All People: Summoner, Starburst At The Beginning!

Chapter 35

Chapter 35: There Is No End To Lying, Sincerity Is The Ultimate Skill (5. Ask For Data!)

“Li Xiaoyou, go slowly, welcome to come next time!”

Ji Changqi and Ping Yao were all smiles, and they personally sent Gu Changqing to the door. Ping Yao waved his arms, and his figure was charming.

“Businessmen are human beings.”

Gu Changqing smiled and shook his head, feeling emotional at the same time.

Before leaving,

Seeing that Gu Changqing liked Tongtian’s knowledge in this field, the other party generously gave him all those ancient books.

Ji Nagasaki’s overtures were not for him.

But the owner of the black card.

Can the black card that Song Yan casually gave him be so valued?

It aroused Gu Changqing’s curiosity for a while.

at the main entrance.

When Gu Changqing got into a black car, Ping Yao lowered her arms and asked in a low voice:

“Director, have you asked about his relationship with the owner of the black card?”

“no need.”

Ji Nagasaki’s eyes lit up, and he said with a deeper smile:

“Did you see that black car just now?”

“That’s Mr. Jiang’s special car.”

“What! Special vehicle!?”

Ping Yao was startled, turned her head to look outside, but unfortunately, the black car had already left.

“Interesting, there has never been anyone in Jiangbei City who can take Mr. Jiang’s special car.”

“Li Xiaoyou’s identity is not shallow.”

Ji Nagasaki put his hands behind his back and said softly:

“Next time he comes over, even if he doesn’t get a black card, he should be treated as a card holder. This relationship should be used well. It is best to have a good relationship with the association.”


In the black car, Song Yan looked up at the rearview mirror while driving, and said with a smile:

“It seems that the harvest is quite good.”

“Fortunately, it’s just luck.”

Gu Changqing chuckled lightly.

This is the only communication along the way.

The association building is not far from the exchange, but only one street.

When the vehicle stopped, the two got out of the car.

Gu Changqing handed the black card to Song Yan.

The latter reached out and took it without saying anything.

Soon, he was invited to the top office by Song Yan.

push the door in,

When Gu Changqing saw the old man sitting at the desk, he couldn’t help feeling familiar.

I seem to know him?

After thinking about it carefully, Gu Changqing finally found that face in his vague memory.

Gu Changqing seemed to have met Jiang Tiansheng a few times in the past. When his parents were still alive, the relationship between the two was inseparable.

I haven’t seen it myself,

After his parents disappeared, Jiang Tiansheng took good care of Gu Qingxue.

After all, it is the treatment of a genius.

Gu Changqing hesitated a little, and called out tentatively: “Uncle Jiang?”

After all, he had socialized before, so Gu Changqing didn’t want to lose his manners.

“Hehe, Changqing has grown up and matured.” Jiang Tiansheng said with a kind smile on his face and a little apology at the same time:

“Come and sit, I have neglected to take care of you these years.”

“But with your sister here, I can rest assured.”

After getting a response, Gu Changqing confirmed it even more, and at the same time swept away the doubts in his heart.

No wonder!

No wonder the director of the exchange respects me so much, no wonder he waved away equipment worth tens of millions of gold.

What the other party respected was Jiang Tiansheng standing behind him!

Who is that?

The leader of Jiangbei City.

President of the Professional Association!

A master-level powerhouse is only one step away from a king-level powerhouse!

Good guy!

The related account is actually me?

Standing behind Jiang Tiansheng, you should be careful, I’ll just turn into a dandy!

My heart thinks so,

Gu Changqing didn’t dare to be shy, and walked across the desk scratching his head.

Song Yan tactfully closed the door and left.

While making tea, Jiang Tiansheng told the story between himself and Gu Changqing’s parents.

Jiang Tiansheng is over a hundred years old, but he has a long life. He and his father are friends who have forgotten the years. Maybe it is because he talked about the past, his words are full of sincerity.

Gu Changqing listened quietly.

at the same time,

He also learned from him that before his parents disappeared, they went to the ‘Southern Border’ region.

“Southern Border?”

Gu Changqing was slightly taken aback.

Yan Country’s territory is vast and boundless, and the continent’s territory is so vast.

In this continent, each domain of Yan Kingdom is divided into five domains, which are called: Northern Border, Southern Border, Eastern Region, Western Wilderness, and Central Region.

The reason why Gu Changqing was in a daze,

It is because Southern Xinjiang suddenly disappeared five years ago.

The vast land is still alive, but it has formed a great plain.

The four major cities, including Nanhai and Nanlin, all disappeared overnight, leaving no seeds of life behind.

Not only that,

That is, thousands of miles of rivers and rivers have been wiped out, as if they were emptied overnight.

So far, the territory of southern border is still alive, but the seeds of life in southern border are pitifully few.

It is doubtful that,

The mountains, rivers, and urban population in southern Xinjiang have all disappeared, but the major secret places have been completely preserved.

Parents went to southern Xinjiang…

Could it be that he also disappeared with Nanjiang?

Jiang Tiansheng sighed, and said quietly:

“Before Nanjiang disappeared, your parents were ordered to go to Nanhai City, but after that night, Nanhai City was completely empty, and your parents disappeared.”

Gu Changqing was a little silent.

His understanding of this world lies only in his own memory.

Although it has reached the gold level.

However, the historical past and the development of the world are all vague.

“This kind of thing has happened all over the world?”

Gu Changqing asked suddenly.

Jiang Tiansheng was stunned for a moment, then nodded: “The capital of Bangzi Country, the Hawaii of Yingjiang, the entire land of Ermao, the peninsula of Sakura Country…all were emptied overnight.”


Gu Changqing nodded slightly, and had some guesses in his mind.

“Why, what are you thinking?”

Hearing Jiang Tiansheng’s question, Gu Changqing shook his head, then said with a smile:

“Uncle Jiang, don’t worry too much. My parents are auspicious and have their own natural features. They will be fine!”

“Heh, your kid has comforted me.”

Jiang Tiansheng smiled bitterly, but nodded secretly in his heart.

Gu Changqing hides all emotions deep in her heart and does not express them.

But he has lived for so long, how could he fail to see the concealment of a young man.

It seems that the five years when his parents disappeared had a great impact on Gu Changqing.

At this time he,

It’s not as jumping away as it was when I was a child.

“Forget it, the topic is a bit heavy, let’s talk about the topic.”

Jiang Tiansheng waved his hand and changed the subject.

“I heard that you went to Secret Realm Village on the same day after changing jobs?”


Gu Changqing said with a smile:

“As soon as I successfully changed jobs, I was curious and wanted to try my own strength.”

Jiang Tiansheng rolled his eyes and said angrily:

“It’s okay to verify your strength, and at least choose a novice leveling area. You are a bronze one-star rookie who ran into the Death Canyon. Are you really not afraid of death?”

Hearing his words, Gu Changqing smiled wryly.

It should come sooner or later.

He is ready.

Gu Changqing smiled coyly and said:

“Isn’t this honey-juice confidence?”

When he went to the secret village, Gu Changqing didn’t think too much about it. Death Valley is the place that can best confirm the authenticity and strength of summoned objects, and at the same time, it brings the highest experience value.

If there is a choice, Gu Changqing would like to try to enter the gold-level secret realm.

“Honey juice confidence? I think you just don’t want to live.” Jiang Tiansheng said softly, his eyes became a little serious: “Some witnesses said that after you entered the Death Canyon, you went directly to the hinterland. Where do you have the confidence to dare to go deep?”

Gu Changqing looked a little embarrassed.

think carefully,

Someone did see himself at the time.

It’s just that I didn’t expect to be regarded as an eyewitness? ?


Seeing the change in Gu Changqing’s expression, Jiang Tiansheng looked familiar, and snorted:

“not talking?”

“Then look at this again and explain to me.”

As he spoke, he took out a photo and placed it in front of Gu Changqing.

The photo shows a huge rock hanging in the air.

Gu Changqing pondered for a moment, then raised his head and said sincerely:

“I let it go.”


Hearing what Gu Changqing said, Jiang Tiansheng was stunned.

This answer is wrong!

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