Apocalyptic Black Technology System

v4 Chapter 93 - human civilization

   Chapter 93 Human civilization

  About five minutes later, Ye Fang saw Ye Qijun.

   and Li Ji.

   The wounded soldiers and soldiers of the Zhelimu League line of defense have been fully withdrawn and concentrated in a temporary remodeled dormitory building.

   Even Li Ji, the lieutenant general, is no exception and is placed with ordinary soldiers.

   Therefore, when Su Ran came, it caused quite a stir.

  He first saw Wang Guoan outside.

   This former recruit egg seems to be no different from when he was in Ice City, his face smoky black, showing a pair of white teeth and staring eyes.

   He saw Su Ran smiled first.

  Su Ran asked him, “What are you doing?”

   “To the leader of the regiment Ye, we thank the company commander said, I want to ensure the safety of the regiment leader!” Wang Guoan replied loudly.

   saw him and his commander, so enthusiastically speaking, they were a little envious.

   Some people even think that Wang Guoan’s answer is too rigid.

   Su Ran was a little trance—because Wang Guoan used to be like this before.

  Su Ran then asked, “What about the old Xie?”

   Kingdom An slightly stunned, he no longer answered, looked at Su Ran and laughed, crying with a smile.

   Such a big man.

   Such a soldier.

  Su Ran wanted to say something, but he only felt as if something was choking in his throat, many words in his head, but he couldn’t really say anything.

   He only stepped forward silently and hugged each other.

At a certain moment, he felt as if he had returned to the Battle of the Ice City. He and Ye Qijun squatted in the corner to nibble the bread, while Wang Guoan and Xie Anzhi were outside. The camp was filled with pride and surprise.

   Today they also defeated, but many people no longer have less pride and fewer surprises.

   “We have to go forward.”

  Su Ran only said such a sentence, not daring to look at Wang Guoan again, and walked to the building behind.

   Wang Guoan said: “You look for Mr. Ye, and I will stand guard for you!”

   Outside the building, many people who watched this scene were silent.

   Those soldiers who still felt that Wang Guoan wasted the opportunity to speak with His Commander were silent.

   The short-lived joy was replaced by a touch of grief.

Su Ran saw Ye Qijun in the corridor. The man leaned on a temporary cane transformed from a scrapped rifle and stood at the stairs. He had already heard the commotion and watched Su Ran walk up step by step with a smug smile: “This time I was attracted by the attention I got from you.”

  Su Ran shook his head: “I heard you were injured?”

   “Broken head, lying on the bed, let you see the monkey?”

  Medical nurses around Ye Qijun looked at this scene nervously, wanting to say something, but were too nervous to speak.

  Because it is the Commander who is standing there now!

   “You are going to be famous this time.”

  Su Ran looked at the soldiers and paramedics looking around with probes in the surrounding rooms.

  Ye Qijun shook his head carelessly: “I’m already a celebrity.”

Then his expression became serious: “Although this sounds a bit selfish, you have to help us. We fought so badly in this battle. It’s so miserable. There are tens of thousands of wounded here. They are mortal. I stepped into the battlefield and now I am alive, but if I don’t have enough medical treatment, even if they won’t die today because of the injuries, they will become people who are not ghosts or ghosts in the future. , But you can help here first…”

Su Ran did not refuse. On the contrary, he said in a loud voice: “I know that many people died today, and there are now countless people who are seriously injured and struggling on the edge of the life and death line. What I know more is that every one here today The warriors all came with their death aspirations. You came here not to live for yourself, but to give this planet and a future for our civilization.

   “If it is said that to escape under the impact of alien civilization, it is because of the instinct of survival.

   “But it is the greatest glory for the soldiers to stand up when everyone evades and escapes and chooses to die for more people to live. It is also the greatest pride for me and you who are the same civilization.

  ”And now, we have defeated, we can only commemorate the deceased, and those who survived in today’s battle should not die for any reason.

   “People who have the courage to use spears to attack invincible people should not taste death after victory.

“I promise that the Xinjing Fleet will give priority to help the soldiers and troops participating in the battle. But again, I cannot give too many guarantees, because the battle is still not over, the Xinjing Fleet is still looking for the civilization of the Proximity Star, This is a battle of civilizations. A short victory and arrogance will inevitably lead to a big defeat. Only by completely destroying one side can a permanent peace be achieved.”

  Su Ran deliberately turned up the volume to listen to everyone.

   also understood that what he said here today, everything he did would quickly spread throughout the entire Pingdingshan and spread in the ears of everyone stationed here.

   Therefore, he does not need to announce anything in public, broadcast anything, just doing so is enough.

  In this remark, the scene fell into a short silence.

After a while, the female military nurse standing next to Ye Qijun suddenly bowed and said, “Thank you.”

   Immediately afterwards, there were sounds one after another in this corridor.

  Su Ran did not say anything, but stepped forward.

Ye Qijun silently gave way to him, he said nothing more, but when Su Ran walked past him, he slowly reached out and hammered Su Ran’s shoulder~www.mtlnovel.com~The two looked at each other Smile.

  Li Ji was in the room next to him. He cut off a broken leg. He had already entered a shock state under the blood loss. He was trying his best to rescue him. Su Ran stood outside the room and glanced silently. He turned his head and left here.

  The supplies of the Xinjing Fleet will arrive soon. Li Ji will not die here, and many other seriously wounded soldiers will not die.

  As Su Ran said, those who have the courage to use spears to attack invincible people should not taste death after the victory.

   And he also knows that from today on, the Xinjing Fleet and his position in the world will change, and the attitude of the entire mankind and various countries towards him will also change completely.

  ——Li Jianbang has taken the lead in expressing acceptance and support.

   Not only that, the old human ecosystem on the earth will undergo great changes.

   The old social system is about to collapse, and a new human union will be born.

   And this time, this new human alliance will have many names.

  Huaxia, Korea, Australia, Xinjing Fleet…

   But no matter what changes, these names will all come from the same title-

human civilization.




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