Apocalyptic Black Technology System

v4 Chapter 118 - We detected 1 spaceship!

Chapter 118 We detected a spaceship!


   This Proxima planetary fortress is still supporting.


   Supported the moment waiting for the battle to fall towards it completely.


   Even if it is wailing in annihilation and blast.


  Yang Electronic Cannon is preparing to fire in the third round.


  Suran’s homeland began to move forward.


   The light in the stars shimmered faintly.


  Long distance cold condensing gaze.


  Homestead is moving towards the flame **** in front of him.


   The lens is zoomed out, this scene is just like the same spaceship approaching a star.


That’s right, the entire front of the Proximity Planetary Fortress facing directly in front of the Homestead has been engulfed in flames, the dark and heavy ship armor collapsed in martyrdom, everything in the inner layer is burning, Proximity Planet The emergency measures of the fortress have been unable to stop the spread of the disaster, and the Xinjing Fleet, which is still uninterruptedly attacking, has prevented them from quickly saving themselves.


   In fact, the Proxima Planetary Fortress was still firing at this time.


On the surface of the burning half-planet body, there still seems to be a working turret. Occasionally, a bright blow can be seen jumping out of the sea of ​​fire, hitting the advancing Homestead with great force, and the breakdown of the Homestead ship is completed. , Leaving a huge wound.


   While the Homestead is still advancing, the shield’s energy has all shrunk and concentrated in front of the main gun and the bridge. Its remaining energy is not enough to support the shield system to wrap the entire battleship.


  Homeland is also burning.


  Su Ran wants to end the battle as soon as possible.


   And the neighboring planetary fortress hopes to support longer.


  But they couldn’t stop the homestead from driving all the way into their warships.


   The gap torn apart by two rounds of positive electron gun bombardment was huge enough, and in this direction, there was almost nothing in it that could not form a particularly effective block than the neighboring star fort.


  Homestead slowly sailed into the interior of this planet.


   jumped into the trench like a whale.


  Everything around was burning, the flame reflected the dark hull of the Homeland into a reddish red color, like iron and steel to be forged in the furnace.


  From here, you can see the broken internal structure, metal bridges, architectural modules, and one by one through the flame-shaped spaceship and automatic fire extinguishing repair device.


  Su Ran directly dropped two electromagnetic pulse torpedoes.


   With two torpedoes as the burst point, the surrounding maintenance machinery was dim and lost its flash, and could no longer work.


  -This kind of spaceship and mechanical entity like a maintenance project in a warship, of course, it is impossible to have any anti-electromagnetic pulse device, which will collapse under the impact of electromagnetic pulses.


  Homestead is advancing, and as it advances, it further tears the structure of this huge Proxima planetary fortress.


   A large number of small airships resembling motorboats came from all directions, apparently some defensive measures inside the Proximity Planetary Fortress, but in front of the Homestead, they were as vulnerable as paper.


   At this moment, Su Ran drove his home into the Proximity Planetary Fortress, which was like driving a tank into the skyscraper, and still trying to hit the higher floors along the stairs.


Of course, the neighboring planetary fortress is much larger and “sturdy”, but it seems that there is no way to deal with this tactic. It can only send some conventional small spaceships and internal defense systems to intercept Su Ran in vain, but with little effect. .


However, also because of the size problem, although the Homeland is not huge compared to the Proximity Planetary Fortress, but its volume is also not small, so when it comes in, the space for the Homeland itself to dodge and evade is also reduced, and it is destroying At the same time, the interior of the Proximity Planetary Fortress is also collapsing and destroying, and the corner of the Homeland will occasionally hit something around it, or collide with the falling huge fragments.


   But Su Ran broke through.


He came in all the way, not only the fort outside, but also the dodecahedron cone-shaped spaceships that were still there, and he had no choice but to do so, and every step of the Homestead in this planetary fortress was a blade in the human body. Traveling in the same way can achieve a considerable effect.


  At this moment, Su Ran was waiting for the third round of main artillery bombardment.


   This time, he was confident of digging out the entire planetary fortress from the inside, completely paralyzing this Provincial civilization ship!


  He was worried and anxious. It was Lin Yuandong’s battlefield. Su Ran knew that the sooner he could resolve the battle, the faster he could go to Lin Yuandong and minimize the losses there.


  Today at this moment, the battle loss ratio of the Xinjing Fleet has exceeded 70%.


  If it is possible, Su Ran hopes not to lose too much.


   Su Ran’s pupils are shining in the blazing fire.


   His thoughts never wavered.


   Just today, destroy the entire Proxima civilization.


  In any case, it is necessary to dedicate one battle!




  Unknown deep sky.


  Lin Yuandong has not actually captured and destroyed the broken neighboring star-class warship in front of him. Another neighboring star-class warship has arrived on the battlefield.


  Under absolute advantage, solving the two Yuncheng class warships above the lonely earth is not a problem for such a neighboring star class warship, and it will not take long.


   The situation in this dark, objectless deep air changed completely with the advent of the second enemy ship.


   Two adjoining star-class battleships were in a front-to-back attack, completely blocking the human fleet led by the Rangers in space.


The entire bridge of    Ranger was illuminated by the light of two huge dodecahedron stars.


  Lin Yuandong knew that now, their battle had just begun.


   But he is not afraid.


   He had already made up his mind when he issued a warrant to Su Ran, and today he will call the curtain with death.




   Just then, a series of alarms suddenly sounded in the bridge.


   “Lord Captain! Something is approaching quickly!”


   “We detected a spaceship!”


   “Neither our warship nor the warship with the characteristics of Proximity Star civilization, we failed to find where it came from…”


   “Its speed reached one-fifth of the speed of light…”


   “It’s not coming to us… It’s rapidly approaching the neighboring star-class battleship!”


   “It is rushing to the neighboring star-class battleship!”


   This situation is completely beyond everyone’s expectations. UU reading www.uukanshu.com


Even Lin Yuandong was taken aback. He looked in space with surprise. He was seeing a dark icy lightning flying all the way against the flash under the brilliant light of the star-class battleship next to it. The moment came close, the speed was so horrible, in terms of visual effects, it seemed to break through the light.


   And Lin Yuandong didn’t even have time to blink, he ran into the neighboring star-class battleship!







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