Apocalyptic Black Technology System

v4 Chapter 112 - Hit!

Chapter 112: Hit!

The spore life’s activated warship is inflating like a balloon.

The volume swelled about three times in just half a minute, and the “flesh” body showed strange and strange colors.

It’s like knocking over the palette.

In contrast, they are sinking all the way into the shield of Proxima Planetary Fortress. Two huge gaps with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers are emerging on the shield of Proxima Planetary Fortress.

It was like two big holes were dissolved in the eggshell.

At this moment, with the influence of the life of the spores, the entire shield of Proximity Planet’s fortress has shown a state of state, flashing in space like a huge eggshell.

At this time, the spore life-activated warship has also reached the end of its life. It can no longer maintain its shape under the bombardment of the Proximity Star Fleet, and is gradually declining in space.

Homeland is taking this opportunity to rush forward.

The dense fleet of warships of the Xinjing Fleet is advancing along the entire line in space, and the artillery fire is flying at the same time. It destroys the adjacent star dodecahedron cone-shaped spaceships on both sides in space, thoroughly clears the obstacles, and approaches the target step by step.

Finally, the two activated battleships of Spore Life were destroyed. The scene was like two colorful balloons bursting in space. The swollen body and dancing tentacles burst at this moment, just like a hill of meat Splashing in space, a tissue similar to blood constitutes a liquid floating in space. This scene is like the scene of a large plasma jet in a horror film, but the picture is more weird and absurd, and it is the dense beam energy that shatters them. Weapons are shot.

The invisible spores are also splashing everywhere in space. The message of “Liu Tingting” came to the bridge for the first time. She represents the life of the spores. She hopes that after the victory, the Xinjing fleet will assist them to recover the spores as much as possible. A large number of spore life individuals are the key to them, and they are also cultivated by consuming huge resources. The arrogant and conceited spore life does not want to lose them in vain.

Of course, at this time, Su Ran had no chance to rescue discrete, invisible spore life entities in space.

The Xinjing Fleet is advancing!

At the moment when the activated battleship of spore life was completely annihilated in space, the Homeland was also crossing the cracked and broken belts of flesh and tissues, with a intensive attack, leading the battleship of the Xinjing Fleet behind him to penetrate the battlefield.

At this moment they were crossing the two large holes made by the spore life activation warship, and the shield was thrown behind them in an instant.

However, this time, the Xinjing Fleet also had no room to move, and after losing the two “hard shields” of the Spore Life Activation Warship and the Rhino Shield Warship, the main fleet of the Xinjing Fleet that launched the frontal charge had to face directly from the front. Thousands of heavy particle bombardments in the direction of Proxima Planetary Fortress.

This is also thanks to the sphere structure of Proxima Planetary Fortress, which makes it difficult for the two sides to close the distance, and many beam energy weapons in other directions and angles are difficult to attack the Xinjing Fleet entering their dead end.

But despite this, after crossing the space junk formed by flesh and tissue, Su Ran still saw a whole piece of light rain for the first time.

Thousands of particles are coming from the front.

Bean rain.

The Beijing fleet is like a flock of birds walking through the rain.

The shield of Homeland is showing one ripple after another on the picture, which is the performance of being hit.

The Homeland was hit by hundreds of high-temperature particle clusters in an instant, the shield’s coefficient fell rapidly, and the enemy’s second round of attacks almost flew in no particular order.

“Yang Electronic Cannon!”

Su Ran’s pupils reflected the rapidly approaching rain of light, and roared on the bridge, “Fire!”

Prepare the already yang electron gun to fire heavily.

This time is different from every previous fire, directional output, 100% power.

Massive positrons reached their limit in a circle of acceleration, and turned into a devastating beam of light roaring out of the main gun of the homeland. Homeland is directly opposite the center of the equatorial planetary fortress.

And this is a continuous and continuous bombardment.

Viewed from a distance, it is like a bridge of light connecting the two worlds, connecting a heavy and huge man-made planet to the Titan-class battleship of the home of the Beijing fleet, and on both sides of this passage, light The rain was flying, the explosion of fireworks everywhere in space.

“The shield was broken…”

“My ship was hit!”

“The left string was hit…”

“The frontal main defense armor was penetrated…”

The numerous reports were ringing one after another on the bridge of the Homeland.

In the final round of attack, the homeland shield that had been supporting for too long was also completely penetrated by Proxima Star. Dozens of particles hit the homeland, and a huge hole was hit by the ship of the homeland, and an open flame burned in it. , The whole dark homeland seems to be lit by flames.

The main defense armor on the front was impacted, and the bridge deep behind them all oscillated. The red warning lights sounded. The special forces and maintenance forces and robots inside the ship were rushing to the damaged points as soon as possible. Urgently carry out repairs.

Behind the Homeland, Yuncheng-class battleships were penetrated, and some lost their power, dimmed into space, and slowly sank.

Others were destroyed directly, exploding and breaking one after another, turning into brilliant fireworks in the starry sky, illuminating the surrounding ships of the new Beijing fleet that propelled past it.

In the bridge of the homestead ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Su Ran did not pay attention to it at all, he only stared silently at the scene in front of him.

Their main gun hit.

When the laser beam of the positive electron cannon output continuously hits the point of hit, a whole piece of supernova-like light erupts. The dazzling light seems to be more dazzling than the two stars, making it almost unclear, and the flying charge And severe electromagnetic interference has made Jiayuan lose its data capture of enemy ships, and the naked eye cannot accurately observe the battle damage situation of the neighboring planetary fortress.


Su Ran was still reluctant to look away, even though his transformed eyes felt a burning sensation, he was still staring at the scene in the sky.

It’s not just him. At this moment, whether it’s the Homeland, the Leaping Battleship, or the Yuncheng-class battleship, a lot of people are staring at this scene, watching the flash hit, New China is also following Tension indefinitely.

Because they all know that the success or failure of this blow will determine the development of the next battle!

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