All Heavens Immortal Martial Arts

v2 Chapter 2 - Road body

He Heng only felt a cold light swept over his body, a biting killer was spread out, and an icy light came! He turned around quickly, and pulled out the long sword from his waist with his right hand, and then a cold light flashed!


He Heng’s long sword, which was made of refined iron, broke in an instant. He Heng reluctantly looked at the truncated handle, and sure enough, the quality was not high enough.

Looking back, a graceful, curvaceous woman in Tsing Yi came with a sword, her delicate face was shrouded in icy coldness, her beautiful long hair was **** at will, and her curls stopped, standing in front of He Heng. .

Seeing Wang Bian, her eyes suddenly stared, revealing the slightest coldness and sharpness.

Being stared at by this woman, Wang Bian was so frightened that his whole body was trembling with fat, and he was sweating coldly. He quickly hid behind He Heng and hugged his back tightly.

“Second sister, spare your life, let me go, I won’t dare next time.” Wang Bian’s sobbing and cries made He Heng very speechless, brother, please don’t rub my snot on my back up?

“Why are you crying, is it a man!!” The woman looked at Wang Bian’s cowardly look, her delicate face moved, her brows furrowed, and she snorted coldly.

Wang Bian was frightened by this and stopped crying immediately.

“@#%…” He Heng.

Looking at this scene speechlessly, He Heng felt that he should take the opportunity to slip away, but… What does Wang San mean by holding on to his back?

Finally, Wang Bi noticed He Heng’s existence and looked at him coldly: “Are you He Heng?”

“Then it depends on which He Heng you are looking for. In this matter, He Heng should be more than me.” He Heng threw away the steel sword with only the hilt left, and looked at Wang Bi leisurely.

“It doesn’t matter if you are He Heng or not, suffer!” Wang Bi’s face was covered with a layer of frost, and a murderous intent filled her clear eyes, and she suddenly drew her sword.


A crisp sword cry reverberated in all directions, He Heng only felt a chill enveloped him, and the dazzling sword light slashed through the air.

He Heng didn’t think that his flesh and blood body was comparable to the hundred refined steel he had with the long sword in his hand. Naturally, he didn’t dare to fight hard. Bending his arms, Wang San aside, one turned sideways, then bent over and fell to the ground, a lazy donkey rolled around, dodging the sword qi that was slashing from the edge.

“Good skill, come again!” A cold voice resounded in He Heng’s ears, and then another sharp sword qi slashed in the air.

He Heng’s pupils shrank suddenly, his inner qi revolved at Yongquan Point, his feet lightly tapped, his body tilted again, the sword qi just cut past his ear, and He Heng could even clearly feel the chill. The strands of long hair snapped under this edge.

“It’s a bit of a skill to be able to dodge my two swords. I’ll give you a chance and take me one more sword to survive. Today, I’ll let you go for the time being.” , Another dazzling sword light shattered the sky!

He Heng’s expression was unhappy, and it suddenly turned into extreme coldness. All color faded from his eyes, replaced by a touch of silver, as cold as heaven!

“The Great Way Invisible Fist!”

As if the world had opened up, a terrifying boxing shadow roared, like an exiled immortal coming to the world, overlooking the vast expanse, with a mighty power that overwhelms the mountains and the sea, the surrounding air is booming with sonic booms, and the wind is overflowing, turning into qi, an emerald green internal force. He suddenly left the body, turned into a fist shadow, and reached the dazzling sword energy.

He Heng didn’t have any hesitation. At this moment, his figure suddenly stepped back ten feet, his eyes were cold, and he looked there. The sword light and fist intent were intertwined, and the fist shadow was torn apart in an instant. The sword energy paused for a while, dimmed a little, and then continued to cut down. It happened to be where He Heng was originally, and in an instant the stone slabs were paved. A deep mark appeared on the ground.

“It’s amazing!” He Heng looked at the sword mark and sighed. It is not difficult to leave a sword mark on the slate, but it only leaves a sword mark without breaking the slate. This kind of precise control is the real power.

“You’re not bad either. If you have a good sword in your hand, and then practice your swordsmanship, you can at least pick up ten swords from me. You’re only sixteen now, which is really rare.”

Wang Bi kept her promise, put away the long sword in her hand, and looked at He Heng deeply.

“I didn’t find out before that there is a character like you in the academy, and you can take me ten swords. This kind of strength is considered high among your peers.”

He Heng smiled and said warmly, “There are geniuses from all over Kyushu gathered in the academy. Hidden dragons and crouching tigers, who have no real skills, I’m nothing at all, and I can’t get into Senior Sister Wang’s eyes. It’s natural that I haven’t been noticed before.”

“Really?” Wang Bi held a three-foot long sword in her arms, and Xingyan glanced at He Heng without saying anything.

He Heng continued to speak, squinting lightly and said: “Senior sister broke into me today and gave He three swords. I don’t know what the purpose is, do you still hope to solve it?”

“Of course I’m here to cut you!” Wang Bi said without concealment.

“I don’t know where He Mou provokes Senior Sister, is it worth you to come to me to settle the account?” He Heng raised his head and stared at Wang Bi with deep eyes.

“Hmph, my eldest brother Wang Yu was killed by the demon thief in Linjiang Tower a few days ago, and you, Young Master He, were there at the time, and after that, he disappeared for the whole night, and didn’t return until the next morning, covered in blood.” Wang Bi’s clear eyes stared at He Heng, filled with chills.

He Heng’s expression showed resentment, and he said helplessly: “Senior Sister Wang, I have already explained this matter clearly. Even City Lord Wang personally examined me and proved my innocence. Why do you still come to trouble me?”

“Hmph, I don’t believe what you said. Based on my speculation, even if you have nothing to do with my eldest brother’s death, you definitely know a lot of key things.” Wang Bi glanced at He Heng with her pale eyes. The complexion showed a cold light.

“Then Senior Sister Wang has evidence, otherwise it’s a small matter to frame me casually, and slander my He family’s reputation will be a big deal. Even if City Lord Wang is here, He will never allow him to do this.” He Heng roared angrily, ruthlessly. Staring at Wang Bi, full of anger.

Wang Bi stared at every trace of He Heng’s face, every look in her eyes, but she didn’t find anything, and finally she said indifferently: “I don’t believe that you have nothing to do with this matter, you He Heng is definitely hiding something, wait, I will definitely find evidence, when the time comes, I will slash you with a sword!”

He Heng’s expression did not change at all, and he said sternly: “I am waiting for the evidence from Senior Sister Wang. He is a clear person and is not afraid of being framed by others. I hope Senior Sister can get the so-called evidence as soon as possible, otherwise my He family will inherit it for eternity, and it will not be anyone else. You can be provocative, you must give me an explanation for today’s affairs.”

“Hmph, you wait.” Wang Bi gave He Heng a cold look, turned around with her sword in hand, “Wang Bian, why don’t you roll over to me quickly!”

This made Wang Bian, who had been hiding in the corner and watched He Heng and the two torn apart, tremble with fat all over his body. He gave He Heng an apologetic look, and quickly followed Wang Bi’s footsteps.

“Wang Bi…” He Heng took a deep look at the graceful figure standing proudly with a sword, and his eyes became more and more profound.

This girl…it’s not easy!

“Even Wang Panlong didn’t find any flaws in what I She actually found out, she has a very keen spiritual sense.” He Heng frowned, and reconsidered the words he had explained to Wang Panlong and the others. No flaws were found. You must know that he came up with these in the more than 30 years of the Dragon and Snake World. After countless scrutiny, there can be no problems.

“Then, she really relies on the so-called intuition to judge.” He Heng couldn’t believe it. Could someone really find out what was wrong with him by relying on a little intuition?

“By the way, there are ancient records that there is a Taoist body in the world. They are born close to Taoism, they have unparalleled talent in cultivation, and their spiritual perception is also as sharp as ordinary people, and this Wang Bi, this person is indeed in The talent in cultivation is detached, and she is already at the peak of the second stage before the age of 20. According to the previous fight, she is only a short distance away from the third stage, and it is entirely possible to achieve the third stage before the age of 20. At the age of 30, it is very possible to awaken the yin and yang gods and cast the primordial spirit.”

“This kind of talent is indeed extraordinary. Could it be that she is a Taoist body, so she can rely on intuition to discover my problems?”

For this question, no one can answer He Heng for the time being.

In the world of Great Heaven, for countless years, the civilization of martial arts has already developed to its peak, and various aspects are studied, which naturally includes the issue of aptitude which is crucial in cultivation.

Generally speaking, the aptitudes of all people can be divided into two categories, one is the mortal body, and the other is the spiritual body.

PS: I want to explain to you that today the editor said that my update is too fast, and the recommendation may not be able to keep up, so let me take a while, not too fast during the new book period, so in the next half month, the new book period, I will still follow the guaranteed second update tomorrow, and I will wait for the new book period to update again. I hope everyone understands.

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