American: Native Empire

Chapter 62: The Use of Sulfuric Acid.

Making nitric acid was relatively easy once concentrated sulfuric acid was produced.

It was not hard to obtain nitrogen compounds such as guano, which was imported from the Andes region, or saltpeter, which was recently brought in.

Kim Kiwoo added concentrated sulfuric acid to saltpeter, heated it, and then distilled it.


He finally completed the nitric acid.

‘Of course, it would be difficult to use nitric acid industrially right now.’

The main use of nitric acid was undoubtedly the production of smokeless powder.

He planned to continue experimenting with smokeless powder in the laboratory, but he did not have the capacity to produce it in large quantities at the moment.

Nevertheless, the reason why he made nitric acid so quickly was because of the mass production of sulfuric acid.

The contact process for making concentrated sulfuric acid could not produce enough sulfuric acid under the current conditions.

‘I have no choice but to use the nitric acid process.’

Kim Kiwoo intended to make sulfuric acid by building a lead chamber, a structure with lead-lined walls.

By using the nitrogen oxides from nitric acid as a catalyst, he could oxidize sulfur dioxide to sulfur trioxide.

Then, by reacting it with water, sulfuric acid was formed.

Of course, the lead chamber process was a method of producing dilute sulfuric acid and it had a lot of impurities, but it did not pose any problem for the process that Kim Kiwoo wanted to apply.

Since he intended to mass-produce using the lead chamber process from the beginning, the lead chamber was gradually built even before he made nitric acid and sulfuric acid.

“Your Majesty, we have completed the lead chamber.”


And finally, he received the news of the completion of the lead chamber.

Kim Kiwoo did not hesitate and moved to the research complex.


Kim Kiwoo looked around the lead chamber that was located next to the chemical laboratory.

He examined both the exterior and the interior lined with lead.

From now on, dilute sulfuric acid would be mass-produced in this lead chamber.

“You made it exactly as I imagined. You did a great job.”

“What trouble are you talking about? The structure was very simple and not difficult at all.”

He said that, but it must have been quite hard to cover the entire interior with lead.

Kim Kiwoo silently patted his shoulder and then stroked the wall covered with lead.

Then he felt the coldness of the lead metal through his palm.

The reason why he covered the wall with lead was because lead was not corroded by sulfuric acid.

Lead itself was not very reactive and it formed a lead sulfate film when it reacted with sulfuric acid.

After making the lead chamber, Kim Kiwoo immediately gathered the researchers.

“You all understand the concept of the lead chamber process, right?”


The researchers answered briskly.

While making the lead chamber, they also experimented with making sulfuric acid using nitric acid in the laboratory.

And they had already learned how to use the lead chamber well.

“Good. Then move to your positions.”

And then, the lead chamber process began.

Kim Kiwoo kept a safe distance and watched the experiment conducted by the researchers.

That’s how he finished preparing for mass-producing sulfuric acid in Wakan Tanka Empire Empire.


Of course, since it was their first experiment, they went through several trials and errors.

The timing of injecting gas from burning sulfur, nitric acid, and water into the lead chamber.

The volume of each substance.

How much reaction should be done to make it optimal.

They repeated and repeated experiments while considering all these things.

But as time passed, visible results began to appear.

This situation provided a strong motivation for the researchers.

They could see the end in sight.

And finally,

They found the most ideal process for producing dilute sulfuric acid.

Kim Kiwoo thoroughly reviewed the product and then slowly nodded his head.

“It’s a success.”

As soon as Kim Kiwoo’s short declaration ended, cheers erupted from the researchers.



“We did it!”

They hugged each other and celebrated their first chemical achievement.

Kim Kiwoo waited until their cheers subsided a bit and then spoke up.

“You all worked really hard. From now on, the sulfuric acid produced in this lead chamber will be used in many industrial sites. So I hope you work harder until the lead chamber process is firmly established in the empire.”

“How can we refuse!”

“Leave it to us!”

Making and setting up sulfuric acid production and mass production process was one thing, but entering full-scale mass production was another thing.

They had an absolute role in making enough sulfuric acid for the empire’s needs.

That meant they had to work tirelessly until enough amount was mass-produced.

Kim Kiwoo gave them plenty of alcohol and meat, and a bonus, and ordered them to rest for a few days.

And as soon as they returned, he started the full-scale mass production of sulfuric acid.


As the empire’s industry progressed, the patent system gradually revealed its outline in the empire.

Kim Kiwoo gave a lot of wealth to those who made outstanding inventions or discoveries from the beginning.

For example, to craftsmen with keen eyesight who invented the wheelbarrow.

Moreover, since the end of the war with the Aztecs, he introduced the medal system and raised their honor as well.

But he did not give them exclusive rights like modern patents.

At that time, most of the products circulated in the empire were made by the government, and if he gave patents to private parties, it could hinder the scientific development that Kim Kiwoo wanted.

But as time went by, private merchants began to make various products and the story changed.

Of course, major products such as iron tools, paper, pottery, glass, etc. were all made by the government, but private merchants made and sold art works, clothing, furniture, books, and various idea products.

Especially in the case of idea products that were easy to make but useful in real life, there were many problems.

“What do you mean? This clothes hanger was developed by our merchant group, but why are you selling it in your merchant group? You have no business ethics!”

“Huh, so did our merchant group break the imperial law? We are paying taxes properly and complying with the law. If you have a complaint, go to the Supreme Court.”

“What? Are you done talking?”

“I’m done talking! What are you going to do? Do you want to fight?”


When the other party came out defiantly, White Wave trembled with anger.

He wanted to punch that guy’s face right now.

But that would make him worse off.

He couldn’t mess up his work because of his emotions.

“Let’s see how long you can act so confidently.”

“Fine, have it your way. We have a business to run, so get lost. Or else, I’ll report you for interfering with our sales.”


White Wave glared at the man once more, then left the building and returned to his headquarters.

“How can they be so despicable!”


After the whole story was over, the employees of the headquarters also showed the same reaction as White Wave.

But as long as the imperial law did not protect their inventions, they had no choice but to suffer from such vile tactics.

‘The law has to change. The current law is wrong.’

These things that turned their hard work into bubbles were clearly unjust.

In the end, White Wave had no one to cling to but the imperial supreme court.

These things were just the tip of the iceberg.

Perhaps because it was a matter of money, all kinds of things were happening all over the empire.

Kim Kiwoo also received constant reports of these things, which was only natural.

‘Hmm. I guess I have to address the patent issue.’

Especially in the empire, they valued the act of making something new very highly, so it was obvious that more problems would arise as time passed.

Therefore, Kim Kiwoo established a patent office under the supreme court and made a patent law.

Its content was very similar to that of modern patent law.

But there was one difference: there was an exception clause that allowed anyone to use any patent if they paid a certain royalty to the government continuously.

It was a blatant evil law, but it was unavoidable to prevent very important inventions from being tied up by patents.

Otherwise, development could be hindered.

At least this exception clause required Kim Kiwoo’s approval, so there would be hardly any cases of abuse.

As time passed, he finally promulgated the patent law in the empire.

The news stirred up the upper class of the empire.

“Ha! We don’t have to see those scumbags’ misdeeds anymore!”

“Good riddance!”

Many merchants sympathized with the purpose of the patent law.

“But doesn’t this exception clause bother you?”

“Ha ha. You worry too much. Look at that. It says ‘only with His Majesty’s approval’. Do you think His Majesty would do something unfair?”

“Now that you mention it, you’re right. His Majesty is not that kind of person.”

They trusted Kim Kiwoo so much that they didn’t object to the exception clause either.

And this patent law accelerated the development of various industries.

With the advent of patent law, it became possible to make a huge amount of money by hitting a jackpot with one invention.

This was an opportunity for many idea products to flood the market as metal processing techniques and new concepts of tools such as cranks and gears became popularized.


Kwoong! Kwoooong!

White Wave visited Black Sky’s paper mill for the first time in a long time, and looked at the waterwheel that was spinning endlessly.

At this moment, too, wood was being crushed by the waterwheel.



A familiar voice reached White Wave’s ears.

White Wave took his eyes off the waterwheel and looked behind him.

There, his disciple who had risen to become the chief manager of the paper production process was running towards him.

“Why are you running like that? You’ll fall down. You should think about your age. Your bones won’t heal well now.”

“Ha ha! I’m still fine, don’t worry. But how long has it been since you visited?”

“Well. I’ve been so busy lately that I didn’t have time to come.”

White Wave had risen from Black Mud to become the head of industry.

That’s why he had been very busy these days.

“You know that well. You’re working hard in your old age.”

“Heh heh heh. What hardship? I’m satisfied with my present. Besides, I get to see His Majesty often.”

“…That must be very nice.”

“Why don’t you join the industry department if you’re jealous? I can arrange a place for you.”

“Ha ha. Who will run the paper mill if I leave?”

“What? Heh heh! I used to think that way too. But even without me, it ran well.”

“That’s because your successor is so excellent.”

“Aren’t you ashamed of putting gold on your face?”

They continued to catch up on old times after that.

White Wave was the one who started the paper industry.

When Kim Kiwoo entrusted White Wave with the paper mill, he was very young.

But before he knew it, White Wave’s face was full of wrinkles.

The same was true for Blue Leaf, who was currently in charge of the paper industry.

Blue Leaf was White Wave’s disciple.

After finishing their stories, White Wave got to the point.

“By the way. How is the paper mill doing these days?”

“Ha ha. You came for inspection after all.”

“Well, I came to see your face, too.”

“Wouldn’t it be better to see for yourself than to hear from me? You haven’t forgotten about the paper production process, have you?”

“Heh, are you treating me like an old man? I’m still active, you know. How could I forget those things?”

Soon, they moved on to the next step.

The first thing they saw was the wood crushing process.

“The world has improved so much. Now we can easily break down wood like that.”

White Wave muttered as he watched the wood being crushed by the waterwheel.

Of course, the waterwheel was introduced when White Wave was in charge of the paper industry.

At that time, the introduction of the waterwheel was nothing short of a revolution.

It made the work that used to be hard with human labor much easier.

But the waterwheel now was different from then.

As time passed, the waterwheel also developed.

The craftsmen constantly improved the waterwheel to make it more efficient and useful for various industries.

They used cranks to convert the rotational motion of the waterwheel into linear reciprocating motion, and they used the difference in radius size of two gears to obtain much faster rotational force.

As a result, it became harder to find a process that did not use a waterwheel.

“Ha ha. You didn’t come to see the waterwheel, did you? You should see that process quickly.”

“You’re very quick-witted.”

White Wave nodded slightly.

He had a reason for squeezing his busy time and visiting Black Sky.

Soon, they arrived at the process they were aiming for.

There, the process was still going on diligently.

Blue Leaf exclaimed as he saw the scene.

“His Majesty is truly amazing. Thanks to him, making paper has become much easier.”

“Heh. Why are you saying that now?”

He said that, but White Wave’s feelings were no different from Blue Leaf’s.

‘Geez, sulfuric acid is really amazing.’

Kim Kiwoo had devised countless things so far, but among them, sulfuric acid was a very remarkable substance.

White Wave spat out exclamations as he confirmed the effect of sulfuric acid with his own eyes.

Wood is composed mainly of cellulose and lignin.

Lignin was the element that made wood hard.

The most important thing in making paper was to remove impurities including lignin and make cellulose microfibers. That is, pulp.

Until now, they had to put a lot of effort into removing lignin, but now it has become much easier.

It was because they could use sulfuric acid to remove lignin.

As a result, the productivity of paper improved dramatically compared to the past.

That was why Blue Leaf made such a fuss.

“Is there anything uncomfortable?”

“Ha ha. How could there be? The only thing I want is for you to supply more sulfuric acid.”

“Just wait a little. We’re constantly increasing the production facilities for sulfuric acid. It will be provided abundantly soon.”

“I trust you, Master.”

Since the paper production volume was so large, the amount of sulfuric acid consumed by many paper mills in the empire was also enormous.

And there was another place that sucked up sulfuric acid as much as the paper mill, so the supply of sulfuric acid was still very scarce.

But since the refinery was growing steadily, this problem would be solved as always.

< The Use of Sulfuric Acid. > The end

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