Apocalyptic Black Technology System

Chapter 44 - Burst

Su Ran boarded the Nightingale aircraft, replaced a set of super batteries, and refilled the shield’s stored energy before pulling up the aircraft, which was lifted up by the heavy buzzing of the anti-gravity engine.

At this time, on the front battlefield, the two tanks blocking the black beetle were slowly retreating. One of them was hit by a large amount of strong acid corrosive fluid, and the entire tank was emitting sour white smoke. The half-blooded body was melted through, pus and blood flowed everywhere, but still clung to his place, gritted his teeth and said nothing, and directed the tanker to withdraw slowly.

The captain’s eyes were blood-red and blood-red, holding on to his post for the last breath, he knew that he must not collapse at this time. They even have two tanks left now. If their tank is gone, How did Ye Lianchang kill the black beetle?

The army ’s desperate resistance fought a lot of time for the survivors behind. The survivors boarded various vehicles. Under the command of Ye Qijun, the convoy turned to the head of the convoy and started to go backwards. The black beetle swarm in the direction, withdrew from the back and headed for Linxing Street.

He Suran also assisted the military in firing. After being launched, four firebird missiles were fired immediately before and after loading.

All of a sudden, the entire street was engulfed by the sea of ​​fire in the sound of the explosion. The billowing smoke burst into the sky, providing a withdrawal environment for the two tanks and the tank infantry.

In the rear team, there were also scattered black beetles and slaughtermen. Li Yilan’s car was at the outer periphery. At this time, she topped all the way to the front. She just halfway out of her military. Off-road, ability to perform, wanton cold, freezing the black beetles and slaughter that sporadic culled up, to open the way for the entire convoy.

Ye Qijun took the military vehicle behind him to catch up all the way to the front.

But at this moment, there was a sudden loud noise in the sky.

Li Yilan, who had reached out the skylight for half of his body, almost instinctively raised his head, followed by sounds, but his black eyes were almost instantly reflected in a fiery red color.

On the sky, a gorgeous explosion is happening.

All the instants at the origin of the puppet explosion were vaporized, and the worm’s nest was urgently closed at this moment, and the shield was fully raised.

The flames spread from the sky above the top of the worm nest. The entire sky was illuminated by the explosion. The clouds in the sky were madly rolled like eggs, and the locust swarms like black clouds fluttered on the sky. The ground fell from the sky like rain, like fires and meteors, magnificent and magnificent.

The gloomy night sky was completely illuminated.

At this moment, within the city, the military’s news was silent.

Ye Yeqijun looks up at the sky.

Just now he was still scolding people and asked the rest of their company to step up to the front, but at this moment, he was surprisingly silent.

That was the explosion of a cloud bomb in the sky.

According to the battle plan, it is an important lethal weapon to be put into the mother’s nest and destroyed.

But from the current situation, it clearly failed.

Along with the spread of the explosion, you can see that at the end of the skyline, a stream of light is tearing the sky and flying.

That was the second round of missile bombardment. The dense missile group was launched from a military base in Longjiang, and it whistled across a long distance. It penetrated the sky like a meteor and covered half the area of ​​Beicheng District.

The flash of cloud explosions has not extinguished in the sky. The sporadic flying locusts rise from the ground and intercept the missile rain, but they only intercept the lower half. The remaining ones hit the insect nest accurately, but all exploded outside the insect nest. Above the shield, the light faded away, and the huge worm nest that stretched like a mountain still stood at the far end of the city, like a **** falling from the sky, not to be shaken.

Immediately afterwards, a cloud of flying locusts rose again from the far end of the city, and with the roar of the six sky surveyors, it spread across Amano to every corner of the city.

The cloud explosion cleared about 60% of the migratory locust units, but the number of remaining migratory locusts is still huge, and a large number of them, even under the leadership of three sky surveyors, whistled from the evaded near-Earth location, Sweeping all the way, even flying out of the ice city, disappearing into the vast night.

The Battle of Ice City has come to an end, and they are going to find human military bases.

One of the sky surveyors whistled past Su Ran directly above their location, and the entire street was swallowed up by the huge shadow cast by him.

Su Ran was slowly turning the aircraft.

The puppet army suffered heavy losses, but they made time for the entire retreat of the ice city, and this allowed Su Ran to obtain a very important development opportunity.

The loss of the military on the front of the battlefield is invisible to many people. It is not clear how many people have died these days, but it is clear to Su Ran that those soldiers blocked the body with flesh and blood. In the footsteps of the beetle swarm, the ice city can not be transformed into a monster-whole nest overnight.

But during this time, the mother nest in Bingcheng is also frantically breeding war bugs. It may take more than twenty years for humans to be born, grow up, and become a qualified warrior. But for Worm Nest, several Thousands of worms can be bred in hours. Now the military is completely defeated on the front battlefield. The endless worms will soon sweep across every corner of the city. The danger coefficient will increase by geometric multiples. All soldiers and survivors will face the real horror of the last days in the coming hours.

From their current position, they can even hear the howling of a mountain-like tsunami-like monster from the far end of Beicheng District ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Time is running out.

Su Ran glanced at his watch. His current resource point was still a little far away from 1,000 points, and his heart was a little bit urgent—before the black beetle nest swept the ice city, it was sharp in the air. Turn the nightingale vehicle on the ground and fire with Ye Qijun’s team.

With the assistance of the military and the cover of Su Ran’s firepower, they retreated very fast, but the situation is also very dangerous. As soon as Su Ran lowered his head, he saw a black beetle attacking him and was rushing towards the military vehicle where Li Yilan was .

The Jun army and Su Ran’s nightingale aircraft opened fire, penetrated the black beetle, and pushed forward with all their strength.

Moreover, with the firepower of the military, Su Ran was also a wild resource point. This time, instead of picking up leaks, he harvested the dead corpses in a fair and honest way!

The war worms killed by the army and the war worms killed by the nightingale aircraft are all recovered as resource points!

Su Suran worked alone, but was enjoying the team’s killing!

感觉 This feeling is like a copy of the group, the explosive equipment and experience are all settled on Su Ran alone.

At this time, Li Yilan was freezing the black beetle in the other direction, and when she came back, the black beetle rushing to the side almost came to her!

However, at this moment, Su Ran flew across the air, and the powerful firepower directly lifted the black beetle out of the air, and turned it into a sieve on the spot, while Su Ran passed directly, lowering the aircraft and pulling the beam of light, Pull up the black beetle’s corpse very skillfully and directly recycle it into a resource point!

Li Yilan at the back could not help but breathe a long sigh of relief, looking at Su Ran’s nightingale aircraft for a while before slowly retracting her eyes, I don’t know why, she thought her little heartbeat was a bit inexplicably fast.

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