American: Native Empire

Chapter 74: Family Trip.

Kim Kiwoo opened the door to the bedroom and started a conversation with the empress.

“I heard what happened.”


The empress’s expression hardened at his blunt words. 

He didn’t mention the object, but it was obvious what he meant.

“Don’t blame the eunuch. He only answered my question. By the way, are you feeling alright?”

At that, Deep Lake smiled faintly at the corner of her mouth.

“What could be wrong with me? I’m fine, so don’t worry.”

“…You always say you’re fine. You can be a little spoiled with me on a day like this.”

He felt sorry for her, trying to act strong in front of him when she must have been suffering a lot.

Kim Kiwoo silently approached the empress and hugged her tightly.

Then he felt a slight tremor from her body.

He patted her back for a while.

“I know you always try to accommodate me. But it’s okay to say you’re having a hard time. I don’t want to see you sacrifice yourself anymore. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Your Majesty…”


A tear rolled down from the empress’s eyes.

She remembered the past years when she lived only for Kim Kiwoo, their children, and the empire.

Kim Kiwoo waited for her to loosen up a bit.

How long had it been?

Deep Lake wiped away her tears and said,

“I’m okay now.”

At that, Kim Kiwoo slowly let go of her.

“I wonder if I’ve been neglectful of you.”

“Neglectful? No, you haven’t. Didn’t you try to spend time with us even when you were busy?”

“No. I hardly ever went out with you because of my work.”

They did go out a few times, but only as far as the front of the palace.

In other words, Deep Lake had never visited anywhere far from the palace since she became the empress.

“How about we go on a family trip?”

“…If you’re saying that for me, you don’t have to. I don’t want to be a burden to your work.”

“Haha. I want to take a break too. So please don’t refuse.”

Kim Kiwoo smiled softly, and she didn’t argue anymore.

Deep Lake also wanted to leave the palace and go outside.

“I’ll follow your will.”

“Thank you.”

After agreeing with the empress, he explained everything to Straight Tree the next day.

Then Straight Tree thought for a long time and said,

“You made a good decision. You’ve been working too hard. Take this opportunity to relax and enjoy some nice places. But can you give us a month’s time?”

“…A month?”

“Yes. If you allow us, we’ll prepare your first family trip perfectly.”

Kim Kiwoo’s presence was more important than anything else in the empire.

Therefore, it required a lot of preparation for him to move outside.

Especially if he was going with his family for sightseeing purposes.

It would be even more perfect if they had more than a month, but Kim Kiwoo wanted to leave as soon as possible, so they offered this compromise.

“Then I can’t help it. Try your best to prepare well.”

“Yes. Trust us and wait. We won’t disappoint you.”

That’s how Kim Kiwoo’s first family trip became official.


The ideal scenario was for this trip to be secret, but that was unrealistic.

Kim Kiwoo, the empress, and their children were the most important people in the empire. 

Of course, they had to be surrounded by guards.

And there were so many people preparing for the trip.

So from the beginning, the fact that Kim Kiwoo was going on a trip was widely known.

Naturally, the Ministry of Internal Affairs turned into a battlefield in no time.

“In a month, His Majesty the Great Emperor, Her Majesty the Queen, and their two children will go on a trip. We have to prepare everything perfectly for them. Got it?”


After Straight Tree declared this, they started designing the most ideal route for this trip.

Many plans were made and discarded.

For several days, the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs worked day and night to select some routes.

With them, Straight Tree went to see Kim Kiwoo.

“Your Majesty. I have prepared a tentative itinerary. Would you like to take a look?”

“Very well.”

Kim Kiwoo nodded, and the upright tree began to explain one by one.

Kim Kiwoo listened attentively and thought.

‘In the end, I have to choose whether to visit the cities or enjoy the natural scenery.’

The empire’s land was so vast that there were many places where one could feel the greatness of nature.

But most of those places were underdeveloped areas, and they were very far away.

On the other hand, the nearby cities were close and had well-maintained roads. 

If he wanted to experience the benefits of civilization, the latter was much better.

‘I guess it’s better to choose the former.’

He had to consider the age and stamina of the empress.

It would be troublesome if she got sick from traveling to such rough places.

Besides, visiting other cities was also a first experience for the empress and their children.

Therefore, Kim Kiwoo made an easy decision.

“It would be better to focus on the cities.”

“I knew you would say that.”

Kim Kiwoo chose the most appealing route among the city-related ones.

This way, he roughly decided on the region.

After that, the Ministry of Internal Affairs selected the places that had to be visited in that region, and planned everything considering accommodation, restaurants, and other things. 

Then they reserved the places.

“Are you saying that His Majesty is visiting our theater?”

“Yes. You will cooperate with us, right?”

“Of course… Thank you! Thank you so much!”

The managers of the places chosen by the Ministry of Internal Affairs were overjoyed.

Even though they could not accept any other guests while Kim Kiwoo was visiting.

They had no choice.

The symbolism of Kim Kiwoo’s visit was not light at all.

Even if they put aside the honor, the financial benefits they would gain from this were unimaginable.

The theater where His Majesty visited, the hot spring where His Majesty visited, etc.

As soon as they got this symbolism, it was obvious that countless imperial citizens who served Kim Kiwoo would visit them like pilgrims.

“How can this be?”

“Why didn’t we make it to the list?”

“Damn it!”

On the contrary, the managers of the places that were not selected vented their anger and despair.

They missed a huge opportunity while their eyes were wide open.

But they could not go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and complain.

If they did, they could be punished for soliciting public officials.


While the Ministry of Internal Affairs was busy moving, rumors spread quickly.

And finally, all newspapers reported Kim Kiwoo’s travel news on their front pages.

“Oh! His Majesty is going on a tour. How long has it been since this happened?”

“Can we see His Majesty’s face from afar like in the old days?”

“I hope he comes to our city this time…”

“No doubt! He will definitely stop by here.”

Kim Kiwoo’s every move was the top priority of interest for the imperial citizens, so people began to have expectations.

But too much attention was not what Kim Kiwoo wanted. 

His purpose was to spend time with his family.

Therefore, Kim Kiwoo made a request in The Imperial Newspaper.

In summary, this trip was for taking a rest, so he asked them to refrain from actions such as blocking the road like last time.

“That’s right… His Majesty needs a rest too. How busy has he been for us all this time.”

“True. We have no way to repay His Majesty’s grace, but we can’t interfere with his rest either.”

This story in The Imperial Newspaper touched the hearts of the imperial citizens.

Thanks to this, news about this spread through various private newspapers and created a social atmosphere.

“Let’s all try to make sure His Majesty can rest well!”

“Don’t bother His Majesty’s precious time with his family!”


Many imperial citizens voluntarily went out on the street and warned people around them firmly.


Finally, the morning of departure arrived.

“Are we finally leaving?”

“Are you that happy?”

“Of course!”

The only princess of the empire, Brilliant Starlight smiled brightly.

She had been counting down until today.

She even had trouble sleeping last night, so she had dark circles under her eyes.

“Ha ha. Then get on quickly.”


As soon as she got Kim Kiwoo’s permission, she jumped onto the emperor’s exclusive carriage.

After the princess got on the carriage, Kim Kiwoo turned his gaze to the fourth prince, Blue Earth.

‘He’s quite something too.’

They were on their way to a family trip, but he looked like he had sandbags on his ankles.

Blue Earth was a rare breed, just like the crown prince.

The prince openly said that he wanted to be the future military chief and devoted himself to martial arts training since he was very young.

“You should get on too.”

“Yes, Father.”

Perhaps because of that, Blue Earth answered seriously and followed the princess into the carriage.

The four of them, himself, the princess, the prince, and the empress, were the members of this trip.

‘It’s a pity. It would have been nice if the other guys came along too.’

But the crown prince and the second and third princes were busy learning and gaining various experiences right now.

So only the two young ones accompanied him on this trip.

Kim Kiwoo sorted out his thoughts and got on the carriage with the empress.

“We’re leaving now.”

“Let’s go.”

Soon, the wheels started rolling by the llamas.

‘It’s definitely different from before.’

He felt it every time he rode it, but it was different when he was with his family.

In the past, if the recoil from the wheel hit his whole body, now it was greatly reduced.

He wrapped rubber around the wheel and installed plate springs to minimize the shock.

He could feel the development of technology from these small details.

While Kim Kiwoo was having these thoughts, the carriage soon passed the entrance of the palace.


“Ha ha. You’ll be in danger if you stick your head out like that. Come and sit here.”

“Hmm. Yes…”

Kim Kiwoo made the princess sit down, who was glued to the window looking outside, and stroked her head.

“Are you curious about outside?”

“It’s amazing! There are so many people!”

Brilliant Starlight drew a big circle with both arms.

Kim Kiwoo nodded his head and glanced out of the window.

There were countless crowds on both sides of the road, just like when he went to Black Sky in the past.

Of course, thanks to Kim Kiwoo’s request through the newspaper, they just quietly watched Kim Kiwoo and his escort procession, instead of shouting out loud or cheering like before.

Thanks to that, he could have various conversations with his family without any interference.

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