Apocalyptic Black Technology System

v4 Chapter 91 - Go to earth

   Chapter 91 Going to Earth

   Su Ran’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Various thoughts circulated in his heart. After thinking for a while, he shook his head slightly and said: “Well, to be honest, as Spore Life said, I don’t lack your skills. What I want to know now is The location of Proxima Star civilization-where they are hidden in the triad system, if you can provide me with this information, I might consider agreeing to cooperate with you.”

  Su Ran This is also a blind cat who killed a mouse, and whether or not to help “cowards” to fill their refuge needs to be considered.

   But unfortunately, the silver sphere immediately said: “We don’t know. We can’t know what is a few light years away.”

   is very good, but it does not look deceptive.

  Su Ran spread his hands and said, “Then you don’t see any of the conditions you give me that can make me feel excited. How can I cooperate with you to help you?”

   The silver sphere is silent.

   “Liu Tingting” looked at Su Ran over here, and then at the silver sphere over there. After a moment, there was a tasteless laugh.

   Then Su Ran said: “Well, I will consider this matter again. I need you to leave me a channel and method of contact. If I change my mind, I will take the initiative to contact you.”

  ’S Su Ran, who was born in China, is still old. Under non-absolute opposition, don’t say too much.

   The reaction speed of the silver sphere is quite fast as always: “We can give you a communication device.”

   Their communication devices are naturally silver spheres.

   Su Ran immediately shook his head: “Your device cannot be allowed to board my fleet.”

   The silver sphere was silent for a moment, saying: “We will contact you regularly.”

Su Ran’s mouth twitched slightly. He thought he could get a way to contact the “coward” at any time. Although this is useless, after all, everyone is on the earth. It is always good to be able to contact, but What he didn’t expect was that the “coward” was so cautious that it was a ghost.

But Su Ran didn’t say anything more. The “coward” was cautious. He was as cautious. The Beijing fleet is now relatively strong. He didn’t seek the “coward”. There was no need to introduce the equipment of the “coward” to his own. Come among the fleet.

Seeing this, Su Ran said: “If there is nothing else, then stop here today. We look forward to cooperating with you.”

   This exchange, involving three civilizations, hastily started and hastily ended.

   “Coward” touched his nose and returned home without a strong pseudo-four-dimensional civilization.

   And the life of the spore represented by “Liu Tingting” seemed quite happy, perhaps because of their previous experience, they were quite unhandled with the “coward”, but at the end they said: “You can’t throw us to Nanmen Erbait as bait.”

   Su Ran heard the speech slightly stunned, but did not expect that the spore life had thought of this layer, he quickly said seriously: “We are an alliance, how can I do this?”

   “Liu Tingting” laughed recklessly, and immediately disconnected.

  Su Ran frowned slightly, not knowing why, he felt that “Liu Tingting” was becoming more and more old, not only at the language level, but also at the level of action and expression.

   If all the spores are like her life, then it really can’t be distinguished.

Fortunately, since the beginning of the alliance relationship, the spore life has never actively occupied the human body, and it seems that no related operations have been carried out in secret. The original parasitic existence left behind, this time the spore life has created its own warship Later, many also chose to die themselves, transferred and reproduced to that huge living warship.

  Obviously, in terms of spore life, living warships are much stronger than humans as carriers. There are very few spore lives left in the fleet that are walking against human shells.

  Suran is also difficult to say whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

According to the calculation of the Xinjing Fleet, spore life multiplies on their living warships. At this moment, the living warship is at least over 100 million spore life, which is not only a huge biological warship, but also more A thousand-layer lohan monster.

   “Liu Tingting” went offline quickly.

  Su Ran also quit immediately, so he asked Li Yilan first: “How is it going?”

“I still have no contact with Captain Song and Captain Xu, and our contact with them has been completely broken.” Li Yilan said, “There is no movement in the triad system. At present, if the Proxima civilization is still there, If there is no airspace, no action should be taken and it is in a wait-and-see state.”

Su Ran nodded slightly and said: “To convey the order, the fleet battle group stationed in the triad system should radiate outward to explore the space beyond the triad. According to the information given by the “coward” before, Proxima civilization belongs to a certain allegiance. Yu Gaowei’s civilization group, and this civilization group is likely to be fighting against the civilization group that the worm swarm belongs to, which means that we fight the Proximity Star Fleet here. Once the Proximity Civilization asks for help, it is likely that other civilizations will go. The battlefield, therefore, we must be vigilant enough.”

  Li Yilan nodded his head to understand, and said immediately: “Are you going to the ground?”

  This question made Su Ran stunned slightly.

According to the original plan~www.mtlnovel.com~Before the destruction of Proximity Star civilization, he did not intend to return to the ground, defeating the Proximity Star class warship in extraterrestrial space, he immediately wanted to switch to the triad star system, but now……

   The situation has clearly changed.

  Su Ran thought about it and said, “I will go on a trip.”

   He took a slight pause again and said, “We can ship some engineering equipment of the target galaxy first. This planet may need a new transformation.”

“I’ll arrange it.” Li Yilan also nodded when she heard the words. She has just seen the fleet’s surface analysis and evaluation of the earth. The planet and the human civilization that is located on this planet have been scarred by the Proximity Star Fleet. Now, we are in the stage of utterly wasteful development.

  In the moment, Su Ran also stood up and temporarily transferred the command of the fleet. Yuan Licheng also got up. He was not a talent in warship command. At this time, he just went back to earth with Su Ran to take charge of the suitability of the earth. Or he could occupy a place in the homeland to be a idler.

   On the ground, he believes he can play a bigger role.

  Su Ran asked Yuan Licheng to point out a group of people and land directly from space.

   And for people on the ground, they already need a reassuring pill.




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