All People Job Change: Weak Mechanic? Gambit Optimus Prime

Chapter 70

Chapter 70 From Now On, When I Meet Everyone, I Will Tell Everyone That This Kid Has Taken The Turn Of The Worm Mother 【Seek First Order】

“Fuck! What happened?!”

Everyone has this question, except for a general who has been paying attention to the situation on the light curtain, but at this moment the water glass in his hand fell to the ground with a clatter.

Looking at the eyes of everyone looking over, he foolishly pointed to the light curtain in front of him.

“Well, is the light curtain broken?”

Light curtain broken?

This is a kind of authority bestowed by the gods to professionals. As long as they have a vision, anyone can perform this similar screencasting behavior on the screen.

How could this thing be broken?!

However, when everyone saw the picture in the light curtain, the same question appeared in their minds.

“This light curtain…isn’t it broken?”

In the picture, the originally dense swarm of insects disappeared.

Instead, it was replaced by terrifying dust tens of meters high, completely covering the area.

Although Mr. Li was still sitting there steadily at the moment, however, he couldn’t help clenching his hand holding the cane slightly.

He thought of the plan Qin Zhi mentioned during the communication just now.

Looking at it now, it was Zheng Mu who made the move.

However, even though he was used to seeing strong winds and waves, he still couldn’t believe that this terrifying scene was done by a newcomer who had only awakened for two or three months.

【You kill the bloodthirsty praying mantis (Iv27), get 388 Experience Points, Bluelv20 blood drinking knife】

【You killed the blaster (lv25), you got 26[Experience Points]

【You kill the shield iron beetle (lv29), get 450 Experience Points】

【You killed the plague poisonous fly (lv18), and got 23 Experience Points】

【You kill…】

【You have upgraded! Current level Iv21!】

【You have upgraded! Current level Iv22!】

【You have upgraded! Current level Iv23!】

【You have new skills to learn!】

On the roof of the base, everyone’s eyes were already dumbfounded, looking at the billowing smoke and dust that went straight into the sky except for the few kilometers.

One by one seemed to have been immobilized.

However, although the red queen had a little excitement on her face, she still did not forget her own job at this moment.

“Patrol Eagle reconnaissance activated, beginning to reconfirm the target area”

“The number of strike targets has been refreshed, the current remaining 22187, the proportion of annihilation is 45.46%”

“The second round of torrent is being deployed…”

The clicking mechanical arm began to reload the ammunition, and at this moment, the few people standing beside Zheng Mu finally came to their senses.

Cai Shengkun blushed, his mouth puffed out as if he had lost the ability to breathe.

“I, me, me, shit!”

“Boss, you are a bunker! You are a bunker!!!”

Behind them, when Sang Luo and Gu Ming looked at Zheng Mu, their eyes were already looking at a god.

At this moment, they have already left behind the idea that an A-level mechanic is useless.

What chicken ribs, does your chicken have the size of a tm Tyrannosaurus rex?!

“Student Zheng Mu, no, Boss Zheng Mu, I will mess with you from now on! Go to the fucking Shengqing University! I want to go to the Southwest military officer!” Sang Luo knelt directly on the ground, grabbing one of Zheng Mu’s thighs hold on.

The excited voice reached the stunned Qin Zhi’s ears, and the latter’s excited hands were shaking.

Zheng Mu looked over with a half-smile.

“General Qin, how is it? With my level of firepower, it should be justified, right?”

Qin Zhi blushed, but he couldn’t care about anything else. He was completely overwhelmed by Zheng Mu’s methods, and looked at the shells that had been loaded again in front of him.

Excitedly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

“This, how many rounds can this fire?”

Zheng Mu smiled slightly: “It doesn’t matter how many rounds I can launch, the important thing is how many rounds these bugs can resist right now.”

Qin Zhi nodded excitedly, just as Zheng Mu was about to fire again.

A sharp hissing sound suddenly came from the billowing smoke.

The next moment, an invisible gust of wind suddenly roared, and the smoke and dust were scattered in an instant.

From far away, Zheng Mu and the others have already seen the bloated golden worm mother, but at this moment, its body is already full of colorful flowers.

Even after the patrol eagle zoomed in on the screen, he could still see several hideous wounds on the opponent’s body.

At this moment, the other party was roaring towards Zheng Mu and the others angrily and painfully.

It was at such a long distance that they were discovered all at once.

It’s a pity….. hit, no, move


When Zheng Mu responded to the bully’s ridicule, the golden worm mother neighed again, and the next moment, the sand that was blown to pieces began to surge again.

The voice behind the red came.

“There is a new strike target, the number of locked targets is updated, the current number is 28700”

Seeing that the other party came to summon this trick again, Zheng Mu sneered: “The donkey is poor.”

The next moment, Queen Hong’s voice sounded.

“Fire trajectory calculation completed”

“Second round of torrent, launch!”

The next moment, there was another burst of firepower firing scene full of visual effects, looking at the hundreds of white parabolas drawn again above the sky, and the golden worm mother in the center area of ​​the strike target.

A dozen pairs of disgusting eyeballs revealed obvious anger and fear.

Hundreds of Zerg nearby instantly wrapped it up, building a defense with their bodies.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

As the bombing sounded again, everyone enjoyed the horrific explosion scene from the mechanic.

However, Zheng Mu saw that the quota was about to reach full in the blink of an eye. Facing another upgrade of Experience Points, he hurriedly clicked to upgrade the skills that needed to be upgraded.

The opportunity to bombard monsters in pieces like today may not be encountered in the future.

And the biggest consumer of Experience Points on him is in skills.

In case the Experience Points on the panel reach full value, the rules will automatically upgrade him.

Zheng Mu hastily used the only mechanic-level skill he had obtained [Modular Seal Carving], which consumes the most Experience Points to upgrade. From Iv1-v2, it needs a full 100,000 Experience Points.

With Experience Points consumed, Zheng Mu is ready to click again to upgrade from Iv2 to IvB.

Hao Xuan did not faint from the stimulation of the brand new numbers.


Experience Points for upgrading skills cannot be paid in installments, that is to say, Zheng Mu has to wait until his maximum Experience Points reach 1 million or more before he can upgrade this skill again.

Afterwards, [Mechanical Somatic Cell Transformation lv1] was upgraded to Iv2, consuming 1w Experience Points.

And upgrade from Iv2 to Iv3, consuming 10W Experience Points.

The same is true for the skill [Life Body Cell Transformation].

“tnnd, this is the later stage, my Experience Points are all used to upgrade skills.”

Zheng Mu couldn’t help having a toothache.

It was brutal.

More than 300,000 skills are enough for him to upgrade to another level, but right now they are all spent on upgrading skills.

However, upgrading skills is indeed very necessary.

The only level [module seal cutting] among other things.

[Module Seal Cutting IV3: Mechanic’s only level skill, you can use this skill to apply the skill book you have on the body of the mechanical creation, so that the opponent has the ability to use this skill, cooldown time: 12 hours. Computing Power Occupation: 100 (50% discount for strengthening)]

[Note: When this skill is used, it has a failure rate. The higher the seal carving level, the higher the failure rate.]

The seven-day cooling time has been directly reduced to 12 hours, which is a huge breakthrough.

Moreover, the success rate of the skill seal cutting has also improved a lot after the skill is upgraded to IV3.

As for [Life Somatic Cell Transformation] and [Mechanical Somatic Cell Transformation], the subsequent skills can only be unlocked after upgrading to IV3.

The brief operation on Zheng Mu’s side has just ended, and the second round of shelling has just ended.


The hissing sound of the golden worm mother came immediately, making Medical Reform’s brows slightly frowned.

Is this guy provocative?

“Patrol Eagle reconnaissance is activated, starting to reconfirm the number of targets”

“The number of strike targets has been refreshed, the current remaining 20861, and the proportion of annihilation is 28.32%”

“The third round of torrent is being deployed…”

Seeing another surge of sand, many Zerg rushed out from it.

In the command room of the spaceship that was still above the sky, General Xiong and the others were overjoyed to see that the Jinhuang worm mother summoned so many zerg once again.

Everyone’s smile froze.

“This disgusting beast is obviously provoking, he really wants to know that such attacks can’t last forever, damn it!”

“Mr. Li, do you want to let General Qin Zhi go over there and see how many rounds of such an attack Zheng Mu can organize?”

Everyone couldn’t help frowning, the support side is already on the way, but if Zheng Mu can’t delay this guy, they can only use their lives to keep this family (ajab) guy here as much as possible .

Old Li was also pondering in his heart.

With the appearance of this firepower, the evaluation in his heart has reached a new level.

This is not only worthy of vigorous cultivation, but also worthy of secretly dispatching a powerful combat force to protect. His value after growing up is stronger than that of a guardian god.

After all… Zheng Mu’s battle was never a 1v1 duel.

He himself is powerful, which only means that the mechanical creations under his command are stronger.

“Such powerful attacks don’t need to be asked. There must not be many times. I guess, one more round will be over.”

Mr. Li took a deep breath, and looked solemnly at General Xiong, who seemed to realize something, and instantly stood up straight.


General Xiong nodded instantly and gave a military salute.

When he left here, his steps were slightly wobbly, but each step was extremely firm.


Seeing that there was no movement from Zheng Mu’s side, the golden worm mother thought it was over, and immediately uttered a cry full of ridicule.

But at this moment, in the zoomed-in screen in front of Zheng Mu, he saw that the other party was staggering, and with the help of other Zerg, he was going towards the big hole dug.

The corner of Zheng Mu’s mouth immediately evoked an evil smile.

“This guest officer is obviously dissatisfied with our service! Red Queen! Just shoot me empty!”

The next moment, when General Xiong waved a hammer and landed on the ground with bursts of icy air.

The sharp whistling sound at the top of the head sounded again.

“Good boy, if I survive this time by chance, I really want to have a good chat with you.”

General Xiong sighed, and the next moment the violent explosion created a wave of air, he had no choice but to build an ice wall in front of him in an instant.

“Fuck! This power is too powerful

It’s too fierce!”

The sand trembled, and the smoke and dust filled the air.

However, the sharp cry of the golden worm mother resounded again, causing General Xiong’s heart to burst into anger.

“Grandma, really no one can take care of you, right! Your Grandpa Xiong is here!”

With a roar, before the smoke and dust cleared, his keen mental strength allowed him to instantly confirm the opponent’s position, like a tiger rushing into a sandstorm.

And just when General Xiong had rushed into the area for a certain distance, many Zerg who were struggling to stand up had been frozen into ice sculptures along the way.

The sudden sharp whistling sound came from the top of the head again.

His face changed instantly, and anxious shouts from the command room came from the communicator on his shoulder.

“General Xiong retreat quickly! The attack is coming!”

General Xiong: Damn it! Waiting for your news, I have already been blasted to pieces!

No matter how fast he rushed towards the worm mother, General Xiong retreated twice as fast as before. He had just run out of the bombing area, and the next moment, amidst the violent explosion, the air wave was set off again.

“Wow ah ah!”

The whole person came to the ground with a big pendulum in the air, and half of his body was directly inserted into the sand.

When he pulled himself out of the sand in embarrassment, he was in a daze.

“General Bear, General Bear!”

When more than a dozen officers with high imposing manner saw General Xiong at this moment, everyone’s face was slightly reddened.

General Xiong was so angry at this scene that he scolded his mother.

“Xiaoxiaoxiao, don’t hurry up and ask, is there any attack yet!?”

Seeing a few of his subordinates rushing to inquire, General Xiong wiped the sand off his face in embarrassment, and muttered uncontrollably as he watched the dust rise again.

“This level of attack can come four rounds at a time, doesn’t this kid have the ability to destroy the city?”

However, as soon as the words fell, there was another sharp whistling sound, this time before the golden worm mother could neigh, it followed quickly.

General Xiong was stunned, then cursed in a low voice.

“Fuck, it’s been five rounds, are you going to heaven? You’ve only been awakened for less than three months!”

General Xiong admitted that he was sour.

“Patrol Eagle reconnaissance is activated, starting to reconfirm the number of targets”

“The number of hit targets has been refreshed, currently there are 2671 remaining, and the annihilation ratio is 67.33%”

“The torrent firepower system ammunition has been emptied……”

On the roof of the base, I saw that after firing this round, the manipulator did not replenish ammunition as before, and the voice of the red queen came.

Qin Zhi hurriedly replied to the communicator in his hand.

“The attack here is over, repeat, the attack is over!”

Zheng Mu looked at Qin Zhi with some doubts. His own panel didn’t receive any news of the death of the golden worm mother. That is to say, this thing was carried down again.

The target has not been eliminated, what is the report to stop the attack?

Zheng Mu didn’t speak, snapped his fingers abruptly, and then said calmly.

“Red Queen, continue!”

[Firepower reset lv3] was cast, and the mechanical arm of the [Firepower System “Torrent”] that had just emptied five rounds of ammunition in the last second started working again.

When he saw the artillery fire that had already announced the end of the attack, the next second the mechanical arm began to reload the ammunition.

Qin Zhi’s expression suddenly changed.

“Zheng Mu, didn’t you say that there is no ammunition after the attack?”

Zheng Mu blinked his eyes in doubt.

“It is true that there is no ammunition, so I am not, am I replenishing ammunition?”

“Skills, can you use skills, but I can’t?”

Zheng Mu’s expression of “you are so rare and strange”, directly frightened Qin Zhi to turn pale, seeing that the order to launch had been given under Zheng Mu’s order.

He raised the communicator in his hand and shouted hysterically over there.

“General Xiong retreat quickly! Withdraw quickly! The attack is coming! Withdraw quickly!!!”

Zheng Mu was stunned, and Cai Shengkun and others standing beside him had already lost their ability to think in front of this grand scene.

One by one, like wooden figures, stood behind him blankly.

On the other side, after getting the news that Qin Zhi’s attack had ended, General Xiong and the others finally heaved a sigh of relief and looked at each other. A dozen or so troops were at least Iv60.

Fang Jingrui headed towards the smoke and dust.

“I don’t care if that guy kills me in a while! Kill the target with all my strength!”

After speaking, General Xiong couldn’t help but look in the direction of Zheng Mu, with an admiring smile on his face.

“If I can come back alive, I will tell everyone I meet in the future, this kid has taken the turn of the worm mother.”

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