All-American Collection

Chapter 1383

Chapter 1383:


Mizuno Ai didn’t pay any attention to her at all.

This also let Suzuki know that the master has acquiesced in what will happen next.

If so, there is nothing to hesitate.

He got up and walked straight to Nai He.

With the constant approach, more obvious tension appeared on his face.

However, although she was a little nervous, she did not reject it, and she even had stronger expectations for the person who could become Naihe.

To know.

After today, I and my master will become good sisters in the true sense.

Since they are already good sisters, their identities and status are naturally the same. When the time comes, the master’s attitude towards him will definitely change.

You can even find an opportunity to clean up the master, so that he has always been very strict, often scolds himself, and educates his master to eat deflated.

Just thinking about it makes me excited.

However, the excited Suzume originally wanted to take the initiative.

When he was pulled into Nai He’s arms and sat in front of Nai He, the whole person became rigid uncontrollably and became unable to do anything.

Although she had a good experience.

But it’s just another experience, and it’s not a rookie who has experienced it personally.

Regarding the reaction of the girl in her arms, Nai He knew that it would probably take a lot of time to educate her to be what she remembered.

But time or something, you have what you have, just take it slowly.

But if you want to quickly educate Suzume.

Using the ability to fall into a dream, it is of course possible to live in a dream with Suzume for a while.

the next day.

When Nai He opened his eyes, he saw Mizuno Ai, who had woken up and was staring at him.

“Good morning.”

“It would be nice if you woke up a little later.”

“What? Do you want to prank me while I’m sleeping?”

“No, if you wake up a little later, I’m going to use the method between lovers to drag you out of your sleep.

Unfortunately, you woke up too early and missed an opportunity to experience good morning greetings. ”

“Why don’t I go back to sleep again.”

“Thinking beautiful.”

After the words fell, Mizuno Ai got up and left.

It was only the moment she left the bed that the action film had a brief stagnation, but soon returned to normal and cleaned up the messy bedroom.

And the reason why she was stagnant was naturally because she was injured.

Suzume is a rookie, but in fact, Mizuno Ai is also a rookie.

During the hundred years of living with her in the dream, Nai He only raised her goodwill to the top, nothing else was done or said, and even the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend was not really determined.

The time when the relationship between men and women was really determined was actually the moment she got the ring yesterday.

When Mizuno Ai cleans up the bedroom.

Nai He turned to look at Suzume, who was still sleeping in his arms.

“Not yet awake.

In this case, you must experience what is the correct way to wake someone up. ”

Nai He muttered softly.

The sound was small, but enough for Suzume to hear.

Suzuki didn’t move at all, but Naihe felt it, and in the moment just now, her heart beat abruptly.

As a ninja, this practitioner is still not at home.

So Nai He turned to his side, facing Suzume who was pretending to be sleeping with his back to him, and pulled her into his arms.

1966 The girl sells herself as a savior

Nai He stayed at Ninja Academy for a few days.

In the past few days, I have fully understood the ninja girls who are still practicing in the academy, as well as the ninja girls who were summoned by Mizuno Ai.

Naturally, it also includes Heshui and some ninja girls who are not satisfactory in strength.

But strength or something is not what Nai cares about.

Mizuno Ai obviously knew this very well, so he called Tsuru Shui and the others together.

After staying for a few days, Nai He and the others continued to travel.

What surprised everyone was that Mizuno Ai did not plan to accompany her, but let her apprentice Suzume travel with her.

I have to say, Mizuno Ai really likes the apprentice Suzume.

But as the trip continued.

When Nai He and the others were about to leave Iga and step into the Oda family boundary.

Suzume took the initiative to find Nai He.

“Master, someone is watching us.”

“give it to you”

“Do you want to stay alive?”

“The woman is captured alive.”


After the words fell, Suzume’s figure turned into a mist and disappeared.

This is just a clone, her body is already lying in ambush in the dark.

And after Suzume disappeared.

“I didn’t expect that someone would dare to attack us.”

“There is no shortage of people in the world who don’t have long eyes.”

“It’s just a little guy, a guy with a little power will never dare to move a team with the logo of the Chamber of Commerce.”


The appearance of the attacker brought a new topic to the girls, and you chatted with each other without taking it to heart at all.

What they didn’t know was that the attackers this time were a little different.

Wait until some time has passed.

Suzume came back with a **** her shoulders.

Bell Girl, who didn’t have the slightest pity, threw the tied girl directly in front of Nai He and the others, causing her to let out a dull whimper.

next moment.

The girl, who was almost out of breath after being thrown, glared at Suzuma fiercely,

However, Suzume was too lazy to pay attention to her.

“Master, I’m sorry, one person was captured, three people were killed, and a girl who seemed to be the mastermind accidentally let her escape.

But I’ve made the clone track. ”

Suzuma’s words were full of annoyance.

Even though the strength of the attacker this time is not bad, after getting the boost of Nai He, his ability to qualify has doubled.

Arguably it shouldn’t be missed.

But the reason why he lost in the end was actually because of the captured girl in front of him.

When encountering someone who can’t be beaten, most people will become timid, but this girl, like a madman, bites herself not afraid of death.

It feels like the dead man who is not afraid of life and death as recorded in the book.

In addition, Nai He said that he would be caught alive, which made one of them find a chance to escape.

“Don’t worry about her, she will bring her to the door by herself.”

Said, Nai He looked at the captured girl.

This is an acquaintance, of course, it’s just Nai He’s unilateral acquaintance with her.

I didn’t expect to meet here, and there is no curse on her body.

“Sakamoto Ryoma.

Who ordered you to attack us. ”

“You! How did you know my name?”

“It doesn’t matter how I know, answer my question.”


Sakamoto Ryoma fell silent.

Based on what she knew about Yamanakako deer, although she escaped by luck, she would definitely return later.

Once he knew he was captured, he would definitely come to save people no matter what.

Unless you die too.

However, just when she secretly made up her mind.

“Don’t make a fool of yourself.

As long as your body is not found, even if there is only a little hope, she will definitely come back for you. ”


Ideas are seen through.

But the man in front of him was right.

But speaking, it is undoubtedly breaking the agreement. Yamanakako deer will definitely be very, very angry when he finds out.

But now in this situation… whether it’s for himself or for Yamanakako deer, there is no need for him to continue.

“I don’t know the name.

But the decision to attack you came after Miss Zilu met a woman.

This woman had long black hair and was wearing a black dress. When she appeared, she was sitting on a chair carried by a skeleton. She looked like a very powerful magician. ”

Sakamoto Ryoma said what he knew.

And through this description, Nai He immediately knew who she was talking about.

Miracule Thor.

When she was in Seth before, because she was in retreat, Nai He didn’t bother her.

Unexpectedly, she has come to the door by herself.

It seems that I know what happened to my grandmother and my mother.

However, in terms of her character, even if she wanted to trouble someone, she couldn’t use such a method, but to do it herself.

But the words came back.

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