All-American Collection

Chapter 1380

Chapter 1380:

In her opinion.

Even such girls will all follow Nai He’s side from now on.

Even the benefactor who nurtured them and nurtured them can still drive them to do some things to a certain extent.

For example.

In the future, I will reveal to myself some Nai He’s whereabouts, or in other words, which girl Nai He is having a hot relationship with.

This information is the weapon.

As long as you can use it properly, you can be invincible in the days to come.

Ten minutes passed quietly.

The ninja girls who participated in the trial have also reached the bottom one after another during this period of time.

However, these exhausted girls who had just successfully passed the level were extremely cautious, sitting nervously and shyly.

The nervousness was naturally due to Mizuno Ai, the academy’s principal.

Generally speaking, apart from the annual assessment day and a few courses, there are basically very few opportunities to see them.

And it was the first time for them to meet the headmaster so closely.

As for the reason for being shy.

Naturally, it was because of the appearance of Nai He, but the appearance of Nai He was only part of the reason, and another part of the reason was because most of the ninja suits on them were damaged during the trial.

And the unlucky ones, or the weaker ones…

“Is everyone here?”

“Yes! Yes, it has expired.”

The leader of the team immediately answered Mizuno Ai’s question.

Mizuno Ai nodded.

“I came here today to teach you a lesson.

However, the courses you need to study this time are somewhat special, so I have specially brought people to assist. ”


The ninja girls present did not make a sound.

They were waiting for Mizuno Ai to tell them the specifics of the course.

Mizuno Ai also continued.

“The course this time is – room surgery.”


For a moment, the ninja girls present, not only ninja girls, but even Qing Guo couldn’t believe what they heard.

“That… Principal, you are talking about… it’s a room technique, right?”

“That’s right.”


The leading ninja girl opened her mouth.

She couldn’t believe it.

She knew about intra-room surgery, but wasn’t it abolished hundreds of years ago?

next moment.

Mizuno Ai looked at Qingguo, Aleida, and Miki Kaizumi and others.

“Everyone, can you set an example for them?”

“You want us to demonstrate…”

“Yeah, this has been banned in my house for hundreds of years, and knowledge such as room surgery has basically been lost.

And you have been with Naihe for a long time, and Naihe should have taught you a lot.

Let us all be teachers. ”

Mizuno Ai suggested.

Although it is not bad to bring this group of girls together.

But the girls in front of them, since they can be brought by Nai He, are probably the ones that Nai He likes more.

So drag them in together, the advantages definitely outweigh the disadvantages.


Be a little more generous.

After the relationship is settled, if there is a similar opportunity, you can also go to them to have a sip of soup.

At this time.

“I’ll come, I’ll come! I want to be the first to be a teacher!”

Aleida spoke for the first time and ran to Xiang Naihe with great interest.

However, Aleida did not immediately attack Nai He, but sat beside Nai He and Mizuno Ai, looking at a group of ninja girls with anticipation on her face.

Ai Mizuno could naturally see Aleida’s intentions.

“Call the teacher.”


The ninja girls said in unison.

In the face of the shouts of the ninja girls, Aleida’s small smile became even brighter.

“Hehehe~ Since you are my students.

As a teacher, I will definitely teach you well, so that you can see how powerful I am as a teacher. ”

Aleida patted her chest to assure.

next moment.

Aleida, whose eyes were already glowing, rushed towards Nai He, who was beside her.

Suzuma on the other side.

She had already returned to the room, she had already told the clone what happened, and the clone also told Naihe what he had done to himself.

As a result, Suzume was cowardly again.

He was so cowardly that he dared not take back his own self.

Because the avatar let her know a song, this one is called Boom Mountain.


1963 Niu Lao Shifu

Suzume was afraid of what happened to her avatar, but she had to face it after all, and there was no way to avoid it.

Therefore, after hesitating for a while, he made up his mind to release the clone.

It can be released at the moment when the clone is lifted.

Suzume just felt like she was struck by lightning, but fortunately, she had prepared in advance and blocked her mouth, so she could only let out a dull snort.

with the passage of time.

After a long time, Suzaku gradually returned to normal.

But even after she had recovered, she still took a while to sit up from the bed and took off the thing blocking her mouth.

“I really can’t believe that that person can even do such a thing.”

Whispering softly.

Although she had already learned about Nai He’s chaotic actions from the clone’s mouth, after accepting the memory, it still brought a great impact to her.

Of course.

In addition to being unbelievable, she also has a clearer understanding of herself.

This realization is that she herself is a very bad woman.

Because when he was bullied by Nai He and did extremely excessive or even bad things, instead of feeling unacceptable, the clone gradually became excited.

And the things and things that the clone likes are naturally consistent with her body.

So…you and Nai He are both perverts.

With the memory of shame in my mind, uncontrollable kept coming up.

“No! No! Now is not the time to think about that.”

Suzume shook her head violently, and threw out the images in her mind, as well as the strange emotions in her heart.

“How should the master explain…”

A sad expression appeared on Suzume’s face.

Although it has been confirmed, if you get close to Nai He, you can indeed improve your strength.

Even if the raw rice has not been cooked yet, but has been taken away from the first experience in another sense, the strength can be improved somewhat.

But this kind of thing, the master must have already known about it.

After all, the master is a woman of Nai He.

Simply a misstep.

If I had known it would turn out like this, it would have been better not to be so impulsive at the time.

But it’s too late to say anything now.

Now how to complete the task assigned by the master is the most important thing to consider.

Use Clone and Shapeshift again?

As the master of the strongest ninja, all kinds of ninjutsu have already achieved the level of perfection.

Wanting to use this trick to deceive the master is tantamount to playing a lantern in the toilet – courting death.

But where are you going to find a woman who is transformed out of thin air using the transformation technique!

What’s more, it’s only for one day.

Even if it really exists in the world, it is absolutely impossible for me to find it.

After thinking about it, in the end, Suzume only got one result, and she has walked into a dead end.

Either run away, or go to the master to admit his mistake.

But it is impossible to run away.

Even the master beats himself half to death in the name of exercise on weekdays, often saying that he is stupid in his head, and scolding himself from time to time.

So much so that more than once, I had the idea of wanting to run away.

But it’s just a matter of thinking about it.

She is not ungrateful.

The master has the grace to nurture and teach himself, and he has been brought up by the master since he was a child, and he has long regarded the master as a relative in his heart.

Mother… No, maybe that’s what I thought at first.

Just now.

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