Ancient Vampire in a Modern World

Chapter 45

Mia opened the door only to see a handsome man in front of the door. 


Mia was shocked a little when she saw Keiji in front of her penthouse. The trithis she was going to call out Keiji and hand him the credit card. But then she saw Keiji in front of her penthouse wearing the uniform that was very familiar with her.

Keiji looked at her and waited for her to continue speaking.

"Right, I still have your credit card, do you remember what happened last night?" Mia asked while she opened her back up and picked up the credit card.

"I am" Keiji replied casually he decided to change the way he lived from now onwards and that was the influence of the dream he had dreamt of last night. 

"Oh, here is your credit card," Mia said while she handed him the credit card before asking Keiji again. "Are you a student of L.A.R.K academy?" 

"I am, why?" Keiji replied as he put the card in his pocket while still looking at Mia.

"Well, I am also a student there," 

"So?" Keiji said then thought 'Oh!, I forgot that from now on I will try to talk more and be less vicious.'

Mia couldn't help but feel embarrassed at that situation because of Keiji's reply but she still said "Nothing I just saw your uniform" 

Keiji smiled and asked "How about you? are you also a student there?"

"Yes," Mia was a little shocked when she heard Keiji ask her for the first time. She couldn't help but feel happy about it because Keiji acted so cold and never replied to her with more than her question.

"Do you want to go with me?" Keiji asked her with a smile but his thoughts were ' Am I doing it right? It is said in that manga that it is normal for her to refuse when we are not that close so I expect for her to refuse me.'

"I am really sorry but I go by the school using my bicycle and it also serves as my exercise."

'Yup as I expected, then the next word that the man said there was,' Keiji thought before saying "Oh!,what a coincidence I am also using a bicycle when I got to school. " 

Mia was really conflicted by the turn of events just last night Keiji was so cold and seems to hate her and seems unapproachable but now his actions were not in line with his previous action but she still replied with a smile."Really!? then we can go to school together"

'Then what's the next thing I will say is…' He thought as he tried to search in his memories and it seems like countless books were flipping pages in his imagination until it stopped at a certain page before saying. "That's a good idea"

His thoughts were fast and it didn't even take him a second to think what he was going to say next.

Mia was happy with Keiji's answer because she first thought that Keiji was hitting on her but she didn't really mind it, if it turn out to be true, after all , Keiji was handsome and his body were perfect and he was also rich so who would be so choosy as to not let Keiji pickup on them the only problem is she still didn't know him very well so she was still a little wary of him.

They both walk into the elevator and Mia was going to press the ground floor button when Keiji saw it and his mind wandered and countless pages projected in his mind and stopped at a certain page.

Keiji followed Mia's movement and was also going to press the same button and then their hands touched each other.

Mia retracted her hands and looked at Keiji while her cheeks blushed a little.

Keiji continued to press the button and looked sideways and smiled at Mia before fixing his stance and putting his hands on both sides of his pockets.

Mia blushed more when Keiji looked at her and saw his smile, especially his natural rosy lips and white perfect teeth. Mia didn't let her emotions out and slowly suppressed herself.

'F.uc.k I forgot that it was a romance, I f.uc.ked up again.' Keiji thought as he started slapping his forehead in his imagination.

'It feels really weird. I really feel like I am getting more careless as time passes by.'

** The sound of the elevator breaks the awkward silence inside the elevator.

"I am gonna get my bike then we can go together." Keiji smiled as he looked towards Mia who nodded at him and also got her own bike."

They both ride their bike as they go to the L.A.R.K academy. They both try to have the same speed with each other as they go to school and while they were riding towards it Mia eventually ask

"Keiji, are you a new student of the L.A.R.K academy?"


"Really then what is your section?"

"4th year Class 1 - A

"Oh, really!? I am also in that class." Mia happily said as she rode her pink bike. She was not wearing the uniform of the L.A.R.K academy because she was riding a bike and it is not suitable to wear a knee-length dress while riding a bike so she wore her jogger pants and a white shirt. She planned to change it after she entered the school before going to class.

"We are? I didn't see you last time." Keiji said while also riding his bike.

"I am in a tournament so I am already exempted at that time."

"Ohh, What tournament is that?"

"It's a tournament of Cabit" Mia said proudly.

Keiji thought for a while and remembered that Cabit is a game similar to chess but instead of 64 squares it has 144 squares and instead of 32 pieces it has 48 pieces.

It has the same rules but in each side of the board there are twelve pawns on the 2nd row of each side of the board. And in four corners of the board the rook piece was placed and next to each side of the rook there is the knight beside the knight is the siege. The siege is a new piece only exclusive to the Cabit game; it has the same move as bishop but it can walk through one of the pieces in the board. 

Beside the siege was the bishop and in the two remaining squared in the 1st row of each side of the board placed the king and queen pieces and it is placed based on their color if the color of the queen is white it is placed on the white square and the king will be placed on the black square and if the queen is black it will be placed on the black square. 

Keiji was interested in that game because in his era this game was not being played or no one had invented it.

"That such an interesting game I hope I can play it too." Keiji said.

"Haha… Chess is good too but nowadays if a grandmaster fights the result will always be drawn." Mia said helplessly.

Because of the virtual world the mind of the players will eventually suit their body in the virtual world that cause humans more intelligent than before because of the constant enhancement cause by the virtual world and that is why in the virtual world mages are more common than their warrior because mages needs high intelligence and almost all the people who have chosen mage as their class have became more intelligent and in the statistics of the world 75% of the considered genius in the world have chosen mage as their main class. 

They reach their destination and stop at the gate of the L.A.R.K academy. They both enter at the same time which gather the attention of some of the students .

Mia is also a well-known beauty in their school so she was quite used to those students looking at him but when he entered at that time the number of students staring at her was thrice the number of the students that were looking at her every time.

Then she remembered that she was with Keiji and they were walking at the same time and they were so close at each other which she found embarrassing. She was going to fasten her pace but then she heard the voice of his best friend.

"Mia" Mia looked at the source of the voice and saw Klyzer wearing the knee-length dress uniform which suits her very well with her hair swaying by the blow of the wind and her face which was so pretty being shined by the sunlight that makes her soft supple skin glimmer.

"Klyze," Mia said with a wide smile.

"How was your tournament?" Klyzer asked Mia with a wide smile on her face but then she noticed the man beside Mia and said "Keiji" 

Keiji also looked at her and said "Hello!"

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