American: Native Empire

Chapter 165: The World Union (5).

“What exactly is this duty you speak of?”

The foreign minister spoke up.

“First of all, as you all know, unless there are special circumstances, any sanctions against equal member nations for personal reasons will be prohibited. This includes all fields, such as military and economy.”

“Special circumstances… That’s a very vague term. The criteria are not clear. Who decides that?”

“That’s a fair point. However, we cannot predict what kind of conflicts will arise in the future. Therefore, we plan to establish a Conflict Resolution Committee within the World Union.”

“A Conflict Resolution Committee?”

“It is an organization that will judge and resolve any conflicts that occur between two or more nations.”

“I understand the purpose. However, depending on the composition of the committee, there might be some unfair cases.”

The foreign minister nodded calmly at the criticism that burst out.

“That’s a valid point. We will surely face many trials and errors. But I am confident that this is the best option we have right now. If you have any better suggestions, please let me know. If they are reasonable, we will accept them.”


Silence fell over the International Conference Hall again.

In fact, in the current situation, even if the Wakan Tanka Empire unilaterally mediated the conflicts, it would be hard to stop them. 

Nevertheless, the empire tried to proceed with the matters as rationally as possible.

That’s why the participants did not raise any more objections.

“There seems to be no more comments. Then let’s move on from the matter of the Conflict Resolution Committee. Next, any unequal treaties between member nations will be completely banned. If you have any treaties that fall under this category, we strongly recommend that you renegotiate them. We will also establish standards for this in the future.”


As soon as the statement on this issue ended, quite a lot of participants’ faces were shadowed, while others brightened up.

It was because the powerful nations had made many treaties that were unilaterally favorable to them when they made treaties with the weak nations.

Aware of this, questions followed immediately.

“What happens if a treaty is deemed unequal?”

“If a treaty is clearly unequal and the World Union recommends modifying it, but they refuse to listen, then the Union will impose disadvantages on that nation. We hope that this does not happen.”

“Then what if a non-member nation joins the World Union?”

“They will have equal rights regardless of when they join the World Union. If they have any unequal treaties, they can request modifications, and this is their natural right as a member nation.”

“I understand.”

Many more questions followed, and the foreign minister answered them. 

Since treaties were sensitive issues, it took quite a long time.

“Let’s end it here for today.”

That’s how the International Conference ended that day. 

But the discussion on the World Union continued for a long time. 

It was because it was such a delicate matter.

The regulations and tariffs on trade that would take place in the future, how much funds and technology levels the empire would support to the member nations, the disadvantages that would be incurred when leaving the World Union, etc.

There were many more things besides these, and among them, Kim Ki-woo’s desired issue also passed.

‘I’m glad there was less resistance than I thought.’

It was none other than the provision that from now on, oil payments around the world could only be made with Wakan Tanka Empire’s currency.

Kim Ki-woo wanted to push this through at this International Conference. 

It was to make the imperial currency a reserve currency.

From now on, the era of oil would last for a very long time. 

In the era of oil, currency linked to oil would inevitably become a reserve currency. 

If you need imperial currency to buy oil, then as long as oil has value, imperial currency will also have value.

Of course, there was some opposition. 

There were quite a few people who realized that oil would become important in the future.

Anyone who knew a little bit about the imperial situation could see that oil’s value would increase even more by looking at internal combustion engines and petrochemical products.

But no one knew where oil would come from except for the empire right now. 

In this situation, it was very risky to go against the empire’s will.

It was before it was discussed how much support would be given to member nations.

Thanks to that, this agenda passed more smoothly than expected.

‘Of course, I don’t know how it will turn out in the future…’

But now that the agenda had passed, Kim Ki-woo had no intention of letting go of his rights over oil.

After countless discussions, finally,

“I hereby officially declare the establishment of the World Union.”

Clap clap clap clap!

With a huge applause, the World Union revealed itself to the world.


Afterwards, the International Conference was concluded after some details of the World Union were settled.

But the fierce competition among the member countries had just begun.


“Pl-please spare me…”

Many departments, especially the Foreign Ministry, screamed at the overwhelming workload that flooded in. 

It was too busy to receive and coordinate the support requests from the member countries.

After some consolidation, it was reported to Kim Kiwoo.

Kim Kiwoo shook his head as he looked at the report.

“The requests are very extravagant, huh? They don’t really think they will be accepted, do they?”

“Yes. Since there is no clear criterion yet, they seem to be asking for as much as possible.”

“Tsk tsk. They won’t get more support by doing this.”

The scale of support for each country had been internally determined long before the International Conference was held.

Of course, there were some changes due to the territorial changes and attitudes that occurred afterwards, but they had no intention of giving more support to the countries that wanted more.

‘They should be grateful for this much.’

Honestly, the scale of support that was internally confirmed was not small at all. 

It was just that the member countries wanted more.

“Tell the Foreign Ministry to negotiate according to the guidelines. We can’t afford to give any more support. Emphasize that this is not the last support.”

Kim Kiwoo had no intention of giving all the support at once. 

It was better to give support sequentially for securing the empire’s influence, and it could minimize the waste of resources.

“Make sure to formalize it in the negotiations. If a country wastes this support, the scale of future support will be reduced.”

Most of the countries had a feudal society with a king and nobles at the top. 

Even in Wakan Tanka Empire, there was an emperor named Kim Kiwoo. 

Of course, it was different that all people under the emperor were equal.

And in such a feudal society, there was a high possibility that the support would be wasted by the greed of the king and nobles.

Kim Kiwoo had no intention of letting this happen. 

The money invested now was an investment. 

If a country succeeded in modernization with this support, the imperial government could also benefit from it.

But if they failed because of the high-ranking’s greed, the empire would also have to bear the loss.

Therefore, he planned to drastically reduce the scale of future support for such countries.

‘They all reap what they sow.’

Kim Kiwoo was sure.

Depending on how much they used the empire’s support at this time, the future advanced countries would be decided.

Kim Kiwoo hoped that many countries would devote themselves to national development.


As time passed, negotiations with member countries were finally completed.

And from then on, simultaneous support began in earnest. 

Kim Kiwoo smiled bitterly as he saw the government budget being drained out.

“I expected it, but it’s amazing to see it with my own eyes. Is there no burden on the government finances?”

“Thanks to this, we have greatly reduced our excessive budget that had been accumulated for a long time, but there seems to be no problem.”

Kim Kiwoo agreed with what the finance minister said.

‘It’s better to circulate money like this.’

Anyway, money was pouring in like water at this moment. 

Even if they spent it like this, it would pile up again soon.

Money was not a problem at all. 

The problem now was sending personnel.

“Is recruitment still slow?”

“…I’m sorry to say that it is.”


Kim Kiwoo clicked his tongue.

‘I knew this would happen and prepared for it long ago.’

He had always wanted to promote global modernization. 

That’s why Kim Kiwoo had implemented compulsory education, while also excessively cultivating talents for overseas dispatch, such as educators and technicians.

As a result, he had achieved a certain level of his goal. 

The problem was that these talents were reluctant to go to the underdeveloped countries.

‘I can understand their feelings, but…’

These talents could live well in the empire, even without going abroad. 

They had no reason to go to a dangerous and unfamiliar country across the sea.

‘But I can’t just let them stay.’

This was a promise between nations. 

As a founding member of the World Union, the credibility of the Wakan Tanka Empire was at stake.

Besides, the modernization of those countries required not only money, but also technology to support it.

“I have no choice. I’ll monitor the situation for a week, and if it doesn’t improve, I’ll proceed with the next plan.”

“…That’s how it’s going to be.”

At his words, the face of the industrial minister became very gloomy. 

If that plan was executed, there would be nothing good for the industrial department staff.


A week passed quickly.

 But unfortunately, there was no dramatic change.

Kim Kiwoo declared.

“For the next two weeks, I will accept additional applications for overseas dispatch personnel. During this period, those who voluntarily apply can choose the country they want, as before. However, after two weeks, those who are selected and supplemented will be sent to the countries where there is a shortage of personnel, regardless of their will.”

In other words, he meant to forcibly recruit overseas dispatch personnel after two weeks.

Of course, Kim Kiwoo had no intention of recruiting key personnel such as engineers from the Imperial University. 

The targets were those he had intentionally overproduced.

“What the…”


When this news spread, many of the targets were shocked. 

They didn’t expect Kim Kiwoo to push such a hard-line policy.

But it was already a decree. 

It could not be reversed.

Of course, it was all luck. 

Only a few of the targets would actually be selected.

But what if they were unlucky enough to be picked for overseas dispatch?

Not only would they have to go to a faraway country across the sea, but they might also be thrown into a harsh environment.

For example, Africa or Russia, or even the Middle East with extreme conditions.

“Damn. It’s better to apply nicely and go to a decent place. How can you live in such a horrible place?”

In the end, quite a lot of people applied. 

But still, there was a shortage.

And after two weeks, as promised, Kim Kiwoo forcibly selected people to go to the regions where there was a shortage.

“No way! Why me…”


Those who were selected screamed and denied reality.

But nothing changed by doing so. 

They eventually had to go to the countries where there was a shortage of personnel, regardless of their own will.

And that’s when global modernization began. 

Abundant funds and technical support quickly transformed the countries that had the will to modernize.

Thanks to the establishment of the World Union, they didn’t have to worry about war, so the growth rate of the member countries was very fast.

That’s how the era changed dramatically.

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