All-American Collection

Chapter 1409

Chapter 1409:



As a woman, she was a little happy about this.

But happy to be happy, she will not be fascinated by this kind of rhetoric.

If you want to get your own heart, it is useless to just talk.

“Say it.

You guys, should you change your name for me? ”



Okita Nozomi and Imakawa Kyoko blushed.

But Tokugawa Chihime was very calm.

“About the change of title, let’s talk about it after we officially go through the door.”

“Yes, I also think this is more suitable.”

“I feel so too……”

“But at night, the three of you are not like this.”




Nai He’s words made the three including Tokugawa Chihime stiff.

because at night.

They are definitely more intimate than one shouting.

In particular, Tokugawa Chihime, who was the most calm in performance, was taken care of.

Like dear, husband, brother, and even more outrageous titles, all of them had to cooperate under Nai He’s strength.

at this time.

“Master! Master!”

“What’s wrong?”

“I just found out some incredible news!”

“what news.”

“There are demons, and not just one demon, but two.”

“Two devils? What’s going on?”

“In the information I got, the demons came from the mainland, and they chased and escaped. At this stage, the two demons should soon enter the Takeda family, or the Uesugi family.

There is even a high possibility that a battle will occur in the territory of the Takeda family and the Uesugi family. ”

“Do you know which devil it is?”

“One of them, according to the information in the records, should be the red-eyed devil.

Another word, I haven’t heard of it, but according to witnesses, it drives a lot of armored women, and there are many strange machines. ”

1993 Wife’s Responsibilities

Qingguo, Aleida, and Laishui Miki have not returned, but Naihe did not continue to wait.

Not to mention the unidentified devil.

It’s just the devil’s red eyes, this is an extremely cruel guy, but it will not show any mercy to humans at the same time.

The latest piece of information also made Nai He have to leave immediately.

And this information is that the old man of the Maori family, Moori Motou, was captured by the red-eyed demon.

The three daughters of Maori Yuanjiu are now also following along and trying to save their father.

As for the red-eyed capture of Maori Yuan on this matter.

In fact, you don’t have to think about it, you must have a red eye that collects strong people as objects of possession. After arriving in JAPAN, he heard rumors about Mouri Motoka, so he caught the old man on the way while escaping.

Now they are heading straight for the territory of Takeda and the Uesugi family with their bare eyes, and there is a high probability that they are going for the famous Takeda Shingen and Uesugi Kenshin, who has also made a name for himself.

to be frank.

At this stage, Takeda Shingen, who has a high probability of hanging up, doesn’t care at all, and it is Uesugi Kenshin who really makes Naihe care.

You have to get rid of the red eyes before Uesugi Kenshin is targeted.

So Nai He, Chihime Tokugawa, Suzume, and the three set foot on the territory of the Takeda family.

Okita Nozomi’s words were to let her stay with the father and daughter of Imagawa Yoshimoto and Imagawa Kyoko, who are ordinary people, to protect the safety of the two.

on the next journey.

According to the news that Suzume had heard, Akane had already reached the territory of Takeda’s house.

After that, there was news that the Red Eyes directly attacked the base camp of the Takeda family, and after almost destroying the Takeda family, they left immediately.

At this point, Nai He immediately accelerated his progress.

After crossing the territory of the Takeda family, he took a step ahead of the defense line organized by the Uesugi family.

Chihime Tokugawa looked at the Uesugi family’s line of defense, and found no traces left by the recent battle.

“It seems that the devil has not arrived yet.”

“According to the latest information, even if it hasn’t arrived yet, it should be soon.”

“Yeah, that’s really nice.”


Suzaku was very speechless.

When ordinary people hear the devil, they obviously can’t hide.

Because the devil has an invincible barrier, he can’t beat it at all… No, it should be impossible to fight at all.

But Chihime Tokugawa showed excitement after learning about the appearance of the devil, especially the fighting power of the devil, and looked like he couldn’t wait to fight the other side.

This had to make her wonder if there was something wrong with Tokugawa Chihime’s mind.

However, she was not worried that Tokugawa Chihime would give it for nothing.

After all, in the blink of an eye, wine can teleport hundreds of meters or even farther, and it can still be used continuously. If you want to save people and run away, there is absolutely no way anyone can stop them.

“Master, should we advance in the defense line?”

“No need, the distance between Red Eye and us is only about ten minutes.”

“Ten minutes! Do you want to inform me…”

Suzume’s voice hadn’t fallen yet.

Due to the relatively close distance, someone at the defense line noticed Nai He and others.

“Hey~ a few people over there.”


Nai He and the others looked at the caller.

Naojiang love.

Even at a distance, you can still see at a glance her most prominent feature—the big forehead.

Of course.

The reason why she is called a big forehead is not because her forehead is really very big, but because she clipped Liu Hai with a hairpin, revealing the relationship of the entire forehead.

If you change your hairstyle a little bit.

She is very beautiful in her own right, and she can definitely take it to the next level.

“Come here~ Come over here!”

“Master, do we want to go?”

“Since everyone called us, let’s go and have a look.”

The words fall.

Naihe led Suzume and Tokugawa Chihime to the defense line of the Uesugi family.

Before reaching the defense line.

Naoie Ai has walked straight over.

Originally, she just thought that Nai He and the others were just ordinary travelers, so after calling them, she planned to take them to a safe area behind the defense line.

But the moment he saw Chihime Tokugawa, he immediately knew that he was wrong.

A princess, a ninja, plus a man, no matter how you look at it, it can’t be an ordinary traveler.

Especially Tokugawa Chihime,

She had heard a lot of things about Chihime Tokugawa, and the last time she heard it was that the Hani army who was provoking troubles was running around.

This is definitely a super powerful force.

“Princess Tokugawa, why did you come here?”


Speech stopped.

She wanted to say that she was here to fight.

Not only came to fight with the devil, but also came to fight with Uesugi Kenshin, the head of the Uesugi family who was also famous like himself.

But now I am a woman.

Although he has not been officially married yet, he has already become a husband and wife. When he is outside, it is a wife’s responsibility to take her husband as the mainstay.

“I came with my fiancé.”




Naoie Ai looked at Nai He.

this moment.

Only then did she know who the principal of the three was.

Just as she was thinking about how to win over, Chihime Tokugawa, who is a top fighting force, helped to deal with the demons who were about to arrive.

A girl hurried over.

“Lord Sergeant! No… not good! According to the scout’s news, the devil… the devil has arrived near the defense line, at most… it will arrive in a few minutes at most.”


Didn’t you find anything before? ”

“I don’t know that either.”


Naoie Ai gritted her teeth secretly.

The news was so sudden that it caught her off guard.

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