An Exclusive love

Chapter 68

Chapter 68 Please Forgive Me


This was why Xin Qing was so angry.

Ying Qingcang was very subjective. He was accustomed to project his own thinking pattern onto others. Of course, this was a habit of all the superior parties. But in terms of relationship, such kind of behavior would make the other one very upset. If Xin Qing was only a mistress financially supported by Ying Qingcang, it didn’t matter. But they were lovers now. Ying Qingcang would lose his temper once their relationship or Xin Qing was out of his control. Such behavior would hurt Xin Qing, making her even more helpless and insecure.

“You hurt me just because you felt uncertain?” Xin Qing turned aside to avoid facing him. She was only 18, and he was so much older than her. But he acted like they were quite the reverse.

Ying Qingcang didn’t know what to say. He freaked out when he saw Xin Qing’s intense reaction that night. The second Xin Qing fell from the horse, his heart seemed to stop. He stared at the girl lying still on the ground and didn’t dare to touch her, fearing that she would never wake up again.

While Xin Qing was in a coma, Ying Qingcang could feel nothing, as if he was living in another space. He stared at the girl in bed, making sure that when she woke up, the first person she saw was him.

“I’m sorry!” Ying Qingcang could only apologize. He had never said sorry and never apologized to anyone before.

Xin Qing stole a look at him and a bitter feeling arose. “You look so ugly. Go and clean yourself.”

“Do I?” Ying Qingcang touched his cheek and felt his beard.

Xin Qing looked at him and said, “You look like an old man.” Ying Qingcang jumped up at her words, saying, “I’ll go and shave immediately.” Then he rushed into the bathroom. When he came out clean, he saw Xin Qing’s eyes were closed. Being afraid that there was something wrong, he put his finger under her nose to see if she was still breathing. Knowing that she was only sleeping, he was finally relieved.

Xin Qing got out of the hospital the second day. When she was back to the Ying Ancestral Home, she found Rong Siman disappeared.

“Her precious son is on summer vacation. She takes him abroad.” Monica went closer to Xin Qing and said, “She is hiding outside. I know what happened that day. Ah Cang almost strangled her to death.”

Even though Monica said so, Xin Qing didn’t believe that woman had given up. Rong Siman was different from Monica. In her mind, all men should love her and surrender to her. She had a severe princess syndrome.

“Take care of yourself and have a good rest. Don’t go out again. You missed the last full-moon night. We don’t know what will happen.” At the table, Ying Hao nagged in front of her and Ying Qingcang.

Xin Qing’s face blushed and was almost inside the bowl. Seeing that, Ying Qingcang stopped Ying Hao rudely, “Can’t you stop talking? Do you want her to eat or not?”

“I’ll stop. Eat first! Eat first!” Ying Hao noticed Xin Qing’s embarrassment and added, “This is for your own good.”

Hearing this, Xin Qing looked up and asked, “Uncle Ying, how does the Ancestral Behest describe our relationship? Why does it say that Ying Qingcang likes me only because of our Totems?”

“Bullship. Don’t believe those nonsense.” Ying Qingcang frowned and gave Ying Hao an evil look.

Xin Qing glanced at him and continued, “I have the right to know, don’t I? Anyway, this is about us. The problem can’t be solved if we escape from it.”

Ying Hao nodded. Before, he accepted Xin Qing, mainly because Ying Qingcang had to take her no matter she was good or not. He originally planned to keep her in the family all her life if Ying Qingcang didn’t like her. He would find another woman to marry Ying Qingcang. But he didn’t expect that Ying Qingcang was more than willing to marry her. Besides, Xin Qing behaved like she was not just an 18-year-old girl.

This was a brave girl with a strong mind! Ying Hao was very satisfied. Even though there was a possibility that they loved each other only because of the words on the Ancestral Behest, it didn’t matter. They had to be together anyway. The reason didn’t matter.

“According to the Ancestral Behest, when you’re together, you’ll gradually love each other. This is an inevitable result and no one can resist. You will crave for each other’s body and will have the urge to get closer.”

Hearing what Ying Hao said, Xin Qing frowned and thought for a while. “Why didn’t you know that until now? Was Ying Qingcang aware of this when he first met me?” If Ying Qingcang knew, at the very beginning, that he would fall in love with me, he probably wouldn’t treat me like that.

“Those words didn’t show up in the Ancestral Behest until you were here.”

Xin Qing looked at Ying Hao in surprise. Was this Ancestral Behest really so miraculous? Ying Qingcang curled his lips and said with distain, “Perhaps you added them by yourself.”

“Bullshit!” Ying Hao gave him an ugly face and said, “You know I wouldn’t do such thing.” He noticed that Xin Qing kept her head low without a word, so he stood up and said, “You’d better be honest to each other. This is good for everyone.” Then he left.

Seeing that there were only two of them left, Xin Qing got up and was about to leave. Ying Qingcang dragged her into his arms and comforted, “Don’t be mad.”

That was it? Xin Qing was still waiting for him to continue, but he just held her silently.

Sure enough, he didn’t know how to comfort people, neither did he know how to apologize. Xin Qing pushed him away and said, “I haven’t forgiven you. You made me sad and hurt.” She touched her head, thinking that she was lucky the grass was so soft, otherwise she would be disfigured.

“That’s ok.” Ying Qingcang stretched out his arms and began to hold her again. Xin Qing rolled her eyes in his arms. It was impossible for a bossy man to truly apologize and comfort others.

Two days later, Xin Qing’s dizziness disappeared. Ying Qingcang was very well-behaved. Every night, when they slept, he just held her, at most touched her a little, never mentioning using hands. One morning, when she woke up, she saw Ying Qingcang putting all their clothes inside the suitcase.

“Are we heading back?” Xin Qing rubbed her eyes.

Seeing that she was awake, Ying Qingcang came over and kissed her. “No, we’re going out.”

Therefore, after three hours’ flight, they were in the so-called most beautiful town in Britain, Kawa, which means eternity in Greek. As soon as Xin Qing got off the plane, she was attracted by the lavender in different colors. There was even white lavender in the world! At both sides of the narrow street, the windows, the doorplates, even the cracks in the rocks were filled with colorful lavender.

“Do you like it?” Ying Qingcang asked her, who was wide-eyed and open-mouthed, like a white rabbit.

They lived in a two-floor wooden villa, with a private courtyard. In the courtyard, apart from lavender, there were many unknown flowers. Xin Qing felt like a princess, living in a house full of flowers. Even the air was sweet. Her good mood was ruined by a slutty female cook, who came in the evening and prepared supper for them.

“Where did you get the people?” When the cook was gone, Xin Qing asked.

Ying Qingcang answered motionlessly, “The intermediary agent arranged it when I booked the house. I know nothing about it.”

“Shouldn’t the British be very serious?” Xin Qing felt that the female cook was as passionate as a Hawaii girl. She was wearing a low cut round-hemlined skirt with local characteristics. Her huge bosoms were half revealed. Everytime she came to serve the dish, she would, as if consciously, shake them toward Ying Qingcang.

Seeing her face like that, Ying Qingcang tried not to smile and said. “Relax. I don’t like such big ones. Yours feel just good!”

“Bah!” Xin Qing blushed and pshawed at him.

The two people wandered around the small town every day. The leisure days put more smiles on Xin Qing’s face. Soon, the full-moon night was approaching. Ying Qingcang thought it was time for him to enjoy some benefit…

That evening, Ying Qingcang dragged Xin Qing back to their house very early, intending to finish their walking. Xin Qing knew exactly what he was up to. She pretended to have forgotten that and dragged her feet, wasting time outside.

“There’s a legend in this town. At full-moon night, everybody will turn off the lights and sleep very early, making the town look like a deserted one.” Ying Qingcang slowly began his story.

Xin Qing looked at him with a funny smile and asked cooperatively, “Why?”

“Because there’re werewolves. Legend says that at full-moon night, werewolves will capture away beautiful girls and eat them.” As soon as he stopped, a shadow jumped out from the bushes ahead. Xin Qing took fright and jumped into Ying Qingcang’s arms with a scream.

“Oooo…” The shadow purred a little, rubbed against Xin Qing’s shoes and then ran away. It was a shepherd dog. Xin Qing patted her chest in relief. She was about to get away when suddenly her body was raised up and held against Ying Qingcang’s chest.

“Now we can walk faster!” Ying Qingcang strode toward their wooden house.

Xin Qing picked a pajama with many buttons on purpose. When Ying Qingcang finished his bath and came out, she was holding a magazine, pretending not to see him.

“A month.” Ying Qingcang jumped over and continued, “I haven’t touched you for a whole month.”

“How dare you!” Seeing that he was about to tear her pajama, Xin Qing stared at him and ordered, “You’ll sleep in the couch if you tear it.”

Ying Qingcang immediately reached for her ear and bit it softly. Xin Qing’s heart itched. She believed what the Ancestral Behest said was true. Otherwise, why did she like his touch the same. Everytime he treated her gently, she would soon surrender and gave him everything.

Ying Qingcang was very soft the whole night, being afraid Xin Qing’s body couldn’t take it since she just recovered. After a while, Xin Qing was tired. She buried her head in the pillow and tried to sleep.

Then, Ying Qingcang would talk to her and told stories about his childhood, which were precious memories to him. Xin Qing was half asleep. But when she heard this, she became energetic right away.

Ying Qingcang exploited her weakness. Everytime Xin Qing was about to sleep, he began to tell his miserable memories, gaining sympathy from her.

When Xin Qing was wide awake and comforted him, he started again. Several times later, Xin Qing wouldn’t fall for it anymore. She covered herself in the quilt and slept angrily.

The sky was already lighting up. Ying Qingcang didn’t want her to be too tired. So he cleaned her body, put his arms around her and went to sleep.

The little woman was already sound asleep in his arms like a little pig, unaware of all the things he had done.

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