Ancient Vampire in a Modern World

Chapter 95

Although her talents and power have surpassed theirs, she is still young and doesn't have enough experience to fight them. For her, they were so strong that their only way was to escape. She would never even think of fighting with them.

"R let's go! Quickly," Mia said as he rushed Keiji to move. 

"I can sense that there is a group of powerful people coming this way. Let us go now. We can never win against them no matter what. They are much stronger than us." She said while she pulled Keiji towards the direction where Han Shin said. She did not stay even further and ignore Han Shin's body that was lying on the ground. 

Her mind was in turmoil after she sensed how powerful the enemy that was coming. Just one of those is enough to defeat her. And based on her instinct that was also enhanced because of her innate ability called "enhance strength" she could feel the bloodlust that those men emit. Her innate ability enhanced strength, not only enhanced his physical abilities but his overall strength that includes his six senses. Because of how strong their bloodlust is, she could even feel it even if their distance was too wide.

She ran and went forward to escape but they were surrounded and the group didn't plan to let them go. She held a sword in her hands while on the other hand, she held Keiji's hands as she kept dragging him forward.

Keiji planned to just go along with Mia and let his strength be the same as before but he didn't expect her strength to soar up unexpectedly. Mia was now more than twenty times stronger than her strength when she fought earlier. This is why Keiji was dragged out but it was also his will which is why Mia was able to drag him out.

Mia's emotions were in turmoil which is why his innate ability "berserk" activated. Her strength instantly rose to a level where his enemy couldn't imagine. She also didn't know the change in her body as she couldn't control herself when her innate ability activated. 

She moved forward while dragging Keiji on one hand while on the other was a sword. Keiji's body was being dragged like a kite. His body was moving along in the air as Mia's speed was unimaginable. 

When she was near the group who had been in the formation ready to block Mia and Keiji if they tried to escape or run she swung her sword and it immediately created an invisible force that forced the air to be sliced upon. They were hit without them knowing it. Their bodies were thrown out and flung forward as they rolled on the ground.

They weren't cut in half but the part of their body that was attacked has the same feeling as if a bat hit that part. Being hit by the force of the air that Mia created was as being hit by a blunt weapon. The part that was hit left a red mark which is why everyone would know how strong the attack is. 

In Keiji's eyes, they were fortunate because if Mia used the sword in the right way and instead of slashing it sideways they would have already been cut in half. But she used it as a fan instead. The thick side was exposed and not the pointy side of the sword. This is why instead of a sharp piercing wind it was like a block of wind instead. 

That attack of hers had much more force but because the power had spread it has much less damage than it must have. Mia then continued running in the same direction. The group can't do anything at all as if they were just a fly that Mia needed to drive away. Mia was too fast for them to do anything but the leader had a good reaction. He then threw a shuriken towards Keiji and Mia but unfortunately before the shuriken could reach them Mia used her sword and reverted the shuriken. 

The shuriken flung back towards the leader's direction but the leader could see the shuriken clearly so he was able to dodge it. But he was still shocked at Mia's reaction. It was like she had an eye on her back and most importantly she was able to block the shuriken. And that's not all when she used her sword to block the shuriken she just waved it and was able to make the shuriken go back. 

Then Mia continued running, right now she was still able to control her movements but a part of it was only based on her instinct. And her running was due to the constant bugging of her instinct and it is also based on her judgement. 

When her innate ability to berserk was active she couldn't control her strength and sometimes even her judgement was affected. And she still didn't know the extent of her power because no one was able to make her use it. 

Even in the game, she doesn't know the extent of her power because she couldn't reach the emotions needed for her to exert it. Even in the face of death, she was still able to stay calm because it was only a game that is why until now she didn't know the extent of her power. 

Her strength right now was still not her peak strength as it was still rising continuously. She knew that if she didn't stabilize her emotions she would lose control of herself and might kill someone. She didn't even know if she could distinguish an enemy from an ally if her emotions continued to be in turmoil. 

She breathed in and out to calm herself as she continued running and dragged Keiji forward. She had already run three kilometres in an instant and had already forgotten that she was holding Keiji. She then sensed that the group was still coming towards their way. Earlier she was not confident to fight them with her strength alone and they only needed two members two defeat her.

But right now she was sure she could fight four of them but if her strength rose up another leap she might even defeat them all. And she knew that at that time she would be unstoppable unless a person who is higher than a super high-level player appeared.

After Mia and Keiji started to escape and Mia's strength rose gradually the man who was the secret commander immediately reported the situation and requested more back-up. 

"I need 10, No! 20 people who have Professional rank to fight them. I repeat 20 Professional ranks," The secret commander was getting anxious as he recalled Mia's strength.

[Are you kidding me? 20 professional ranks? You want me to mobilize a group that has the same power as a country?] his superior's angry words were transmitted in his earpiece. 

"Yes sir, I am serious," he said with confidence.

[ Do you take me for a fool? If there is someone like that in there why would you still be left alive? ] 

His superior wanted to clarify it more but he was already getting prepared to execute the command. He knew that the man he was talking to always had the right judgement but was a little over-cautious. The man never made a wrong judgement in his every order and as his superior, he knew that he only needed to lessen the force that was needed because that man was so cautious and over-exaggerated but with the right superior he was a good use. 

This reason is also the sole reason why the man couldn't get a much higher rank. The organization won't allow him to have the authority to mobilize a force. Because he might mobilize more force than what is really needed. But the organization had seen his potential; they only needed to partner him in someone to correct his judgement. 

And his superior is the one that was tasked to him. And because they had partnered up for years he knew that the man was not making a request for the second wave of reinforcement. His judgement was always on point which is why he was really treating the case very seriously. 

" I don't know about that sir, But I am sure that if you only send one hundred super high-level rank people they will not be able to capture them," he said seriously without a hint of regret and was full of confidence. 

[ Ok, I will but I also need to ask permission from the higher-ups. I can't mobilize a group of people like that ] 

His superior replied.

"Yes sir but just a reminder they might be able to escape if it lasted for more than 10 minutes." The man reminded the leader and urged him to speed up the process.

[ It might take a while and they might even choose not to pursue it any further. As you know Professional rank is already in the mid-level realm]

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