All People Transfer Jobs: I’m Milking The Gods

Chapter 218

Chapter 218 Goes Deep Into The Mine

Such a cruel scene, the people who watched it trembled.

There are still a lot of stones, blocking the entrance of the mine above.

At this time, Juggernaut showed his true strength.

On the battlefield, he has seen tragic situations, far more terrifying than this.

Ye Chen threw out the light element and used it to illuminate the road.

Miners are a high-risk occupation.

Ye Chen couldn’t help but praise this swordsman when he saw it.

The most outrageous thing is that after the opening was cut, the mine tunnel did not collapse.

Ye Chen knew what he meant, which was also the purpose of his coming here.

“No more amputation! My leg is saved!

They are just ordinary life occupations, and the families they set up are also life occupations.

The healing technique just now really surprised him.

“How many people are still in there?”

Instantly, the sword energy burst out.

I don’t know how to cut the small dagger in my hand, and cut a hole directly on the pile of rocks.

“Yes! Save people’s lives with kindness and rebuilding, the young master has received such a great gift.

The miners in front of them were far less than 300 meters away.

The passageway that was buried under the boulder was also exposed.

“Thank you, Lord, for saving us!”

The Sword Saint looked at the guard who was slowly moving away the rocks.

Immediately, they knelt down toward Ye Chen.

The miners who were within the range of the healing art were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When inserting the epee, the juggernaut changed another small sword for self-defense.

The miners said excitedly.

“Little Lord!”

A bang sounded, and the rocks were directly blown apart.

He first gave everyone a package ticket, and then he performed the healing technique.

“If there is no young master, we will definitely not be able to live!

This is a great sword, heavy and heavy…0

Holding the sword tightly, he swung it down suddenly.

Ye Chen stepped forward and entered it together.

Raising his hand for treatment, the distant little sun slowly rose in mid-air.

Even though his father had already been equipped with ordinary physicians in advance, he had prepared some recovery medicines.

“You all get out of the way!”

“You don’t have to do this, Ye Chen just did what he should do.

In such a family situation, it is not easy to survive in this troubled world.

If some other big family disciples came here, maybe there would be a different way of refusing.

If you are not careful, there will be a second mining accident.

After walking for an unknown time, they heard the sound of breathing in the distance.

When mining, there are bound to be some accidents.

The swordsman looked at Ye Chen, he wanted Ye Chen to go in with him.

His right hand pulled behind his back and touched the sword in the middle.

“Let’s go in together.”

As if he was there, nothing could be shaken.

When the guards saw the Sword Saint come forward, they all gave way.

Juggernaut thought so in his heart, and in his heart he had gradually recognized Ye Chen.

Three hundred to thirty, which means that there are still two hundred and seventy people who have not come out.

Because of the mine accident, the entire mine tunnel of 2.6 was extremely dark.

After all, the place where the mining accident happened just now is extremely dangerous.

Looking at the guards who were in a hurry, the swordsman stepped forward.

The miners looked excited, and the logic was very clear.

All the blood stains on the body disappeared, and the broken bones and limbs began to recover.

“There were 300 people who entered the mine this time, and now only 30 people have come out!””

With this healing technique, it will be more convenient to save people.

Even the parts that were twisted, deformed and fractured, “Nine Zero Three” miraculously deflected automatically.

But for the current situation, it doesn’t help much.

The Sword Saint swayed the heavy sword with his right hand and slowly inserted it into the scabbard.

The moment he started the giant sword, the aura on his body changed.

After entering the mine, it was already dark inside.

The Juggernaut on the side looked at the miners who were excitedly thanking them, and his expression did not change.

If one moves down, the entire mine tunnel will collapse on the spot.

“Don’t worry, everyone will be fine with Ye Chen here. 35

The Juggernaut nodded, and he was still very satisfied that Ye Chen could agree to enter the mine.

The guards looked at the scene in front of them and couldn’t help but secretly admired it.

It is not difficult to split the boulder, but the difficulty is that the integrity of the passage can be maintained after splitting the boulder.

It can be said that as long as one of them is missing, the entire family will be wiped out.

As expected of the son of the Lord of the City.

“Master, let’s go.

For him, the healing technique was just released at will, and did not consume anything.


The maximum range of the current treatment technique is 300 meters, and anyone within this range can be treated.

The Juggernaut looked at the huge boulders piled up in front of him, and slowly sank down to hold his sword in both hands.

“I don’t have to die!

Although he didn’t move yet, his body burst out with a mountain-like aura.

Rocks were piled together, blocking one or two openings from time to time.

“Young Master is wrong! It may be nothing to you, but for us it is a life-saving grace.

He was speaking frankly.

“Okay! My legs are fine!”

The recovered miners spoke excitedly.

Now being rescued by Ye Chen, this is not just a person, but a family.

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