All Heavens Immortal Martial Arts

Chapter 7 - At the beginning of ancient times, who preached it?

The battle with Tang Zichen made He Heng understand one thing. The reason why he couldn’t break through Baodan was not only because of world reasons, not only because of his strong qi and blood, but also because of his spiritual problems. He lacks a touch, or the direction of a road.

In the Dragon and Snake Romance, the reason why Wang Chao is invincible is not how well Tang Zichen taught, nor his various legendary experiences. The root of everything lies in himself. He has an unparalleled general trend and a firm path.

Wang Chaozhong walked the long march road, where he was moved, he realized how much he had to sacrifice, and he dared to call the sun and the moon a new day. It is because he has his own invincible way.

And what He Heng himself lacks now is such a touch, a path that belongs to him alone.

“Just what can make me move my soul?” He Heng asked himself, he knows his own character the most, indifferent, hates the world, wants to live forever, overlooks the vastness of the world, and is one with the heaven and the earth. , beyond everything!

He will never have the spirit of sacrifice and dedication, and the path of protection is not his thing. He has always only cared about himself!

As early as when he was old in his first life, He Heng had already understood that life is short and things are impermanent. How can the infinite world be compared with the vast and ethereal way of heaven?

All emotions, ambitions, and desires are empty words in the end, not worth mentioning, only the eternal road is immortal.

“In this life, I was born in the world of the heavens, and I am sitting on the treasures of the heavens. I vow to rise up, walk to the top of the avenue, look at the endless scenery, overlook the cycle of reincarnation, and prevent me from becoming enlightened!” With such a firm mood , He Heng embarked on his road to enlightenment.

He started from the capital and headed west all the way to the endless prairie, admiring the vastness and grandeur there, watching the endless sun, moon and stars.

Continuing westward, he came to an endless desert, which was hot and dry, swept by endless sandstorms, and the conditions were extremely bad, with sandstorms rolling from time to time.

He Heng encountered a big storm on the fifth day, lost his way in the endless wind and sand, and lost all his water and food. No matter how high his boxing skills were or how strong his body was, compared with this vast nature, How small is the power?

In the next few days, he walked alone in the desert. The world here is extremely changeable. During the day, the sun is exposed to the sun like fire, and it is extremely hot. At night, it is icy cold to minus ten degrees. Still cold, he didn’t stop, struggling to walk in the desert, even though he was already exhausted and thirsty to the extreme.

Only in this desperate situation can one understand the fragility and insignificance of life. Under the mighty power of the vast world, the struggles of living beings are only insignificant.

“But I won’t give up. I will survive. Sooner or later, I will be able to be with this world and even surpass it!” He Heng’s eyes are full of light, which is a kind of longing and yearning.

He continued to walk forward, each step was very difficult, it took half a day, just like this, on the tenth day, he finally saw an oasis.

“I won, I gained hope, the light of detachment!”

After making repairs there, He Heng continued to walk. He began to walk south and entered the Tibetan area. There he saw many Tibetans, walking in the field with tents, and bowed to the Potala Palace step by step. This is a unique pilgrimage for Tibetans. In the place where you are, worship one step at a time until you reach the top of the Potala Palace, which few people have been able to do for so many years.

He Heng followed them, praying step by step, constantly approaching the most sacred place in the Tibetan area. In the first few days, He Heng’s forehead was blurred and almost festered. But this did not make him give up. No matter what his health was, he would get up on time the next morning and continue this kind of worship, one step at a time.

It will soon come to spring, the season of recovery of all things. He Heng has also adapted to this kind of life. His forehead is still red and swollen, but it is much better than before.

Soon it will be April, He Heng has been kneeling for 8,000 miles. At this moment, there are not many Tibetans who can persevere. They are all the most devout believers.

At this time, many people from other places came to travel here, and they were very surprised to see He Heng’s behavior, some taking pictures, some discussing, and pointing at He Heng’s ragged clothes in the wind, rain, cold and heat, He Heng I don’t care about other people’s opinions, I still go my own way, kneel and bow step by step, and come to Lhasa.

This place is very close to the Potala Palace. From time to time, pilgrims from all over the world come to kneel and worship step by step. Most of the Tibetans here believe in Tibetan religion, and they give the most grand welcome and respect to the pilgrims. He Heng and No. Taking care of others, slowly kneeling down and walking towards the Potala Palace.

On this day, as soon as the morning sun rose, many figures came to the foot of Maburi Mountain. They were all pilgrims, worshiping from the foot of the mountain step by step, slowly ascending the mountain, and heading towards the sacred palace. , He Heng is among them.

He was the first to climb the mountain and walk to the gate of the Potala Palace, but he made an unexpected move. After reaching the gate of the Potala Palace, he turned around without hesitation and left without entering at all. Many Tibetans are puzzled by the meaning of worshipping Buddha in court.

How could they know that He Heng never believed in Buddhism, he only believed in himself, and he came all the way, not the Buddha, but himself!

Where there is no Lingshan, everyone is a Buddha!

For everyone, they are the masters of themselves, who can control themselves perfectly, that is the Buddha!

He Heng knelt down all the way, not the Buddha, but himself. He washed away all impurities and revealed his true nature.

Everything in the world is false, only “I” is true!

In heaven and earth, I am the only one!

This me, refers to myself.

He Heng left here and continued his journey. He walked on the roof of this world, watching the boundless snow-capped mountains, watching the snow melt, become river water, and flow into the sea, which made He Heng’s soul a kind of washing. .

The vastness of heaven and earth, the vastness of nature, the strife of the human world, and the pervasiveness of the world, what is the Tao compared with this? It’s ridiculous that people in the world are ignorant, addicted to the endless sea of ​​suffering, unable to extricate themselves, and deplorable.

He Heng finally came to the highest peak in the world, Everest! He climbed up slowly, step by step, toward the highest point in the world, the highest point in the world. During this process, he kept torturing himself.

“At the beginning of the ancient times, who preached it?

The upper and lower are not in shape, why should they be tested?

Ming Zhao is dark, who can be the best?

Feng Yi Weixiang, how did you know it?

Bright and dark, but what is the time?

Yin and Yang, what is the origin and what is the transformation?

The circle is the ninth level, who should guard it?

But what was the merit, and who did it first?

What is the relationship between mediation and maintenance, and how does it add to the celestial pole?

Is Kyushu safe? Kawagu He Hao?

The east flow does not overflow, who knows why?

East, west, north and south, how many cultivations are there?

North and South follow the ellipse, what geometry is it derived from?

Kunlun Hanging Garden, where is it?

I sue Du Ao for not long.

Why is it that you try to give yourself to yourself, and your loyalty and name are well-known? “

One by one questions came to his mind, filling He Heng’s heart. He stood on the highest point of this planet, looking up at the sky, endless stars, and the vast universe, seeking answers.

“Life is endless, but the heaven and the earth have no limits, and the great road has no end. Life has a limit, knowledge has no limit, and the Tao is endless! Life is short, but the great road is endless. Our generation’s desire is to be small. Seek the infinite road! Although it is impossible to do it, I have no regrets!”

He Heng stood on the highest point of the planet, overlooking the heaven and the earth, feeling the vastness of the heaven and the earth and the insignificance of his own body. He planted the seed that asked, and it will sprout and grow into a towering tree after an unknown number of years!

At this moment, he understands the path that belongs to him. With a poor life, he seeks the endless avenue;

Endless time and space, infinite world, under the long journey, this road has no end, he is destined to accompany loneliness, dance with death, and finally compose the most beautiful music.

However, he has no regrets and no regrets. After embarking on this road, no matter how hard the road ahead is, he will… go on! Climb the path you choose, and climb to the end. Once the heart is built, it will never change!

In a trance, He Heng seemed to understand the realm of the so-called human law, forging an initial Dao heart, a sincere heart, and then sprouting and growing!

At this moment, the realm of UU reading Guoshu Baodan has been achieved as a matter of course.

He Heng didn’t care about anything else, his deep eyes glowed with dim light, and then he slowly closed, feeling the world with his heart. He seemed to “see” the flowers blooming, hearing the dripping of dew, the whistling of the wind, and the trembling of the mountains and rivers. … He seems to be with the sky, the universe!

At this moment, He Heng no longer has any fireworks on his body, like a Buddha overlooking the world of Hengsha, like a banished immortal, overlooking the world. The breeze blew, and he seemed to be dissipating in this world and feathering away.

Haohao is like Feng Xu controlling the wind, but he doesn’t know where it ends; fluttering is like being independent from the world, emerging and ascending to immortals.

This sentence could not be more appropriate for him.

After a long time, He Heng slowly opened his eyes, his crystal clear eyes were extremely deep, revealing a kind of wisdom and detachment to see through the world. He was looking at the “small” mountains and rivers below, one by one, dark shadows, white snow, and then looked up. Looking at the sky, the stars are densely covered, the brilliance shines, and it is dead and cold.

At this moment, He Heng felt an unparalleled sense of loneliness in his heart. He felt extremely lonely, and the whole world was left with only himself. Facing this endless world, if nothing else happened, this loneliness would accompany him forever. , until the end of eternity!

“I haven’t seen the ancients before, and I haven’t seen the newcomers later.

Reciting the leisurely world of heaven and earth, I feel lonely and shed tears! He Heng suddenly remembered this poem, and it was very interesting to read it at the moment. He then smiled again and murmured, “A true warrior dares to face a bleak life.” Even if I’m destined to be lonely forever, so what, I will enjoy this loneliness until the end, the end of eternity, the end of eternity! “

In the cold and dead world, a firm figure stood, with deep eyes always looking ahead, even if only himself was left under the sky.

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