Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 265: Keeping Watch At Night

A group of people, with four evolutionaries amongst it, including Zhao Zilong, appeared. Judging from their positions, Zhao Zilong should be the third most powerful in the team. The tenth ranker in the phase-2 list was actually the third most powerful. The other two people should possess tyrannical power.

The person in the middle looked ordinary and belonged to the type that couldn't be distinguished immediately if put in a crowd. At this time, the smile on his face was kind. He stepped forward and politely stretched out his right hand to greet Chu Han. "Hello, I am Rui Tianhe, and I have long admired your name!"

The other two people around him were equally curious and enthusiastic. They actually had the opportunity to meet Chu Han in person. It should be known, that Chu Han's name had spread far and wide in China. Only ordinary survivors, who didn't care about evolutionaries, Enhanced, the rankings or were hiding in desolate places, didn't know about him. However, these people were very curious about Chu Han as they had never seen how he looked like.

What would the supreme ranker actually look like?

"I didn't expect you to look like this." Rui Tianhe could not help sighing after shaking hands with Chu Han. "I thought you'd be a huge and burly man."

"Hahaha!" Zhao Zilong laughed. "I am as shocked as you."

Chu Han said nothing and looked at the people quietly. They seemed to have a good relationship, but he didn't know the specifics.

"Is Brother Chu going to Anluo?" Rui Tianhe asked. And he continued with an annoyed tone, "The road is blocked, and we don't know what to do. We were thinking about finding another route."

"Have you thought of removing the rocks?" Chu Han asked since it was impossible for him to change his route. He could not afford to spend a few more days on the road.

"We did, but it is tough." Rui Tianhe shook his head and looked dejected. "The freeway has basically been sealed. In some places, the piled up rocks seem like small mountains. Nobody knows why this disaster caused so much damage."

"Wait for two days." Chu Han didn't say much and then changed the topic, "How many people are on your team?"

"There are four evolutionaries, but none of us are Enhanced." Rui Tianhe seemed to be an easygoing person and didn't have any reservation to talk with Chu Han. "The rest of the team consists of more than 50 ordinary survivors. We are currently camping next to the freeway as it's blocking the zombies from coming out of the city and there are only a few weak beasts. We can deal with them easily. It's a safe area."

Chu Han scrutinized every piece of information he got while looking at the four evolutionaries. 'Four evolutionaries came to enter the city with 50 ordinary survivors? They know that a vast number of zombies are in the city, but they still chose to come?'

Zhao Zilong went back to the camp with Chu Han, "It will get dark soon. I will give you a tent to show you my gratitude for the pack of cigarettes."

Chu Han didn't speak and just followed the others, going through the grass, back to the camp. After ten minutes, the towering grass was almost blocking their sight. Plants' growth rate had skyrocketed after the catastrophe, and they occupied a great deal of land. It was something that someone could never see in civilized times.

Only Chu Han knew that in the near future China would not be dominated by high buildings in cities. Instead, it would be covered by a large amount of vegetation. The original state would take shape, and people would unknowingly return to the roots of human history. 

"Here were are. The grass is so d*mn tall!" Zhao Zilong complained.

Rui Tianhe smiled casually. "There are two tents, you can pick one."

At that point, several people had come to the front of the camp. It was easy to tell apart from ordinary survivors from evolutionaries. The apocalypse had not affected the evolutionaries as the clothes they wore, even though they were not very clean, were in better shape and they only wore very durable shoes. Moreover, some evolutionaries in a better condition would not get hungry. They could even get their hands on skin care products, which were considered a luxury. 

Ordinary survivors looked more like refugees. Most of them would be lucky to eat rice but not to the point they could feel full. The camp's survivors had emaciated appearances, and one could see the unwillingness in their eyes, but they were afraid to show their emotions. All survivors cast vague glances on Chu Han, and it was unknown what emotions were hidden behind their dull eyes. 

Scenes such as this were pretty common in this post-apocalyptic world. Combat power affected almost everything.

Chu Han didn't care about those gazes, but he felt that something was amiss. Logically speaking, those survivors would only be a burden to Rui Tianhe, so why would he take with them to the city?

"They have friends and families in Anluo." Rui Tianhe seemed to know what Chu Han was thinking. "We were also going to Anluo to find our relatives, so when we met them on the road, we decided to take them with us. To be honest, the f*cked up situations we encountered on the road were too many to count." 

"Forget it," Zhao Zilong tried to console. "These people are very poor."

"I also think that way. Although we could not promise them that they could live well, at least they wouldn't starve to death. We have quarreled several times now." Rui Tianhe shook his head. "Honestly, I don't like killing, but sometimes it's the only choice."

Chu Han listened to the conversation of those two, and he suddenly thought of He Peiyuan and Cheng Xianguo. He did not know whether they were faring well or not in Shangjing base.

"If someone may seem rude to you or curse at you, please don't mind. They're simply ignorant." Rui Tianhe smiled and patted Chu Han's shoulder.

Chu Han looked at him, and a sharp glint flashed through his eyes. He just asked casually, "Zhao Zilong have you also come to find someone in Anluo?"

"Ah? Me?" Zhao Zilong was startled but then shook his head. "No. I met Brother Rui Tianhe on the road, and I thought it was great to help so many people in need. I had nothing better to do, so I just followed him."

"I see." Chu Han nodded and then he went into the best and biggest tent without saying anything.

The four evolutionaries were dumbfounded, but they recovered soon enough. They could all guess that Chu Han would carry an air of arrogance as he was a famous ranker with an S+ score, two times in a row. Although Rui Tianhe didn't treat Chu Han, a phase-2 evolutionary, seriously, he didn't take the matter at heart. He only showed him face for the sake of his reputation.

"Tonight we should take turns to keep watch at night." He did not pay attention to Chu Han and said, "Who will be the first stay watch tonight?"

"Me." Zhao Zilong slapped his chest, "You can go and rest. Let me keep watch tonight."

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