American Manga God

Chapter 7

Chapter 6: Break Through The Shackles Of Talent

Forty years since the resumption of the college entrance examination in the Great Celestial Dynasty, thousands of champions have been awarded in various provinces and cities.

Few people paid attention to what happened to these people who wore the halo of Heaven’s Chosen back then.

Later, an organization made statistics: unfortunately, most of them did not achieve very well later, and the highest achievement was a senior manager. Their achievements are far from worthy of the glory of the year.

After many people graduate from school, when they look back many years later, they will find that the ones who get the best and make the most money are often the scumbags who studied badly back then. To subdivide it a little more, it is often those **** who don’t usually study, and who only passed the exam three days ago in a hurry, are the most likely to become real cheaters when they go out of society.

If you want Meimu to become a neurosurgeon, don’t ask, the patient is dead.

Inheriting the knowledge of the previous plum tree in this world does not mean that you can master it. The gap in learning ability between the scumbags and the masters is not something that can be easily surpassed.

When it comes to studying the plot and how to be a good master, Meimu has a wonderful self-confidence.

Perhaps, this is because every house has a heart to save the world!


Well, Meimu can’t make it up by himself.

Learning scum is not equal to being brainless. Umegi wondered how to use this [Fate Offset Value]?

Sitting in a Starbucks, Meimu dangled a thing the size of a grain of rice in his hand, emitting a mysterious purple-blue glow. He was very sure that others could not see this thing, because the people next to him looked at him as if they were insane.

No way, it’s one thing not to see the light spot in his hand, mainly because he’s a little scary. The twisting scar on the back of his hand, coupled with the constant shaking of his hands, looked like he was having an epileptic seizure.

Passersby are ready to call 911.

“Hi! Dude, I’m fine, I’ve been in a car accident.”

Nima, it was a good time to call the police. The ambulance really came, but I wanted to deduct my money.

If it’s still the original Stephen, I don’t think I can even call an ambulance right now. Ambulances in New York State are all privately contracted, and the cost of driving is very expensive. Those who do not buy commercial insurance will have to jump into the river once they call an ambulance.

Meimu really wanted to find a passerby as a guinea pig to test the Fate Offset, but in the end he gave up this plan.

[Night Shift Nurse] This thing only appears in Marvel comics, not in the plot line of the movie.

This proves that this Marvel world is probably not a pure movie version of the Marvel world.

Then the head is big.

If it was the comic version of Marvel, it would be messy and unreliable.

After all, after n authors and n editors, the Marvel world in the comics has been destroyed dozens of times at every turn. Anyway, looking back is a new parallel universe.

Meimu still remembered that there was a version in the worst file where all superheroes were wiped out, and even the Hulk was kept as a pet by Thanos.

“Damn it! The Marvel world is so scary, can I go back to the earth where the Great Celestial Dynasty is located?”

Thinking about those enemies who were blowing the sky, Meimu finally found a hotel, went into the room and lay down, and then put the [Fate Offset Point] into his body.

“Well, this feels… amazing.”

People… are born equal!

This sentence is fart. Either it’s an egalitarian brainwashed by idealism, or it’s the most shameless politician who says it to fool people.

People are born unequal. If everyone can grow as tall as Yao Ming from birth, then there is no need for heightening shoes, high heels and platform shoes on the market.

Some people are born with divine power, some people are born with wisdom, and some people are born with luck.

Don’t tell me that there is no such thing as class solidification in the world. It is like a creature like a mosquito, which can fly by itself, and cannot fly to the 30th floor by itself in a lifetime.

However, some mosquitoes are born on the 30th floor!

[Fate Offset Point] The feeling that this thing gave Meimu was that it gave him at least a chance to take the elevator to the 30th floor.

In his soul, he seemed to hear a “click”, which was the sound of something, the lock being unlocked.

There was an illusion in his vision, which were two roads that were originally narrow but now widened. Although it is not wide now, it is many times better than the “road” that looked like a small water pipe before.

The physics department should be on the left, because Meimu seemed to see the Hulk Hulk in the dimness. As a benchmark for physical attackers, Hulk’s physical destructive power is definitely the best in the galaxy.

On the right is the mysterious line, and Umemu chose this side without any hesitation.

He was never a strong man. Strength, speed, agility, physical coordination, he is all moderate. What’s more, he inherited the fate of Doctor Strange, the sovereign, so how to choose, I don’t know.

Almost as soon as his thoughts reached out to the mysterious legal line, he felt his own change.

In daily life, there are too many things that can be perceived by people, but are ignored in the habit. such as the flow of air.


The omnipresent wind.

The touch of the wind passing over the skin is vague. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Now Meimu felt that the wind gave him a very clear feeling.

He suddenly felt that he had more than two-digit methods to change the wind, from the simplest fan to the mysterious power that physics could not explain, as if there was some way that modern science could not explain that could drive the wind.

This is a very shallow and hazy feeling.

This feeling is too meager, if you don’t calm down and savor it carefully, you won’t be able to grasp it.

When he wanted to go further, suddenly there was no text…

“Hu! Hu! Hu!” Meimu sat up suddenly, panting heavily. He basically understood what it was.

According to online games, this should be some kind of ‘element affinity’.

Before it was changed, he couldn’t sense these things for ten lifetimes.

This is talent!

Obviously, the fate offset point opened a whole new window for him.

Turning his head and looking out the window, looking at the incomparably conspicuous Stark Building, Mei Mu said to himself: “I am still not qualified to be compared with those superheroes! I even entered the S.H.I.E.L.D. as an ordinary operator. Not eligible.”

Taking out her tablet from her arms, Meimu used her trembling hands to book a flight from New York to Nepal online for half an hour.

“Kama Taj! I’m here—”

Originally, Meimu was smug, but taking a flight made him want to die. From JFK International Airport in New York to Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, the flight ticket costs more than $1,000, but it’s tiring!

The flight time was 20 hours. After arriving, Meimu felt that his bones were about to fall apart.

Then came the question…

“Damn it! Where is Kama Taj?”

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