All Stat Slayer

Chapter 36: (1): Season 1: Preparation

Changed PK to PVP.

Jong-won wasn’t a really strong Slayer, at least when compared to Hyun-seok. Hyun-seok believed that there were certain thresholds, like stats 100 and 200, where the ability would undergo a significant upgrade. Otherwise, it wouldn’t make sense for such an absurd power to be exhibited. During the tutorial, Hyun-seok had thought that stats 100 and 200 were the points where the upgrade occurred when transitioning from Easy to Normal.

Jong-won compared his results after surpassing the 100 stat mark this time, and it somewhat aligned with Hyun-seok’s theory. However, Jong-won had focused solely on strength in his investment, which resulted in penalties.

Originally, Hyun-seok thought there were upgrade intervals. So, he believed that once he exceeded 100 stats, his attack power, defense, and other attributes would double. However, in Jong-won’s case, it didn’t reach a two-fold increase; it was only about 1.6 times. Additionally, his attack speed became incredibly slow. It felt like having a lump of lead attached to his body while throwing a punch, making it difficult for his body to move as intended, causing him some trouble initially.

Nevertheless, currently, Jong-won, despite being the top-ranked power-stat Slayer in the world, was still significantly weaker compared to Hyun-seok.

Of course, Jong-won had far more experience and expertise as a Slayer. He had a variety of skills, superior situational awareness, and skill application compared to Hyun-seok. In the first place, Hyun-seok didn’t have any offensive skills.

However, there was an immense gap between them that couldn’t be compensated with those factors alone.

A middle school student who works out diligently can defeat an adult man. However, a three-year-old child working out diligently cannot defeat an adult man. That’s how it was with Hyun-seok and Jong-won. In fact, Jong-won had been beaten quite a lot. The vast physical gap that couldn’t be filled by skills or anything else existed between Hyun-seok and Jong-won.

Jong-won complained, “Damn… I thought I was going to die.”

“Why are you so damn weak?”

Jong-won was at a loss for words. Who could say that to Jong-won, the best(?) Slayer of the time? Undoubtedly, no one except Hyun-seok.

When it comes to exercise, especially weight training, it usually starts with light weights and gradually increases to heavier weights. Usually, it’s called a pyramid set, a method that reduces the risk of injury and maximizes the effectiveness of the workout. In particular, the pyramid set gradually increases the weight from what one can handle, ensuring some safety in determining one’s maximum weight.

Hyun-seok and Jong-won’s PVP didn’t look like PVP to others. It was like a pyramid set. Hyun-seok tested Jong-won’s resilience by gradually increasing the intensity. The results were dismal. Hyun-seok didn’t exert much force, and Jong-won’s H/P noticeably decreased due to the desire to attack. According to Hyun-seok, Jong-won’s resilience turned out to be weak.

Similarly, when Jong-won attacked Hyun-seok, the results were also disheartening. According to Hyun-seok, Jong-won’s attack power turned out to be weak.

Anyway, the PVP between Hyun-seok and Jong-won came to an end, and Hyun-seok accepted a PVP request from the Slayer who requested a Platinum-grade match. It was akin to a promotion test for Platinum.


The PVP took place secretly, with Jong-won, the second-in-command of the Union, serving as a witness and secretary.

– Platinum Slayer, begin!

– The Union’s choice is the right one.

– Prioritize results over pride!

In reality, the Korean Union had no power to move Hyun-seok. They had no justification. On the contrary, they had to be cautious about Hyun-seok’s intentions. However, externally, the Platinum Slayer was known to be affiliated with the Union and followed the Union’s policies.

The only way to move Hyun-seok was through Sung-hyung or Jong-won’s request, not through commands. Even if Hyun-seok refused, that was the end of it; if he accepted, that was the end of it. And this time, Hyun-seok accepted the qualification of a Platinum-grade examiner.

Hyun-seok felt somewhat relieved.

‘If someone with such exceptional individual abilities… if I can entrust the Platinum-grade examination to them later.’

In the future, there would likely be more Slayers who aimed to undergo the Platinum-grade examination. Standards would be set, and examinations would be conducted. It would undoubtedly be bothersome to step forward every time. Currently, it seemed likely that the Platinum grade would be awarded to a Slayer who achieved the “impossible achievement” at least once alone, but it was not yet certain.

If a test were to be conducted to assess the qualification for the Platinum grade, one would need to have at least the Platinum grade or the ability to determine that level of power. Such talent was not common. Perhaps this Slayer could handle that role and more.

‘Moreover… if they have that level of talent, they could be accepted into the Inha Guild.’

At the moment, Hyun-seok himself exceeded the standards of the Normal mode, but he didn’t know what would happen in the future. The worst-case scenario would be not being able to accumulate enough Forced Advancement Points and not being able to proceed to the next mode. To prevent such a situation, he had to be prepared with sufficient strength. By strength, it didn’t simply mean personal power.

There are various types of leaders.

Some leaders have tremendous physical strength, while others excel in decisiveness, quick situational assessment, and leadership, leading their team members. The latter style could be considered more suitable as a leader. It’s like a president leading the military not because they are good at fighting but because they have the qualities of decisiveness and leadership. In reality, Sung-hyung could be considered a top-tier Slayer, but currently, his power had slightly weakened. He couldn’t solely focus on slaying. However, his position as a leader became more prominent.

Hyun-seok thought to himself.

‘If by any chance… I can’t proceed to the next mode, then I might as well invest everything in my intelligence stat.’

It was a last resort, but in any case, it wouldn’t be bad to have strong Slayers underneath if such a situation arose. His mindset had certainly changed. He had unexpectedly gone beyond just dipping his toes into the Slayer world; he was fully immersed. If he couldn’t be forced into the next mode, Hyun-seok couldn’t become stronger anymore. Of course, exceeding the standards of the Normal mode might imply that he could still exert his power sufficiently in Hard mode or beyond, but he was concerned about the next stage where he wouldn’t become stronger.

In the Union’s secret training facility arranged for him, Hyun-seok faced another Slayer. It was a bit unexpected. Jong-won only mentioned that he had been completely defeated and didn’t provide any other details.

If there was a twist, it would be this.

“That Slayer… was a woman?”

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