All-American Collection

Chapter 1403

Chapter 1403:

Especially the Haney side.

With a noisy look, there is no sense of seriousness that war should have at all.

“Master, we’re going to fight!”

“I saw.”

With Nai He’s response, the armies of both sides have already launched a charge.

at the same time.

“Master, there is a girl in the Imagawa family’s camp who looks like a leader.”


In fact, no need to remind, Nai He has already seen the girl Suzume was talking about.


A poor girl who had just contracted a cough (tuberculous disease) and was able to recover quickly after seeing a doctor and taking medicine in time.

Unexpectedly, he has already joined the Imagawa family, and it is obviously the rhythm of repeating the same mistakes.

Continue watching for a while.

Tokugawa Chihime and Okita Wangzhan were already together.

to be frank.

Don’t say that she is already sick, even if she is not sick, with Okitabori’s strength, it is impossible to go to Chihime Gotokugawa head-on.

Seeing that Okitama had fallen into a disadvantage, the battle showed no sign of stopping at all.

“You go to the town of the Imagawa family first, and then I will go to join you.”

The words fall.

Nai He’s figure has disappeared.

What surprised Suzume was that in the blink of an eye, Nai He had already appeared on the battlefield hundreds of years away.

“Sure enough, the master general and the master also have the kind of old monster who has lived for an unknown length of time, and it is not only good at night.

In terms of its own strength, it is also in an overwhelming position. 』

It was the first time I saw Nai He showing off her abilities, and she couldn’t help but murmured in her heart.

At the same time.

Naihe, who flashed to the battlefield, resisted the Naginata that Tokugawa Chihime swung towards Okita Nozomi.

Facing Nai He who appeared without warning, Chihime Tokugawa was stunned for a moment.

next moment.

Kicked out, trying to force Nai He to let go.

It’s a pity that her kick with all her strength was easily caught by Nai He who raised his other hand.

He was shocked, but there was a look of excitement in his eyes.

But don’t wait for Tokugawa Chihime to continue.


Suddenly there was a coughing sound, which attracted the attention of the two.

Okita Wang’s complexion became ugly, and the severe cough was obviously aggravating.



a time.

Tokugawa Chihime’s interest dropped a lot.

For Okita Wang.

In the last few battles, the two have been fighting each other.

But with the passage of time, Oki Tianwang’s health is getting worse and worse. This kind of sick opponent naturally makes her more and more dissatisfied.

And the one that made her most dissatisfied was that Chong Tianwang suddenly became powerless just after the fight.

Seeing the coughing, Okita-san couldn’t hold back.

Naihe also let go of Tokugawa Chihime and hugged the girl who was about to fall in her arms.

“You… let’s have a fight.”

“Next time.

You probably don’t want me to carry a sick number and be tied down when I fight with you. ”


Smashed an approaching Haney.

After a brief silence.

Tokugawa Chihime turned around and rushed into the battlefield that had already fallen into anxiety.

1987 Innocent life choose one

The Imagawa family, who was already at a disadvantage, lost their hold on the killer **** of Tokugawa Chihime Okita Momo, which made the situation on the battlefield become one-sided by the way, and had to choose to retreat.

Naihe didn’t prepare to get along with the Hani who had lost the battle, and would definitely shout and push each other’s responsibilities. Instead, he took Okita Wangyin and headed to the nearest village.

“Thank you…cough~Thank you…”

“You don’t talk yet.”


Okita Nozomi nodded.

But at this time, although she wasn’t coughing as badly as she had just now, her state was even worse, even worse.

“To tell you the truth, I’m actually a doctor.

As you are now, although I haven’t checked it carefully, I can tell you one thing for sure…you are not far from death. ”


Hearing Nai He’s words, a hint of bitterness appeared on Chong Tian Wang’s face.

She actually knew this.

It was precisely because of this that he joined the forces of Imagawa.

Because the Hani had promised her that as long as they were willing to help, they would give them special medicines that could cure the disease after the war was over.

But now it seems that he may not be able to survive the end of the war.

“I told you.

It doesn’t look like someone who has no money. Why did he not go to see a doctor for a long time, and he dragged a small cough into a serious one? ”


wait wait wait! You say I have… a cough? ”

“That’s right.

I used to just take some medicine and it would be fine, but now… ah…”


Okita Wang widened his eyes.

She couldn’t believe what she heard.

When Hani accompanied her to see the doctor, what the doctor said was that she had an extremely rare terminal illness.

If Hani hadn’t told her that they had special medicines that could treat terminal illnesses, she would have gone to a beautiful mountain forest and lived the rest of her life in peace.

But now I tell myself.

What I have is not a terminal illness, but a cough that can be cured as long as I take some medicine and take it.

Can not accept.

Doesn’t this mean that he gave himself to… No, he should have been harmed by that unscrupulous doctor and the Hanies!

“Doctor, are you telling the truth?

I… I really, really just had a cough. ”

“Don’t believe me, I can take you to see another doctor.”

“No… no need.”

Lips pressed together.

It’s too late to say anything now.

Even going to seek revenge for Hani, who had pitted him, would be a very difficult task.

Very unwilling in my heart.

She really didn’t want to die, otherwise she wouldn’t drag her body tormented by illness and still insist on going to the battlefield to fight against powerful opponents.

“Doctor, is there really no way?”


Nai He’s silence and tangled expression made Okita Wang’s eyes glow again.

It doesn’t seem to be really impossible.

“Doctor! Please save me, please!”

“There is a cure, but you may not be able to accept it.”

“Is it money?

No matter how much, I will find a way, please help me sir! ”

“It’s not about the money.

You don’t even need to spend a penny, but this method is really a bit…”

“Can you tell me why it’s unacceptable?”

Okita Wang was very curious.

In the end, what was the method that would make the man in front of him make such an assertion.

You know, this is about your own life. Would you choose to give up your life because of the special treatment method?

Obviously not possible.

“Since you want to know, I’ll tell you.

In fact, my physique is quite special, and body fluids are a kind of good medicine that can cure all diseases. ”

“This…I think…this is actually not impossible.”

“No no no, I haven’t finished speaking yet. You wait until I finish speaking before making a decision.

I’m not talking about normal body fluids, but…”


With Nai He’s remarks, Okita Nozomi understood why she said she might not be able to accept it.

Because if you really want to be cured, your innocence will definitely be damaged.

Compared to life, innocence or something…

It’s just that the treatment method Nai He mentioned was so outrageous that she couldn’t help but wonder if she was deliberately lying to herself.

Nai He wanted to take this opportunity to ruin his innocence.

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