Apocalyptic Black Technology System

Chapter 62 - Are you the Jedi? !!

Chapter 62 Are You a Jedi? !!

Uncle Jie said here, paused, and continued: “But there should be a lot of black beetles in that university town.”

After saying this, the uncle noticed that Su Ran had heard that there were a lot of trapped students in the university town, that is, his expression was normal, but when he heard of the black beetle, his eyes were glowing and excited. stand up.

This uncle couldn’t help but swallow his mouth and said, “Does this person want to find a living person or a black beetle?” Seeing how it went like a black beetle? Now talking about the black beetle, it can be said that everyone is discolored, and he can’t avoid it. Why is this person thinking about looking for the black beetle?

But the uncle didn’t ask much, Su Ran got the information he wanted, he thanked him, took his dark energy hunting gun, and hurried out.

The Bingcheng University, a former institution of higher learning, is now in a desolate state.

Shattered vehicles, bloodstains, and unrelenting flames of smoke are everywhere on the streets outside. The university town’s portal is wide open, and there is nothing in the security room except a large pool of blood.

Su Ran walked all the way, not even a corpse was seen on the street-the black beetle brought all human corpses back to the worm nest, once as food, and second as raw materials for producing more monsters .

This is why these monsters slaughtered humans.

飞 From time to time, migratory locusts roared past, and at the end of the distant world, the sky surveyor stood on the top of the ice tower’s television tower, flapping his wings and trembling, and the whole city shook.

The uncle did not lie to Su Ran. There are many survivors in Bingcheng University.

Wu Suran came in from the edge of the front, casually walked into a teaching building on the side, and saw the survivors in many places.

The survivors are hiding themselves, some hiding under the classroom desk, some even covering their bodies with excrement …

Everyone’s eyes seemed so frightened.

This is a true portrayal of the lives of the vast majority of people in this disaster. In this era, those who can flee with the military are lucky. Many people even have to find ways to avoid the search of black beetles and slaughterers. , Struggling to survive.

I live like this, and even die.

的 No one living in this era has the word easy in their dictionary.

The puppet army was defeated head-on. Overnight, the situation faced by survivors in the city turned sharp.

Wu Suran was a visitor, and he had been so frightened like a bereaved dog, so he could guess where these survivors would hide.

But that’s it.

Wu Suran will not lend a helping hand-he also has his own things to do.

I swayed a half circle in this teaching building, and Su Ran stepped back, walking among the trees and grass on the campus, hiding my shadow as much as possible, looking for the black beetle in this university town.

这么 With so many living people in this university town, there must be black beetles, just as Su Ran was looking for them, looking for humans who were hiding.

This kind of civilization invasion has no righteousness and morality at all. The purpose of the Worm Nest is to exterminate living people in the whole city.

Su Suran quickly found a target.

It was a campus tree-lined road just across the street from the first teaching building. A black beetle was dragging a human woman’s body forward. The woman was blood and was dragged down the road. On the road, a path of blasphemy was left.

Wu Suran set up a dark energy hunting gun in the shadows. A dozen meters away, he completed the sniper.

After shooting and killing the black beetle, Su Ran quickly ran out of the shadows, approached it, took the black beetle’s body, and immediately retreated. Soon after he left, a group of flying locusts from this position Whistling past, paused for a moment, one of them fell down, took away the solitary woman’s body on the ground, flew away in a blink of an eye.

这 At this time, Su Ran was running to the next position.

Jain is in the direction of the Ice City University Gymnasium, and there seems to be a black beetle fighting the survivors.

Wu Suran approached the past for the first time and was pleasantly surprised to find that there were actually two black beetles outside the stadium!

Two black beetles, no more and no less, this is the resource point to deliver!

Where is Su Ran polite, the dark energy hunting rifle in his hand was raised for the first time, first hidden in the shadow, and crashed directly from a long distance. At this time, the second black beetle was surprised and turned sharply. Come over, hissing, and rushed towards Su Ran at high speed. Su Ran was also polite, turned his muzzle, and took the black beetle with a shot.

Immediately, Su Ran jumped out of the hiding place, quickly approached the gymnasium, took away the corpses of the two black beetles along the way, armed with a gun, and slid into the gym all the way, following the human exclaimation and scream The sound ran forward.

Su Suran thought: There are two black beetles on the outside, and three or four on the inside?

But when approached, Su Ran realized that he was thinking too much.

The ones who hunted the survivors inside were not black beetles at all, but three slaughtermen who were chasing down a group of college students.

The group of college students was rather clever. Instead of walking down the main stairs of the spacious stadium, they ran down the underground stairs all the way down to reduce the number of monsters facing at the same time ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ but the fighting power of this group of college students Almost zero, not even the lonely arrogant Dong Wu. He didn’t even have a gun in his hand. He waved a few iron rods a few times without hurting the killer. The iron rod was given the knife and foot of the slaughter. Shredded on the spot.

In panic, the survivors backed away hurriedly. At this time, a girl exclaimed, stomped her feet in a hurry, and planted it all at once. It didn’t matter, and the killer behind him killed. Come up!

These college students screamed. At this time, a brave boy rushed out, regardless of the three or seventy-one, grabbed the girl’s hair and dragged it backwards desperately. The girl hurt. They rolled their eyes, but found a life back.

Seeing this, the brave boy was slightly relieved.

At this moment, others were exclaiming.

Yes, it’s an exclamation, not just an exclamation and a shout of fear, just like seeing something that is extremely surprising.

At this moment, the boy looked up curiously, and saw the scene that made him startled.

In the dark stadium underground staircase, there is a line of light.

At this moment, there was a fierce figure, backlit, holding something like a laser sword, skillful and fierce, three times five except two, between a few breaths, he actually cleaned those few. Those college students who chased them were easily killed by the slaughterers who had nowhere to go!

The whole process is flowing, waiting for the sharp figure to kill the slaughter, turning the lightsaber into a stand, the brave boy is already stunned, and blurts out: “Are you a Jedi ?!”

Uh …

Uh …

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