Apocalyptic Black Technology System

Chapter 46 - Being caught up!

The digging worm tore the entire convoy, it broke out from the center of the convoy, and the entire road surface was opened alive. The lengthy escape team was instantly blocked into two parts before and after. The middle bus was blocked by the The huge digger swallowed it, and the living person was chewed by the dense teeth with its body, and a large amount of plasma poured out of the digger’s huge mouth, staining the monster’s pale body with shocking blood red.

The whole team was in chaos in an instant.

长 This long street was instantly divided into two parts. The main forces of the military, such as Ye Qijun, who opened the road to the front of the convoy, are basically half a street east to the front, but most of the survivors are on the half street to the west. Only a small number of combatants are now intercepted by the convoy. In half, the survivor team on the second half of the street faced the digging worms in front, followed by the black beetle swarm approaching by an inch, and there were no combatants nearby. They were directly trapped. There is no road to heaven and no door to the ground, and the situation is critical.

At this moment, the first half of the street.

Ye Qijun’s step chariot stopped first and issued an emergency order. The survivors of the former team moved forward, and Ye Qijun retreated with heavy firepower.

He ran back with his rifle all the way, stepped on the ragged ground, and commanded the walkie-talkie: “Two rows, three shifts, four shifts, with the survivors in front to withdraw, everyone else , Turn my muzzle and go back to save people! “

顺 Li Shuncheng glanced at the huge digging worm that screamed in the sky, rushed to hold Ye Qijun, and said, “Lao Ye, what plan?”

In the distance, the treading sound of the black beetle swarm came.

Ye Qijun glanced at his lieutenant and said, “There is no plan to kill this monster, and to withdraw the survivors trapped behind before the black beetle swept in!”

来到 He came under the military vehicle where Li Yilan was, and said, “Li Yilan, you immediately withdraw from this group of people. I don’t have many people for you. I hope you can help me more!”

Li Yilan nodded and just wanted to say something, and at this moment, there was a sharp breaking sound in the sky. She couldn’t help raising her head and saw the nightingale aircraft turning back sharply from the front with two 90-degree angles. The machine gun fired in the air and rushed towards the huge digger like a sharp arrow.

Ye Qijun nodded to Li Yilan, and while moving, he did not return the walkie-talkie to his waist. In the chaos, he yelled: “Brothers, cooperate with our fighters to rescue the survivors!”

He shouted in this primitive way. In this case, it was more contagious and appealing. The soldiers on the ground responded, and the troops in front of them turned around, the Bailai soldiers, two tanks and three tracked armored vehicles. Cross the huge body, turn the muzzle and muzzle inch by inch, and fire wildly at the digger.

Suddenly, the survivors of Li Yilan, under the protection of two non-integrated infantry squadrons, passed all the way through the central channel of these armored vehicles.

The earth shuddered, the billowing smoke reverberated in the streets and lanes, and the long street shrouded in dim night was illuminated by the dense firepower as bright as day.

依 Li Yilan gave up his half body in the skylight and kept turning his head to look back.

The nightingale aircraft cut into the battlefield like a sharp blade. The dense white phosphorus bombs flew out like no money. A swept swipe had already pulled out a huge mouth above the body of the digging worm. The flames spread wildly along the monster’s flesh and blood.

Under the fire of Su Ran and the military, the huge digging worm was scarred instantly, blood was sprayed, and it was terrible, howling and writhing, the whole ground was raised, and the manhole cover was washed up into the sky by pressure. The glass of the building was broken, and huge cracks of 50 to 60 centimeters wide cracked on the walls.

Electric poles and street lights smashed down one by one, some soldiers who could not avoid it were even killed on the spot!

Ye Qijun still carried his soldiers to the top of the madness, and Su Ran flew past the digging worm, and the survivor half a street after he was trapped watched flying in the air. Nightingale fighters, looking at the scarred and digging endless digging worm, each look very excited.

Some people are already panicked and crying.

At this time, looking at this scene, finally a little hope was raised.

“Don’t panic! The military is still trying to save us!”

“The military is still working hard … everybody don’t mess, don’t mess with the military!”

Xie Anzhi also turned his head and glanced.

He knew that his comrades had not given up on them, and that Su Ran was fighting alongside them in the sky.

As long as you stand up, there is hope.

Xie Anzhi held a gun and opened fire while comforting his comrades-in-arms and survivors: “You can rest assured that Su Ran will come to save us. I will give him a pack of beef jerky. Is that for free?

Under the chaos, such an unruly remark, on the contrary, can calm the panicked people more.

Of course, Su Suran could not hear Xie Anzhi’s words. He was passing through the sky at this time, but he was not optimistic. He felt that the situation was not right.

This time the siege came too fast, and the army was defeated. The black beetles and locusts swarmed quickly. They besieged them in heaven and earth, and even sent a digging worm to their face.

What should be known is that now in the ice city, many military teams are in the convoy, and there is no shortage of how far they have withdrawn and the force is far stronger than Su Ran. Why does the worm nest bite here?

According to the normal time, it takes at least another ten minutes before the insect tide can kill them.

批 The purpose of these batches of war worms is too strong, Su Ran even has a feeling ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The black beetles are specially sent to surround them first!

Time is short, this digging worm must be strangled quickly and retreated quickly.

At this moment, just like echoing Su Ran’s idea, the Nightingale aircraft suddenly issued a series of alarm sounds: “Warning, a large number of unknown units appear on the east wing, and are approaching at high speed!”

Su Suran glanced at the radar and saw a dense black spot. On the radar display, he flew straight to this side.

He immediately realized that it was an air flying unit!

The alien zergs came faster than Su Ran imagined.

The explosion of cloud bombs has just caused heavy losses to these groups of sky creatures. With insufficient strength, why do they have to stare at small groups of fleeing convoys?

With two tanks, nearly a thousand survivors, such a scale is definitely not conspicuous in the current tide of escape and retreat in Bingcheng!

Su Ran raised his head and saw the east half of the street above. Hundreds of thousands of migratory locusts were rushing into the air. The sound of the wings of these monsters rang through the entire street. Mad chaos on the chaotic streets.

Ye Yejun turned back in shock.

At the same time, Li Yilan also changed color and looked up at the dark cloud.

However, these swarms of flying locusts just swept past their heads, like a group of mad bats, they ignored the soldiers and humans on the ground directly, and hit a nightingale aircraft that was roaring and turned around in an instant. When empty swallowed up!

Ye Qijun’s face changed suddenly, and he screamed anxiously on the smoke-filled street: “Su Ran !!!”

Suddenly at this moment, Su Ran finally reacted. The target of these thousands of miles of attacking war worms was not the military or survivors here, but himself!

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