Ancient Vampire in a Modern World

Chapter 40

The world's population is getting smaller as time passes by so we are expecting that the resources will be more and poor families will have the chance to earn more but it didn't happen. As time passed by more and more lands have been occupied by those rich men. Those poor become poorer and those who are already rich become richer.

Ryle is also born in a poor family so he was working very hard just to survive and feed himself. Which is why he was forced to work in this open scam work that gathers poor children and gives them substantial but will just be forced to work by them.

'The world is really unfair' Ryle thought but he could not do anything about it so he just put it in the back of his mind as he continued hunting.


Keiji opened his eyes after 6 hours of sleep. He looked at the time and saw that it was almost noon time. He walked towards the balcony outside his penthouse and stared at the peculiar city in front of him.

From his view, a blue sky that seems to stretch in the horizon where clouds could be seen moving by the blows of wind.

He looked at it and closed his eyes as he enjoyed the feeling when the wind touched his skin that made him comfortable.

"How long has it been..." He murmured as he reverted his gaze from it and turned around before going towards the living room.

He grabbed a bottle of tequila from the refrigerator and snacks from his stacks of food. He immersed himself in drinking while watching television.

His body has a very high immunity that made it hard for him to drink alcohol in the past but soon he learned how to control his body immunity that is why he was still getting drunk by alcohol. 

After he finished drinking a bottle of tequila he grabbed another one and drank it after.

Time passed and he had already drunk 5 bottles of tequila while still controlling his body immunity to the minimum.

"Ahh… I want to forget you… why?" Keiji suddenly screams as he holds his head. 

"Even my body is getting in my way to forget you…" He said as he punched and slapped himself. Each and every punch that he threw to himself made a ripple on the air around it. 

He is still trying to control his strength so that his penthouse would not be destroyed but because the alcohol is affecting his emotions his control over his strength is not stable.

Keiji stood up and walked towards the bathroom. His pale white skin was now reddish because of the tequila he drank.

But what he didn't know after he lowered the immunity of his body a transparent gaseous thing is seeping out in the part of his body that is being exposed in the sunlight. 

He walked inside the bathroom and lay down in the bathtub. The bathroom was still illuminated by the radiance of the sun so Keiji didn't need to open the light anymore. 

He removed his clothes as he lay down in the bathtub more and more parts of his body were being exposed in the sun which Keiji didn't mind.

He opened the faucet and washed himself while still exposed by the sunlight. More and more transparent gaseous things seep out from his body which is not seeable in the naked eye.

Keiji did not know what was happening in his body as his mind was still being affected by the alcohol he just drank. 

He was not careless when he drank because he knew that his instinct can save him from any danger that will come when he was drunk and he can instantly recover from being drunk if he wants to.

After washing himself his mind was still affected by alcohol but it did not hinder his movement nor did he sway as he walked.

He wore the tight fitting suit and entered the virtual world. The capsule is placed in a room where no sunlight can reach and after Keiji's body gets out of being exposed by the sun the transparent gaseous thing stopped sipping out of his body.

He entered the virtual world and the same thing happened the surrounding change in an instant.

He found himself in the alley near the smith shop and the same spot when he logged out.

He was going out of the alley but then he heard that there were too many people in the street outside the alley.

"Ah!? f.uc.k that man who killed brad. I have already completed his tasked and I was going to retrieve my mission and receive my reward, but then I found him dead" 

"Well, the killer will be jailed immediately and we will know who it is once he got arrested but if he decided to switch faction then we can't extort him a compensation."

"That s.hi.t must be captured immediately and I want him to compensate me for that."

Keiji heard those things and knew that they were talking about him but he ignored it and was going out of the alley but after he stepped out of it a guard immediately saw him and that action triggered a notification.

[ You are now a criminal of the Prague town ]

[ The guards of the Prague town are now hostile to you ]

After that red ethereal letters form above his head which can only be seen by the guards of the Prague town and himself.

The guard who was still in front of the smith shop where Keiji killed Brad saw him and shouted.


The guard shouted and ran towards Keiji. The other guards who were still inside the smith shop that are still inspecting the body just for a show heard the shot and ran out of the smith shop. They saw the guard who just shouted running toward a nearby alley where a man was standing. 

The whole scene was seen by the bystanders in the street and also the people who were just talking earlier shot an angry gaze at where the guards were going at.

Keiji saw that the guards were going his way but he felt that their strength was higher than him so he ran away from the guards and went deeper in the alley.

He used all his strength to escape the guards and after reaching a certain distance there was a path to his left, right and front he decided to turn left and run at full speed and then there is another path to his left so he turned left again.

The guards were fast so they reached the alley almost immediately and the guard who first saw Keiji was also running at a speed that humans can't think to achieve, he was already nearby the alley when Keiji turned left again. 

and after another certain distance Keiji found two ways to his left and to his right but he turned left again. Then after reaching another certain distance he turned left again.

He ran at full speed and the guards were running at the speed not achievable to the eye. The first guard who saw Keiji turn left again and follow Keiji.

The whole process repeated itself again for two times and Keiji was going to turn left but the guard reached him and grabbed his shoulders.

Keiji instinctively romevod the guards hands out of his shoulder and ran dash again he also used his telekinesis ability to make his speed faster and his enemy slower.

'F*ck when is this alley going to, why does it have so many left turns.' Keiji thought. 

The two people who are talking earlier that Keiji was going to get caught immediately was dumbfounded when the guards and Keiji cam out of the other alley and what is the most shocking thing is it happen the second time but also the third time.

They gaped at that sight and spoke at the same time.

"Are the guards that dumb "

They are just talking earlier that Keiji wouldn't dare to escape from the guards but from what they saw they thought he was dumb but then they got shocked they found out that the guards can't reach him so it means that his level was higher but they are still sure that he will be caught after because they know what it means to have a red name.

Keiji was still running at full speed and increased his pace although his movements were flawless his mind was in a bit of a mess since he was still drunk that he forgot that they were just running in a circle.

[( Although its box //)]

But then a notification popped up and appeared in his retina but it didn't hinder his sight nor slow his movements.

[ The guard of the Prague town found you hostile ]

[ The guard is now allowed to use a piece of its strength to capture you ]

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