Apex War God

Chapter 45: The Discontented Lie Ziying

Cellblock 7 was deathly silent.

Not a single prisoner dared to speak; they were already hiding far away like locusts.

They had all witnessed the young man batter their boss’s body into pieces with his fists in the fierce battle just now. A vast amount of blood splattered the ground; a generation of prison bosses died violent deaths just like that.

Yang Wu remained standing in place. The little black dog on his shoulder growled softly as if warning all the prisoners in the area that cellblock 7 would have to listen to them in the future.

Yang Wu looked at Black Ape’s smashed corpse and sighed, “Don’t be so arrogant when you get to hell!”

After speaking, he went to pick up Black Ape’s cudgel and walked in one direction.

Xu Jiaohua, who lay in that direction, paled in fright. The severe injuries she received just now prevented her from running off like the other prisoners had. Seeing Yang Wu coming over, she did not bother covering up her blood-stained chest as she knelt and wailed, “I beg Master to spare this little lady’s life. This little lady is willing to do whatever to serve Master.”

Xu Jiaohua did not forget to tear her tattered blouse a little more, wishing she could expose her voluptuous bosom.

Yang Wu ignored her appearance and said indifferently, “I’ll let you be cellblock 7’s boss for now. Can you handle that?”

“What?” Xu Jiaohua was struck dumb. She suspected she had misheard.

“You’ll be cellblock 7’s boss!” Yang Wu repeated calmly.

“I…don’t… Why not Young Master do it?” Xu Jiaohua stuttered.

“Go settle the situation. You will be this viscount’s representative in the future. If you can’t do it, I’ll change to someone who can!” Yang Wu said as he waved his hand at Xu Jiaohua.

Following that, he no longer bothered with her and walked toward the mountaintop that Black Ape originally stayed in.

Xu Jiaohua watched that upright figure walk away step by step as she knelt on the ground, holding back tears; it was a long while before she dared to stand up.

Yang Wu ascended the mountain on foot. Only when he reached the summit did he spit out a mouthful of blood and slump down helplessly, his face several shades paler.

He had gone all out with Black Ape just now, using the Dragon Turtle Sea Flipping Art to suppress Black Ape thoroughly. However, Black Ape had evoked a formidable bestial nature and managed to strike him before dying, inflicting fresh severe injuries.

Sooty whimpered, feeling distressed for Yang Wu.

Yang Wu smiled bitterly and told Sooty, “It’s nothing. I’m immortal. I’ll be fine in no time.”

He sat cross-legged on the summit and focused on recovering from his injuries, disregarding everything else.


The other cellblocks of the mountain prison:

Wang Jiuzhong received a warm welcome from Lie Feng. After consuming a lot of wolf spirit meat, his vitality had recovered quite a bit. Lie Feng had even given him some aged herbs to heal his injuries. Wang Jiuzhong did not refuse anything he was given and even wanted a quiet room to meditate in and recuperate.

Wang Jiuzhong was an experienced man. He knew that Lie Feng did all this not just because of Wang Jiuzhong’s strength but also to make Wang Jiuzhong owe him a favor. Unfortunately, he was a heartless person in the first place. He intended to leave when his injuries healed; not slaughtering them was considered giving them face.

Meng Helang and the other Eagle Knights of the Xia Dynasty didn’t dare get too close to Wang Jiuzhong. During this time, they sent people back to report the situation to their supreme commander and even contacted the general of the Barbarian Suppression Army, hoping that that general could help out a little and prevent this King from turning on them.

As for Wan Lanxin, she took care of Wan Tianlong wholeheartedly. Her authority here depended on her father. If something happened to him, she would only be an ordinary guard captain here, not the first young miss that she was.

Zhang Xiong and several other confidants protected Wan Tianlong. They all firmly believed Wan Tianlong would recover soon.

Wan Lanxin still cared about Yang Wu in her heart. Now that Lie Ziying had exposed Yang Wu’s identity, she no longer dared to care for Yang Wu brazenly and now hated Lie Ziying to the bone.

Wan Lanxin was practicing with her spear in her courtyard. Her movements were light and elegant, yet her spear appeared domineering and fierce, giving off bursts of flashing lights that illuminated the area.

A subordinate came to report as she finished a set of spear techniques.

After Wan Lanxin heard the report, her beautiful eyes were as cold as ice. She snarled, “Lie Ziying, if something happens to Little Brother Wu, I’ll slaughter you!”

She donned her armor and picked up her spear, preparing to rush to cellblock 7.

Just then, Zhang Xiong walked over and called out, “First Young Miss, the warden called you over.”

Wan Lanxin hesitated for a moment, then went to check her father’s condition.

Wan Tianlong sat cross-legged on the bed, considerably healthier than before; his life was obviously out of danger.

“Lanxin, you don’t need to bother with Yang Wu’s matter” were Wan Tianlong’s first words as soon as he saw his daughter enter.

Wan Lanxin’s pupils constricted. She countered determinedly, “Why? He saved your life!”

“So what if he did? He offended the archduke, the emperor’s blood-related younger brother. The Yang Clan already got all their possessions confiscated. If you’re too close to him, then I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep my position as warden, either,” Wan Tianlong said quietly. He paused for a moment before advising, “If you really care for him, then you should control your emotions. When Father recovers, I can at least take care of him and make his life in prison smoother. Now that Father is in this state, some people want to seize power, and Yang Wu is just a pawn against me. Once you do something out of line, we—father and daughter—can only resign and return.”

Taken aback, Wan Lanxin whispered, “Father’s contributions to the mountain prison all these years are clear for all to see. Who would dare cause trouble for Father?”

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“Putting it nicely, your father is the head of a prison, but putting it harshly, I’m nothing but the head of a remote prison. What authority do I have? As long as the imperial court gives an order, Father would have to obey without question.” Wan Tianlong revealed a helpless expression, paused for a bit, and then added, “Meng Helang is Yang Zhennan’s sworn brother. He probably rushed over because of Yang Wu. Him showing up is much better than you doing it; even if Lie Feng wants Yang Wu’s life, he will still have to reconsider carefully.”

“But Little Brother Wu had been sent to cellblock 7!” Wan Lanxin protested, still dissatisfied.

“So what? He rescued me from the bloody pit; he’s bound to have the strength to protect himself. Maybe one day he can redeem himself with good deeds and get rid of his status as a prisoner; wouldn’t that be the best of both worlds for you?” Wan Tianlong said.

Wan Lanxin had no idea what to say to that.

She questioned in her heart, Is everything really as Father said?


Word of what happened in cellblock 7 spread.

Lie Ziying immediately received the news. As the captain of cellblock 8, neighboring cellblock 7, he kept tabs on cellblock 7 at all times.

Originally, Lie Ziying expected Black Ape to mess with Yang Wu and kill him in the process. Who could have imagined that the young man would kill Black Ape and even injure or kill more than a hundred prisoners? This was definitely one of the vilest events in the prison in recent years.

Lie Ziying wanted to bring people over to execute Yang Wu as soon as he received word, but cellblock 7’s captain blocked him. Even when Lie Ziying brought out his father’s name, the cellblock 7 captain didn’t care and said that no one was to interfere in this matter by the warden’s orders.

Lie Ziying could only leave unreluctantly and turn to Meng Helang to complain. After all, Yang Wu’s assignment to cellblock 7 was under Meng Helang’s instructions.

Meng Helang’s status was no lower than Wan Tianlong’s; in fact, it was even higher. Lie Ziying felt that if Meng Helang intervened, Yang Wu would definitely die a horrible death.

Unfortunately, he again met with a roadblock: Meng Helang refused to meet with him.

Lie Ziying didn’t dare to be rash, so he could only complain to his father.

Lie Feng had thought he would become the warden; however, his dream didn’t come to fruition. This incident left him quite dissatisfied. He wished he could slaughter Wan Tianlong on the spot.

Now, Wang Jiuzhong, a big variable, was here. The deputy warden simply didn’t dare to act recklessly. He could only hope that Wan Tianlong would seek revenge on Wang Jiuzhong and get killed—a more realistic scenario.

After listening to his son’s complaint, Lie Feng felt exasperated at his son’s incompetence. “Ziying, when can you become a little more mature and sensible? You’re already the captain of a cellblock, yet you still want to give a prisoner a hard time? That’s a loss of dignity!”

“Father, he is not a normal prisoner!” Lie Ziying responded, disgruntled.

“Of course, Yang Zhennan’s son is not normal, but he offended the archduke. Only death awaits him. Even if he has occupied cellblock 7 and become the prisoners’ boss, it doesn’t matter. He’ll have more difficulty surviving when he enters the Death Legion in the future; what is there for you to compete with him in?” Lie Feng paused a while before adding, “Aren’t you just jealous that he and Wan Lanxin are a little close, so you’re fighting for her favor?”

“But…If we phrase things right, we can pull down Wan Tianlong!” Lie Ziying said desperately.

“If he could be pulled down by such a small matter, then he wouldn’t be Wan Tianlong!”

“Are we just going to leave it like this?”

“You don’t need to care about that brat; someone will take care of him. Your top priority is to go serve that lord. If you can get him to take you in as a disciple, even Wan Tianlong will have to show you great respect when he sees you.”

“Father’s right. I’ll go serve that lord now.”


Meng Helang was not alone in his room; a pretty girl accompanied him. She was one of his subordinates, named Yao Ying.

Yao Ying had already removed her armor. Wearing only a thin cotton shirt, she snuggled against Meng Helang’s chest, caressing his muscular body without pause. She breathed heavily, her face flushed.

With one look, it was obvious that they had just made love.

“Big Brother Meng, you care so much about Yang Wen; why treat Yang Wu like this?” Yao Ying asked, blinking her beautiful eyes.

Meng Helang had even shared such a secret with Yao Ying; her position in his heart was clear.

Meng Helang groped Yao Ying’s ample bosom before smiling and replying, “Yang Wen, this kid, was blessed with literary talent from birth. Although he’s met with disaster, he’s sure to make a comeback in the future; he could become the prime minister. Yang Wu was a genius since childhood, but he is far from comparable. The key point is, Yang Wu is Yang Wen’s weakness. As long as Yang Wu is alive, he will impede Yang Wen’s growth, so I can only sacrifice Yang Wu to help Yang Wen mature quickly and grow.”

“So, Big Brother Meng chose the top-scholar Yang Wen? I would do the same.”

“You only need to serve me properly; no need to ask about other things in the future. I won’t mistreat you!”


Checked by: DragonInWhite

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