Alpha's Cruel Addiction

Chapter 117 Injured Woman

117  Injured Woman

[More than two decades ago, Eves Mansion]

Snow crunched beneath Aaron's heavy footsteps. He ran through the white clearing, pure and untouched, a neverending slate of winter wonderland. His mother's warnings rang in the back of his head.

Don't go too far out. You never know the monsters lurking behind the trees. Despite her harsh words, Aaron continued with his woven basket. He was eager to find his mother's favorite mushrooms, grown only during the coldest days. Not watching his footsteps, Aaron planted face-first into the frost. "F*ck," Aaron groaned, tasting nothing, but iciness in his mouth. His knees burned from the impact, the basket flying from his grip. Even more so, Aaron couldn't believe what he saw behind him—a mound of snow, gathered much higher than the layer caking the forest floor. Aaron squinted. Was that… hair? Aaron rushed to his feet, ignoring the pain bursting from his able body. Immediately, he dug at the pile until his fingers grew numb and bright red. He nearly screamed in horror at the pale-faced woman lying still. She wore very little clothes of nothing, but a thin muslin cloth wrapped around one arm and flowing down her body.

"Oh my god." Aaron couldn't tell if she was human or not, but her beauty was astounding. Even with blue lips and hypothermia-touched skin, her features were mesmerizing. Aaron couldn't take his eyes off of her. Even when Aaron scooped her up into his arms and thundered back to House Eves, he was watching her. Her presence demanded attention, be it alive or dead.

"Aaron!" Lady Eves gasped at the sight of her son returning home in such distraught conditions, and with a random woman, no less!

"You must fetch the doctors, Mother," Aaron rushed out, his chest rising from his heavy exercise. "Goodness, what is that creature in your arms?" Lord Eves mused, closing the book in his hand.

"The physician!" Aaron insisted, running past his parents and up the stairs, where they readily accompanied him. Lord Eves sobered up instantly at the panic on his son's face. He straightened up and a butler was already rushing to his side.

"Send a horse to our family doctor, have him brought here immediately. And bring the fur coat with you," Lord Eves instructed the nearest butler, who ran off to complete the command. He watched, as his son laid the stranger onto his bed, the snow soaking the mattress.

Lady Eves softly gasped. "Arnold, you can't be serious!"

"Rose-Anne, you've seen our son," Lord Eves snorted. "We ought to care for this injured woman."

Lady Eves scowled, turning to her son in reason. "Aaron, this is incredibly improper," Lady Eves chided, her hand folded strictly in front of her. "She is a woman of unknown origins and race, what if she's dangerous? Where did you even find her?"

"She was buried in the snow," Aaron explained. "I think she tripped or something. Look at how little she's wearing!"

Lady Eves narrowed her eyes, examining the woman from head to toe. The woman wore strange green sandals, as if made from woven grass, and her gown a particular design. She touched the material, and even in the cold, her fingers could feel the softness. A band of gold on the stranger's waist, multiple on her upper arms, and necklace. Clearly, not a peasant.

"Must be a vampire," Lady Eves dismayed, checking the woman's lips. "Or not." To her relief, there wasn't a single hint of fangs. "And this white hair? She's too young to have such strands." The complaints didn't stop there. "And what a strange dress," Lady Eves murmured. "Wrapped around her body as if makeshift. Indecent. Too thin for the weather. We must ask her questions when she wakes up in the guest bedroom."

"Guest bedroom? Absolutely not, she stays right here." Aaron was astonished, lightly shoving his mother away.

"You're protective of her already," Lady Eves observed, her gaze narrowing into slits. She loved her son's eyes, mirroring hers, but his features? Every inch of Lord Eves' son, without a doubt. At the fact of his stubbornness, she could only sigh and shake her head. "You're bewitched and blinded by her beauty," Lady Eves scoffed, just as her husband stepped into the room. "That is rare, Rose-Anne," Lord Eves agreed, but the father and son shared a slight smile. Whatever Aaron wanted, Lord Eves always gave. If his son wished to sully his reputation, so be it. Lord Eves was the kind of father to let his children learn from the consequences of their actions. Children only listened to themselves and rarely gave advice. "You've always pegged yourself as the kind of man to value brains over beauty," Lord Eves continued with a knowing glance. He wrapped his arm around his wife's shoulder, much to her glower. "Let the boy have his way. Besides, it's his first time showing any interest in the opposite sex. Aren't you relieved, my lovely wife?"

Lady Eves snorted, despite the reddening of her ears. She was married to her husband for over twenty-five years, but still wasn't used to his deep affection. The more lines grew on her face, the older she became, the more he seemed to love her. She could never understand why, for her mother always told her men were bound to leave sooner or later. More often than not, at the first sign of a wrinkle.

"My lord, my lady," the butler interrupted, with a bow of his head as he entered. "The physician is here."

"Finally!" Aaron immediately waved his hand for the aging man beside the butler. "Doctor Farne, please take a look at her. I found her buried in the snow, she must've been there overnight and the entire morning!"

Doctor Farne entered with a large leather bag filled with equipment. He had never seen the composed Young Master freit over anything, much less, a woman. He got to work immediately. The entire time, Aaron hovered, his skeptical eyes taking everything in.

After a thorough examination, Doctor Farne pressed his lips together. "She's alive and breathing, but barely. It is a miracle the young lady didn't catch hypothermia, especially in this weather. Have a maid change her clothes, dry her skin, and cover her with blankets. Her body is still in shock, warm her gradually and stoke the fireplace. Do not directly place her in a hot bath."

"And her hair, doctor?" Lady Eves piqued, crossing her arms. "Is she even human? Such a strange characteristic, don't you think?"

Doctor Farne hummed. "Indeed, it is quite bizarre. She could be a magician, though that might be impossible, for children are often tested for magic at a very young age, per the law. A woman of her appearance and age would not have gone undetected."

Aaron nervously glanced at the woman, his heart unsteady. He prayed to the high heavens and old gods, that she was just a regular human girl. To be a magician… he's heard of the stories. They belong to the royal family. They were to never leave the premises without permission. Their deaths were brutal as if all the life was sucked from within.

"When she awakes, please give her warm soup and ginger tea, and call for me as usual," Doctor Farne stated. "Thank you, doctor," Lord Eves agreed with a firm nod of his head, offering the man a smile when his wife would barely glance at a man of lower rank. He always scolded her for it, but she never listened.

Doctor Farne departed with a bow of his head.

"I'll call for the head maid," Aaron decided before anyone could stop him. He bolted out of the room as if chased by a spirit. He couldn't help his concern for the stunning woman. She must've been his age or younger. He had never seen anyone as exquisite as her. And for some reason, his heart agreed. His blood pumped fast at the thought of her wide awake.

Aaron swore he'd see to her care. He was a thorough man and seldom forgot anything. And if he could, he'd shut her from the world and keep her all to himself…

- - - - -

If the head maid was surprised by the command, she didn't show it. As the men waited outside of the room, she got to work undressing the woman, as another maid worked on stoking the fire, and another wiping her skin. Suddenly, a sharp gasp filled the room.

Lady Eves couldn't believe her eyes. Neither could the wide-eyed maid who dropped her towel. Lady Eves gritted her teeth, tolerating no mistakes.

"Not a word about this," Lady Eves warned all three servants in the room. She didn't have to tell the head maid twice, for she was wise. But the other two girls? They were young and stupid. Quick to gossip. "You hear me?"

"As you wish, Lady Eves."

Lady Eves narrowed her gaze on the tremble of their fingertips. Tch. She opened her mouth, but the doors banged open.

"Aaron!" Lady Eves attempted to block her son's line of sight, but Aaron saw it anyway.

Aaron was drawn inside by the abrupt noise. He could practically sense the air had shifted. And as his eyes landed upon the problem, he understood why. His head began to buzz and the floor suddenly spun. He remained rooted and tried to hide his surprise.

Aaron dug his nails into his palms, until crescent moons were etched into his skin. "She's pregnant."  

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