American Manga God

Chapter 3

Chapter 2: Died 1 Time

what! ?

Mei Mu was stunned.

He has read too many time-travel novels. Look at the system elves from other families, the strongest king system, they are all bunkers. Why is the balance of their own destiny so dragged?

Meimu hasn’t reacted yet, and was planning to spray this Miss Destiny Balance (for the time being) for something, but the other party has already started.

“Humph! Do you think I want to serve you, a low-dimensional single-celled creature? I think too much. I just want to benefit from doing nothing. Tell you, it is ideal for a person like you to have only one choice!”

“What?” Knowing that this was a pit, wild curiosity drove Meimu to ask.

“Go to hell! Once you’re dead, you’ll be gone. You don’t have to worry about anything, or you will torture yourself all day long.” Miss Tian Ping seems to have a poisonous tongue!

“Hey! Wait, are you going too far?” Before Mei Mu finished speaking, she suddenly found that Miss Sister’s consciousness seemed to have disappeared from her brain.

This is…

His horizons switched instantly, and he turned into Kristin’s pretty face, which was a combination of surprise, sadness, sympathy and confusion.

Christine’s expression changed a lot, and after her eyes touched Meimu’s bruised and swollen face, she showed a heartache.

Not only her heartache, Meimu herself also felt that it was really painful!

Hell, whoever’s fingers are all fixed with brackets, and then a steel nail is inserted on the back of the finger a few centimeters apart to fix the finger, it will be painful to the heart and lungs of anyone.

Ten fingers connected to the heart!

It really takes my life.

Meimu gasped and asked, “I… what did they do to me?”

“Meimu, I’m so glad, you don’t seem to be affected by the concussion. Now please calm down and listen to me.” Christine obviously misunderstood. In her heart, Meimu must be mentally broken at this moment.

Everyone knows what a pair of hands means to a top neurosurgeon. Meimu eats with one hand.

“They sent you by helicopter, and it took a lot of time to find you… But you’ve missed the prime time to treat nerve damage.” Christine said in the calmest tone possible.

“What did they… do to me?”

Kristin pursed her lips hard, as if searching for words in her mind that would not irritate Meimu, and finally told the truth: “11 stainless steel nails were inserted into the bones. Multiple ligaments were torn. The nerves in both hands were severely damaged. Injury. The operation lasted a full 11 hours…no one could have done better.”

At this moment, Meimu suddenly noticed that Christine did not mention the injury on his chest at all.


Meimu lowered her head with all her might, and saw that her half-exposed chest was exceptionally intact.

This is the parallel world of the world to correct my injury?

That’s why Mao didn’t even fix my hands together! ?


I had never seen such an unreliable crossing, Meimu wanted to kill someone.

“Hey—it hurts!”

Umegi’s silence and the twitching of the muscles on his face were all in Christine’s eyes.

That is magic.

Typically, the patient suffers psychological trauma after being severely traumatized.

This has been seen too many times in the emergency department of the hospital. The first reaction of the injured or the patient and their family members is shock, followed by disbelief, and even frantically and futilely defending because of this, but they will eventually accept the cruelty that happened to them. Reality.

Feeling the resentment in Umemu’s eyes, Christine misunderstood again.

“Umemu, I know you are the best neurosurgeon. You must know that among all the neurosurgeons in the city’s hospitals, except for you, Nick is the best. Don’t blame Nick for ruining you, he did his best. Actually …It’s not so bad. At least you’re still alive, aren’t you?” Kristin’s gentle persuasion hit Umegi directly.

Originally, Meimu was full of resentment, and he was fine, so why did the sky fall into trouble?

Mingming rushed out of the guardrail and flew into the air, and the guy who even crashed the car was not his plum tree, but Uncle Stephen. Why did it become that he went to the hospital and staged the script of disabled Zhijian?

But at this moment, Meimu was a little relieved.

10,000 time-travels, 9,999 dead, and the one-in-10,000 chance of winning is already a miracle. What’s more, the replacement is still a big bull like Doctor Strange.

The Marvel world is very dangerous, and the earth has been invaded again and again in the future, but at least he has started a different life.

“Yes! At least I’m still alive.” Meimu smiled bitterly: “Yes, Christine, don’t you have to be on duty?”

“I… I’m on leave.” Kristin suddenly panicked, and slender fingers stroked the hair on her forehead.

“Where is the extra manpower in the emergency room?”

“Okay, it’s a gift from you yesterday for helping me deal with the patient with the gunshot wound.” Christine insisted.

Gunshot wound?

Oh, yes, the former owner of this body used his marvelous medical skills to rescue a critically ill patient who was shot by a bullet from the back of the head and embedded in the brain before driving to the Neurological Association dinner.

However, all that is over. UU reading

Meimu suddenly discovered that this was also a relief. At least he doesn’t need to pretend to be a scholar like him.

“Huh…” After a long sigh of relief, Meimu lay on the hospital bed.

He confessed.



“Thank you.” Anyway, transmigration returns to transmigration. In this unfamiliar world, to have such a girl with all her heart on you, to be afraid and to suffer for you, this is a kind of love.

It’s worth saying “thank you”!

Kristin suddenly had moisture in her eyes. She turned her head and wiped the corners of her eyes vigorously: “You bastard. Why did you suddenly become so humane!”

Meimu was also stunned, and then smiled bitterly: “Maybe it’s because I died once.”

Died once, this reason is perfect and powerful.

Many people may have various personality problems before they are seriously ill or severely injured. After the big change, it is not uncommon for his personality to change for the better.

“Damn, I suddenly like you more now.” Christine spat fiercely, but suddenly found it a little misunderstood, and quickly corrected: “No, I’m referring to your character.”

Christine was frightened.

Before the car accident, Meimu’s superb medical skills gave him a lot of wealth and fame, which also led to his extremely arrogant and arrogant personality.

After being injured, it is easy for people to become sensitive. She is kind-hearted, and she really can’t bear to do anything to irritate Meimu at this time. Besides, she and Meimu once had a relationship…

“It’s okay, I know you have no ill intentions. It’s just that I may trouble you in the next few days.”

Christine was stunned, and then a bright smile appeared on her face: “I’m happy to help.”

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