm, full of elasticity, and he looked delicious. Bai Luoyin sucked his mouth and bit it up fiercely.

Gu Hai’s blue veins exploded.

“Take it lightly.” Squeeze out the words between the teeth.

Bai Luoyin reluctantly opened his mouth, with his big tooth mark on his cheek, and lazily asked, “Where?” “Go home.”

There was a faint smile on the corner of Bai Luoyin’s mouth.

“I just dreamed that we were back at school again. Just before our house, you boiled eggs for me … wo %% ¥ … & …”

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