American Manga God

Chapter 5

Chapter 4: Try Spoilers

The balance of fate was balanced again, and that seemingly faint sound was more like the sound of a death knell in Meimu’s ears.

More than anything else, Umegi is more afraid of this.

This is the Marvel world!

There really is a world of celestial-level aliens who can destroy a planet in one move!

For example, Odin, the father of Thor, was definitely a genius when he was young. Another example is Star Lord’s father…

Meimu knew: In theory, if you follow the path of Doctor Strange’s life, you should be able to reach the sky-high height of Doctor Strange’s deity.

The point of the matter is not Doctor Strange itself. As a veteran movie fan, it should not be too difficult for him to become Doctor Strange.

The key lies in the future. When the time node of this world comes to Thanos’ appearance, it will be the time when the entire galaxy will be thrown into the streets, half of the people will be wiped out, and the dust will return to dust and dust to dust.

The image of Doctor Strange having tried a few tricks with Thanos, but was knocked flying, still appeared in his mind.

Meimu gasped and murmured in his heart: “No way! Doctor Strange is still too weak. No, it’s not just him, other superheroes seem to be numerous, but in fact they can’t make it to the stage. It’s like Captain America. , rushed up and punched, and the result was that Thanos was completely harmless…”

“If you want to survive, you must do better than Doctor Strange.”

“If you want to survive, you must do…”

“If you want to live…”

This sentence, as if it had become a magic spell, was played repeatedly in Meimu’s mind.

The strong desire to survive prompted his brain to think at a high speed.

The question is Meimu himself is just a scumbag. Can he read the magic spells in the magic book like Doctor Strange? Can you understand the mystery of space magic?

The gap between learning ability and learning ability seems to separate the whole world, which is Meimu’s biggest fear.

That magical balance of destiny was more like the last guarantee in his heart, and now this guarantee suddenly came back to its place.

what does that mean?

Does it mean that he failed to change the original trajectory of history, is the goddess of fate dissatisfied with him?

Whatever it was, Meimu realized that he had to do something.

He raised his left hand, which was covered with earthworm-like scars on the back of his hand, and stretched out to Christine tremblingly: “Christine, come here, I’ll show you something.”

Meimu’s voice is very solemn and steady, not like a person who has fallen into decadence, despair and self-giving up.

Christine hesitated for a while, and finally acquiesced to his hand on her shoulder.

Meimu gently hugged Christine’s shoulder with his left hand, and took her hand with his right, and came to his cloakroom.

Here, it used to be a representative place of Stephen’s most “winner in life” aura.

Because in the glass cabinet in the cloakroom, there is not only the golden trophy awarded to him by the Medical Association, but also a cool drawer equipped with a watch shaker. It was filled with dozens of famous watches belonging to Stephen. It is no exaggeration to say that the watches in this drawer alone are worth millions of dollars.

But when Meimu opened the drawer, Christine was stunned: “What about your watch? You sold it? Your surgery fee doesn’t seem to be that high, right? I remember that your commercial medical insurance is at the highest level. You even insure your hands specially.”

Meimu secretly sighed.

It turns out that Stephen in history fell into a state of madness in order to heal his hands. Insurance is enough, but it is definitely not enough for him to perform various additional surgeries, many of which are in the experimental stage, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars at every turn.

Naturally, it was defeated within a few months.

After Meimu became Stephen, he was a real person. Although he also wanted to keep a name for himself, he had more important goals.

With a deep sigh, Meimu entered the Oscar winner mode, turned her back at 45 degrees to the sky, her eyes were confused and filled with a sense of decadent vicissitudes.

He spoke up!

“Once…there was a man who became famous. He made millions a year, and he enjoyed all the glory and wealth. Because of his success, he always spent as much as he earned, and never had any savings left. He didn’t know what love was, he didn’t understand Cherish all the good things in the world, so God punished him.”

Meimu let go of the hand holding the girl, slowly raised his hands, and turned the back of his scarred hand towards Christine, matching his resolute face with a bit of vicissitudes, and the teardrop that slowly slipped from the corner of his eye. The scene just exploded!

Almost instantly, Christine couldn’t help crying, and she covered her mouth all of a sudden.

Obviously it was heartache, and tears were already rolling in her eyes, but she was stunned to hold back.

“Bastard, are you deceiving my sympathy? Tell you, Meimu, I won’t fall in love with you again because of sympathy.”

The actor Meimu slowly shook his head: “No, I don’t need sympathy. Just as I don’t need these watches that represent vanity anymore. For watches, I only need one.”

With trembling hands, Meimu completely opened the drawer. At this time, Christine was stunned to discover that there was still the last watch in the innermost drawer, and it kept spinning clockwise under the movement of the watch shaker.

How could she not recognize this [Jaeger-LeCoultre] watch.

This watch was a birthday present she gave to Meimu when she was dating. An affectionate message is engraved on the back of the watch (Time will tell you how much I love you – Christine.)

This is more of a strong irony for the two who have broken up.

Tears started to get out of control, Christine gritted her teeth: “What do you mean?”

Another tear fell from the corner of Meimu’s eyes. At this moment, Meimu couldn’t figure out whether it was because he was too deeply involved in the play, or whether it was an explosion of memories and emotions left by the original owner of this body in this world.

“No, I just want to say that no matter where I go to the ends of the earth, I will always cherish this feeling and memory.” Taking a deep breath, Meimu said, “Come here with me again.”

Meimu brought his sister to the floor-to-ceiling windows of his apartment. As a former dog owner and a neurosurgeon, Mei Mu bought one of the most luxurious apartments in Manhattan, New York, USA.

The biggest view of this 300-square-meter apartment is the Stark Building, a landmark building in New York City.

The top floors are shaped a bit like a dog’s head and a bit like a stool. The Stark Building, which is about 1,138 feet (347 meters) high, is very eye-catching.

Meimu knew very well that the time point he passed through was already 2016. In this parallel world, the earth-shattering New York battle of the Avengers has taken place.

Then Umegi will make a drama (hu) through (you) without any scruples.

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