Apocalyptic Black Technology System

v4 Chapter 88 - Indecisive

   Chapter 88 Uncertainty

   The battlefield clean-up is almost coming to an end.

   The Proximity Star Fleet, which used to be in the outer space, was engulfed by the Xinjing Fleet.

  From this day on, there will be no more two moons in the night sky of the earth.

  Li Yilan said: “We are verifying the status of Song Boyi and their two silver warships through the back door. This may take some time, but we should be able to judge their current status to a certain extent.”

  However, Su Ran still frowned.

  Because they are in a deadlock.

  Song Boyi they may have an accident.

   Otherwise, they will never respond at this time.

   is still on such a key node.

  However, there is no Proximity Star civilization, but Su Ran dare not rush into the triple star system.

   Previously, he dared to send two silver battleships, which was the idea of ​​the death squad, and it was expected that Proximity Star would not dare to open fire on those two unknown battleships that looked like bait.

But now it is different. Here, Su Ran has brought the Xinjing Fleet to the stage and fully fired to defeat the Proximity Star Fleet in outer space. Although he still has a part of the cards that have not been opened, it is equivalent to telling Proximity Civilization himself Existence and power.

Proximity Stars may not have imagined that the human fleet that fled for a few months could grow up in such a short time, and it has the power to compete with them like a rocket, but Su Ran knows that it is only this Once.

Proxima civilization cannot spend time on such shocking and incredible emotions. They are not the third-rate villains in fantasy novels. They may not find the reason why humans suddenly become stronger, but they will definitely re-evaluate and calculate after understanding. preventive solution.

   People have suffered a loss, maybe they will eat a second time, but for a powerful interstellar civilization, this is almost impossible.

  Because no civilization can withstand the consequences of eating twice.

   Bi-Star civilization is not that kind of idiot civilization.

   They just had a great defeat in the human race, they will be extremely cautious and careful, and the neighboring mother nest fleet of the three-star system can see the clues without moving.

  Beware of the secretly arranged search of the Xinjing Fleet.

   hiding is undoubtedly more beneficial to them.

In this case, Su Ran couldn’t jump with the entire fleet. If the enemy’s parent star had sufficient firepower, only the good angle and timing, even the current human fleet and them Almost the same, they also have the opportunity to use this light-dark relationship to wipe out the Beijing fleet in one fell swoop.

   And the same, Proximity Star civilization did not show up easily, and did not want to confront the Xinjing fleet.

  At least from the current situation, it should be so.

However, Su Ran could not maintain the current situation. There are two possibilities before him. First, Proximity’s “home star” will not move, but it has been hidden by technology. This is not realistic. Through the technical department of the fleet, Su Ran has re-analyzed the massive celestial bodies and gravitational branches in the triad system, and has not found any traces of their existence. If the Proxima civilization is based on a natural planet, It would be difficult to hide its existence; secondly, the “parent star” of Proximity Star will move. In this case, even if they don’t jump, they will slide out of the triad star system a little bit, and Su Ran will not. I know, unless he pulls the heavy soldiers to the three-star system, and this way, it is caught in the previous problem, that the Xinjing fleet itself will take a huge risk.

   For all these reasons, Su Ran and the Xinjing Fleet seemed a bit uncertain about the next step.

   And just looking at the situation of scanning the earth, they have come late enough, and a little later, this planet is not necessary to save.

  -Not to mention human casualties on Earth, it is enough that Proximity’s mining of the core is enough to completely extinguish the planet.

   Fortunately, at this time the battlefield in outer space was still being cleaned, and the Xinjing Fleet was not in a hurry to take the next step.

  Su Ran also appeared to know where Proximity’s “mother’s nest” is, and separated from his fleet to take the lead in moving to the triad star system.

It was a group of warships composed of bionics, minarets and artificial intelligence. Su Ran placed them directly above the three-star system, hanging like a hanging angle without moving, neither launching an attack. Did not take the initiative to enter the triad system, it seems that it has already gained insight into the position of Proximity Star’s civilization, and now it is only because the situation on this side of the earth is undecided that a fleet is sent to monitor it, and it seems that it does not know Proximity Star at all. Where is civilization, but in this way pretending to be intimidating.

   This is Su Ran’s decision after thinking.

   This is the most secure. Judging from the cautiousness that Proximity Civilization has shown before, this method of arranging doubts will instead greatly restrain the other party.

   And here, Li Yilan is still trying to contact the two silver battleships and the two captains. This process is extremely slow, and at the same time, Su Ran has received news from the ground.

   That was a communication request sent by the old man Zhang Jianguo on behalf of the Xinjing fleet.

Su Ran was connected for the first time. He simply asked. He actually had too many things to ask. UU read books www.uukanshu.com. But now is not the time. After a little inquiry, the communication will be transferred to Yuan Licheng and let him come. Responsible for the ground plane.

  Su Ran just asked one more sentence: “How is Xin Yu?”

  Su Ran still remembers his promise in the Ice City. Although the times have changed, he cannot guarantee too much, but now he is still concerned about the situation of the other party.

   Hearing this problem, Li Yilan at the back couldn’t help raising her head slightly, glanced over here, her expression was slightly nervous, and apparently, she was also worried about the child’s condition.

  Zhang Jianguo said: “Just stay with me, he and my grandson shouted that they would fly to heaven to fight the neighboring stars.”

  Su Ran couldn’t help but smile slightly: “I’m relieved then.”

  Li Yilan didn’t say anything, just lowered her head and continued to deal with her work. The two silver warships are not easy to find, especially when unilaterally trying to confirm the situation of the two warships, even if the back door is left in advance, it cannot be done casually. At the same time, Li Yilan is also chasing the newly escaped Proximity Star dodecahedron conical spacecraft to see if they can follow them to find the Proximity Star civilization, but unfortunately, they are very careful, scattered escape, a jump After that, he stopped in the dark sky of immense stars, and seemed to have entered a standby state, unable to bring any beneficial information to the Xinjing Fleet.




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