Ancient Vampire in a Modern World

Chapter 47

After the class in the morning, it was now lunchtime. Mia went towards Klyzer and asked her to accompany him to the canteen.

"Hey, klyze, let's go eat before the battle oriented class starts." 

"Ok let's go," Klyzer replied as she stood up.

Mia looked at Keiji and asked him "Keiji, do you want to come along? "

"No thanks," Keiji said casually and looked outside the open window. The wind blew from outside and made Keiji's flutter which made his figure shining under the blue sky on the horizon and the scene became more beautiful as the leaves from the blossom tree fell and went through the winds.

Mia and Klyzer can't help but find Keiji's action somewhat perfect and elegant but they just leave him alone and instead ask Ryle to come along with them which caught the attention of the scared little cat which is Ron.

Ron just blended in the back seat because he was too scared of Keiji at first he thought that his father would make Keiji pay if he got to know it but instead he was out of luck and he was the one who got beaten. 

His father was so angry at him and he didn't even know why his father seems to even want to kill Ron at that time when he told his father about what happened between him and Keiji but when his father heard the name of Keiji which is "Reign Scott" he got beaten the shit out of him.

' That Reign piece of shit I got beat up by my father for the first time because of him. But why does my father act like a mad man when I told him about Reign? I never see him act like that even when I bully a child of a top ranking official and even the child of his superiors he even said to me that if there is a next time make sure to beat the hell out of him but now. I wonder what is the reason for my father?' Ron thought those words and he can't seem to find any reason for that.

But he didn't pry into it anymore and just followed his father because his father never tried to order him without a good reason so he thought that his father might have a good reason for that and his father rarely gave him orders or got mad at him so he clearly obeyed his father especially now.

Ron looked at Mia and Klyzer who were happily inviting Ryle to eat with them but he can't do anything because he didn't want to be an enemy of Keiji.

"Sorry, but I also like to stay here. I am just gonna accompany Keiji here." Ryle said and felt ashamed because two of the most famous beauties in his school have invited him to have lunch with them but he actually rejected it.

"Ok, but you don't need to act like that, we are not monsters you know," Mia said.

"I'll try.." Ryle replied as he scratched the back of his head and thought 'Not monster! Who said so? You two have refused almost all the boys that tried to talk to you and you don't even care if it was in front of all the people. Who are you trying to trick?'

"Next time come with us, Ok!" Mia said as she smiled at Ryle.


They both walk out of the classroom while Keiji was still staring at the window with his hair swaying, it seems like the scene was from a lonely romantic manhwa.

Ryle brought a lunch box for himself but he didn't pull it out of his bag and instead he walked and sat beside Keiji.


"What?" Keiji replied without looking back.

"What are you looking for there?" 

"Everything," Keiji said as he remembered that this has become his habit since he became the lord of the vampire.

Keiji's eyes were looking through the window but the truth is that he wasn't looking at the scenery of the green forest but in the empty space between heaven and earth. Every time he looked at it he couldn't help but remember that when he was still so weak that he couldn't even save his parents.

The weakness that he felt when he saw his parents looking at him with their almost dead eyes and frail weak body made him cry a lot and miss their simple hug and pat when he was still a child. His parents were in a very pitiful state and because he only saw the sadness and hopelessness in their eyes made him even more angrier.

And because he can't take the sight of his parents anymore he couldn't help but kill them. He used his remaining strength and killed his parents then he cried a lot.

A month passed by then and he still felt guilty at the sight of his mother and father's corpse so he decided to eat them until not even a bone could be seen.

When Keiji remembered his past water started to form in the corner of his eyes but soon it was blown away by the winds.

Ryle didn't want to pry into Keiji but he can't help but peek at Keiji's blood flow and he can feel that Keiji was sad because he has learned how to read a person's mood by the beat of their heart and their blood flow.

Time passed by like that Ryle went back to his own seat when Klyzer came back and Mia also came back and went to her respective seat.


The students who were still standing and talking at each other sat in their respective seat and waited for the next teacher to arrive.

After just a minute of waiting, a man in his thirties with his eyes blindfolded and a sword on his waist entered the classroom.

"Hello, is this the 4th year class 1?" The man asked.

"Yes, sir," One of the students in front said.

"Oh thanks then, so I expected that your teacher had already informed you about the arrival of your teacher in the battle oriented class, Right?"

The class nodded at his question which made the class think if the man could see what they were doing.

"Ok so, now I am going to introduce myself first. I will be your teacher for your battle class and this class is mandatory for highschool student like you." The man said as he pointed his index finger at them.

"My name is Daniel and you can call me anything you want but make sure to know the consequence of your actions."

"So now let us start with what you know." Daniel widened his smile when he said that.

"You tell me what you know about this battle class," Daniel said as he pointed at one of the students seated in the second row.

"Sir, I only know that the battle class deals with our knowledge about the battle and our strength."

"Ok good," He said and looked at another student before pointing at it. "You, what do you know about innate abilities?"

"Hmm... I-I…" The student was not prepared to answer Daniels' question and didn't know what to do.

"Stop do 100 push-ups" 

"But, sir…" the student tried to retort but was cut off by Daniel again.

"200 push-ups, N.O.W!!" Daniel said as he released his aura in the surrounding which made some students grasp in awe.

The student was scared and immediately started doing push-ups.

"Ok, let me just remind all of you that I have the right to expel you in this school and even the principal can't do anything against it so if you want to stay here make sure to not act like a bastard."

"Now every student that can't answer me in ten-second will have to do a hundred push-ups."

"Now, You, what do you know about innate abilities?" another student has been picked again by Daniel.

Keiji looked at Daniel with interest. This is the first time he saw someone in this era who can control their aura and he was also the strongest person he saw after he woke up. 

Keiji hides his strength right away when he senses a slightly strong presence nearing him. He lowered his strength and reverted his aura.

Daniel didn't know about Keiji and didn't even notice him because Keiji only had normal battle prowess when he looked at him. 

"Based on my father innate ability is your hidden ability that can be used in real life and it can also be inherited." The student said but he really didn't know if his answer would suffice.

"Ok that is right but that's not all there is to it, you can sit down," Daniel said as he walked around the classroom looking for the next student who will answer your question.

Daniel's gaze stopped at Keiji and said "You what do you know about innate ability aside from what he said?"

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