Apocalyptic Black Technology System

v4 Chapter 83 - Yang electron gun

   Chapter 83 Yang Electronic Cannon

   The main artillery of the neighboring star-class battleship hit the shield, and the light waves spread out in a circle. The twelve rhino shield ships retreated almost 200 meters under the huge impact.

   But they successfully intercepted the incredible shock of the Proximity Star Fleet.

   Then, the rhinoceros shield ship slowly separated.

  ——Because at the next moment, the Yang electron gun fired.

  The positron ray of the magnetic convergent beam is sprayed out.

  At the same moment, the battleships all over the sky fired on the whole line, striking to run side by side with the positron in the universe, even faster because of the angle…

   It seems like a torrent of death, although it is not as dazzling as the impact of Proximity Star’s main gun, it is still thrilling enough.

   A large number of dodecahedrons mobilized by Proximity Star were cleared, and the bombardment of the home electron gun was hitting the target.

   In the magnitude of the star-class battleship, it has no ability to evade in the face of this blow.

  Yang electron cannon is different from laser weapon in that its strike method and effect are not presented by high temperature and dissolution, but by the collision of positive and negative electrons, in an annihilating situation, destroying and transforming the atomic structure to achieve the attack effect.

The adjacent star-class battleship was instantly penetrated, and the spread of the impact species. The positron was violently worn out in the collision, but it was still like a sharp off-string arrow, which penetrated and penetrated at a high speed. The main body of the class battleship is on the front.

   Immediately after that, light began to erupt.

   looks like a star is born here, the light spreads from the location of the burst point, dissociates, and then annihilates. The intense gamma rays are galloping in space.

   Before seeing the result of this blow from the visual effect, Su Ran, who was standing in the flagship home of the Xinjing Fleet, was the first to see the final result of the damage and related data through modeling.

The annihilation effect caused by this attack overloaded the core shield generator of Proximity Star class warships and entered a semi-scrap state, which means that in this battle, the shields of Proximity Star class warships will be fully offline. But the next blow was not satisfactory.

The   Yang electron gun smashed a face of the neighboring Xingchen class warship, from which a black, burning, twisted blow tunnel was opened, but that’s all.

   The expected one-shot destroying and annihilating the entire neighboring star-class battleship did not appear as scheduled.

   The effect of this blow looks amazing enough, but for such a large-scale battleship, these traumas are not enough to bring a devastating effect to the other party, nor can it cause more restrictions.

Because just before the hit, on the neighboring star-class battleship, the muzzle protruding from the outside was retracted, and the navy armor, which was as strange as a glass mirror, fell down, and the entire face was instantly restored to the original sparkle. The state of integration,

   And it was this state that resisted the bombardment of the Yang electron gun.

Its strange deconstruction disperses the impact of the Yang electron gun, and the most important thing is that according to the intelligence reality held in the homeland, in the last few seconds of the completion of the strike, this layer of re-covered armor has changed The surrounding magnetic field and gravitational effect greatly reduce and disperse the lethality of the Yang electron gun.

If it is a general warship, it is impossible to achieve this. The conversion and change of artificial magnetic fields and gravitation are not so easy. Especially in this transient state, the deflection also comes from the high speed and large number of positrons launched by powerful warships. The sun’s electron beam can only be achieved by the size of the giant behemoth and the technology it possesses.

   volume is a short board, but in the Star Wars, the vast majority of situations can bring advantages.

Su Ran’s pupils contracted slightly, and the dark energy enhanced his vision enough to support him to see the entire strike process. At the far end of space, the neighboring star-class warship was slowly turning to hide the crushed side. Go “behind”.

“There are at most two guns.” Li Yilan summarized the data information for the first time, and said, “According to the data and parameters we have now, there are at most two more guns. This neighboring star-class battleship will be destroyed by us. In space!”

  Su Ran said: “How long can our Rhino frigate last?”

   “Four minutes.” Li Yilan raised his head and looked at Su Ran, saying, “Within the time, absolutely within the time, in four minutes, we can definitely shoot two shots, so that the Proximity Star… has no back and forth!”

  Su Ran turned his head and looked at the man on the bridge.

   People are looking at him too.

   Among those people, there are Eastern faces, Western faces, even black faces, black eyes, and blue eyes, but at this moment, these faces and these eyes are written with a decisive war intention.

   “Before continuing to press, the main gun is ready to fire for the second time!”

  Su Ran Shensheng issued an order: “Large-scale launch of electromagnetic pulse torpedoes, clear the current airspace, and prevent the tactics of the next star fleet fleet!”

“Roger that!”

“Roger that!”

   Su Ran’s order was quickly transmitted to the entire Xinjing Fleet, and the fleet of 87 warships moved forward as a whole.

Do not. They are a whole.

On their fronts, the once-beautiful Proximity Star battleship was fully retreated. The colorful flash battle array was disbanded without waiting for the successful gathering. .com~Yuncheng was bombed in space.

  -The offense of Proximity Star Fleet is approaching insane.

   And the neighboring star-class battleship suddenly began to retreat slowly.

  Everyone can see that they want to withdraw.

  However, the Xinjing Fleet did not give way and bit them.

   In space, a chaotic battle.

   Su Ran stood on the bridge of his homeland, staring silently at the entire battlefield.

In fact, at this time, if it is possible to disperse five groups of battle groups to advance in several directions, he did not do that, because although the current Beijing fleet looks huge, it is actually empty. In this battle, although he invested tens of thousands of Bionics and artificial intelligence, but in the end it is the first battle. It is easy to have problems with deployment and coordination. Even bionics and computers can make mistakes on such battlefields, especially bionics. They do not represent robots.

This battle seems to have been stable for Su Ran, especially when he realized that there are only two Proximity Star-class battleships in the earth and solar system, and he is more certain. Proximity Star Without reinforcements, this battle will never be defeated.

   Of course, now that Proximity Star is starting to retreat, it may also be fraudulent, and it is difficult for Su Ran to really let go.




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