Apocalyptic Black Technology System

v4 Chapter 115 - Attacking fleet

   Chapter 115 Attacking Fleet

  Unknown depth of the starry sky.

   The broken star-shaped battleship next to the star is like an apple bitten by someone, and floated in space. The bright and glittering dodecahedron structure extinguished most of the time, and only seven faces were still slightly shining.

   But the dense Proximity Star dodecahedron cone-shaped spacecraft is surrounding it, using it as the main body to launch an attack on a Yuncheng-class battleship that is constantly evading and running away.

The enemy’s firepower is so strong that with the ability of a Yuncheng-class battleship, it is impossible to compete with it. It can be said that if it is rubbed to the side, it may die. Therefore, it was originally tracking the Xinjing fleet of the neighboring star-class battleship. Instead, the city-level battleship became the embarrassed fugitive at this moment.

However, with the passage of time, the area that this Yuncheng-class warship can move is becoming smaller and smaller, and the dense dodecahedron spacecraft is surrounded by fish like fish from all directions, and this Yuncheng is a little bit The class battleship was forced into a dead end.

   The captain of this Yuncheng-class battleship raised his head, hitting his eyes, and desperately saw that there was a flash of light in front, back, left, and right.

   is finished.

   The captain passed a trace of despair.

   He failed to complete the mission of His Excellency Commander. They were destroyed here, and the neighboring Xingchen class battleship can completely get rid of the hunting of the Xinjing fleet.


   He was a little regretful and even ashamed.

   However, at the next moment, he suddenly heard the wisdom brain of the Yuncheng class warship reminding: “I have confirmed my fleet transition request, and the source of the signal is confirmed to be: Lin Yuandong, the captain of the Ranger.”

this is……

The captain raised his head in surprise, and was seeing the deep sky ahead, the space was splitting one by one exits, and a huge battleship was cutting into the battlefield from behind the deadlocked Proximity dome of the Proximity Star. The huge battleship is like a domineering whale in the deep sea, and it hits a small spaceship that is blocking the road. Liner guns tear one of them into space.

   It is a complete battle group of the Xinjing Fleet.

   And the first in this battle group is the carrier-class battleship Rovers, a dozen kilometers long.

The branch fleet of the Xinjing Fleet is coming to this battlefield.

Among the spacious ship bridges of the Rangers, Lin Yuandong looked into the sky.

   The huge, broken Proximity Star-class warship prone in space like a giant. With the Rover brought with the fleet, the defeat of this Proximity star will begin to slowly recede and shrink.

   A Proximity Star dodecahedron-shaped conical spaceship pulled vertically in height and retreated like a flashing torrent of Proximity Star fortress, and it seemed to be ready to escape again.

   But Lin Yuandong did not intend to give it this opportunity.

   led by the Ranger, the whole battle group behind him began to fire completely.

  The dense fleet of ships charged against the huge stars.

   Not far away, the Yuncheng-class warship that had just been surrounded by Proximity Star and was scarred also turned its direction at this moment, desperately fighting the Star-class battleship towards Proximity Star.

For a short while, the offensive and defensive momentum on the battlefield was reversed again.


   It was at the same time that Lin Yuandong ran to the battlefield and opened fire.

   Among the three-star system.

  Tong Miaoqiu’s pupils are also reflecting the bright light of the two double stars.

She jumped into the battlefield from the rear of the main battleships such as Proximity Planetary Fortress and Homeland. She stood in the leaping battleship and saw that the battlefield was covered with wreckage, not far away, huge The planet is pressing against the main force of the Xinjing Fleet, which is receding.

  ——Of course, the ship group and the homeland she headed are completely located in the two sections of the planetary fortress of Proximity Star. Her “seeing” is through the battlefield modeling and data analysis model of the warship.

   “Target Proximity Planet Fortress, fire free!”

  Tong Miaoqiu gave orders.

  Every Yuncheng-class warship roared out and flew to the huge planetary fortress next door.

Along with the previous work of the Homestead’s one-shot electronic main gun, the shield system of the Proximity Planetary Fortress was almost paralyzed. The fully constructed eggshell mode disappeared, and the shield was barely present in only a few areas, but For the huge system of the entire planetary fortress, it is completely insignificant and has no effect at all.

   Nearly every attack of the Yuncheng-class warship killed from behind can fall on the entity of the planetary fortress, and this to a certain extent restrains the firepower of the neighboring planetary fortress.

However, in spite of this, the number of heavy artillery and firepower of Proxima Planetary Fortress is still not to be underestimated. A large number of high-temperature particle clusters flew in space, and the exchange of fire took less than a minute. The Yuncheng-class battleship brought by Tong Miaoqiu already appeared After the battle damage, the huge Yuncheng-class battleship was broken down one by one, falling down on the huge hull of the adjacent star planet fortress, and the black warship of its darkened armor was twisted and deformed, bringing out a series of firelights. .

  Noticing this, Su Ran immediately issued a new order, and the main force of the Xinjing Fleet, which has been in a state of retreat, finally began to take counterattacks.

The remaining less than twenty warships suddenly separated and became zero, revealing the bombers that had been protected thereafter, and began to actively divide to the sides, against the gradually slow artillery fire of the neighboring planetary fortress, on their surface flight.

  Under the **** of a Yuncheng class warship, bombers are dropping bombs on the surface of this “planet”.

   fires lit up. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

   It was a terrifying explosion.

   Proximity to the planetary fortress, as if a series of fire lines were lit, dazzling, and the beautiful was full of embers of destruction.

The Proximity Planetary Fortress was also violently firing. From time to time, bombers and Yuncheng-class battleships were destroyed and blasted into space, and this huge existence was slowly turning at this moment, and the huge body was pressed to the side. However, other ‘S battleship is still flying on the surface of its planet, and the horizontal and horizontal energy weapons and kinetic energy weapons destroy huge turrets.

  Various warships drove on its surface by virtue of maneuverability. At the same time, the Xinjing Fleet also launched a large number of drones and space attack aircraft to begin the turret cleaning of the surface of the planetary fortress.

   The battle situation seems to be completely falling towards the Xinjing fleet and humans.

   And at this time, Tong Miaoqiu took the fleet and jumped into the battle group at the first time, and began to attack the neighboring planetary fortress, but it was the first time to send an urgent message to Su Ran.

   The source of the news is the Pacific Ocean of the Earth, Queen of Swarms.

  Su Ran only looked at it, and then changed slightly.

  Meng Yibai claimed that she received two consecutive messages, all from deep space!




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