All-American Collection

Chapter 1378

Chapter 1378:

Mizuno love.

She didn’t let her subordinates waste time looking for Nai He.

Because she knows it very well.

Nai He is an existence that can traverse the long river of time. There is no use in looking for it. There is only waiting, waiting for Nai He to take the initiative to find it.

She also believed that Nai He would definitely come to find her.

A few minutes later, Ai Mizuno arrived outside the training ground and entered without any lingering, and immediately saw Nai He and others.

Without the slightest hesitation.

He passed the others at the fastest speed and plunged directly into Nai He’s arms.

But at the same time as Mizuno Ai hugged Nai He.


The girl’s cry rang out.

The ninja girl who was still leading the way for Naihe and others just now, because Mizuno Ai needed the momentum of the rush, so she directly used her as a pedal.

So much so that the ninja girl fell directly from the safety zone above.

Below the safety zone is a training ground for the rookies who have just entered the ninja academy. There are also various dangerous but not fatal traps set up in this field.

“Clap~” sounded.

The falling ninja girl just landed on an area covered with special glue.

Here the ability to exercise jumping ability.

If nothing happens, if you can’t jump, you will fall into the ground covered with glue, and the whole person will be glued to the ground. Only after the others have completed all the training, will someone come to save the person.

But now no one pays attention to this unlucky ninja girl.

Everyone’s attention was already on Mizuno Ai, who jumped into Nai He’s arms as soon as he appeared.



Aleida and Miki Raimi were not too surprised.

Because on the way from the Demon World to JAPAN, basically wherever you go, there will be a few girls who will take the initiative to come to the door to give him a hug.


This is another love debt that I don’t know when.

At the same time, Nai He also hugged Mizuno Ai.

It’s not that they don’t know each other, and judging from her reaction, the relationship between the two is also extraordinary, and it is certain that something happened later.

So after a while.

Mizuno Ai raised her head and looked at Nai He, who had made herself wait for hundreds of years.

“Hey, you’re finally back.”


“Since I’m back, should I abide by our agreement and give it to me?”

Saying that, Mizuno Ai stretched out her hand.

But this can be stumped.

What the hell! ! ?

What do you want to clarify.

I don’t know what the agreement is now, and I don’t know if I promise to give you something.

But in this situation, it must not be said that way, otherwise, Mizuno Ai will definitely be very sad, and the relationship between the two will also have problems.

Just figure it out on your own.

And how to use it is very simple.

Without anyone noticing, he checked Ai Mizuno’s memory.

With a quick review, Nai He also knew what the agreement was and what Mizuno Ai wanted.

Even more than that.

The reason why Mizuno Ai is so close to herself, Naihe has already figured out.

He used the ability to dream on her.

The content of the dream is close to reality, and the flow of time is almost the same as the normal world. The only difference is that the world in the dream does not have the system of monogamy.

In this dream, he accompanied Mizuno Ai for dozens, even hundreds of years.

The purpose is not only to allow her to adapt to a long lifespan, but also to gradually deepen the relationship between the two parties and make her fall in love with herself.

The result is naturally impossible to fail.

After all, even if it was a dream, but in this dream, he devoted himself to it, and spent a hundred years with Mizuno Ai in earnest.

future words.

Perhaps it is also possible to use this memory of Mizuno Ai as a template to create dreams for her girls.

Its main purpose is also to make them fall in love with themselves. Let those ordinary human girls adapt and even accept the fact that they have become immortals.

To know.

Humans are not like those races that are born with a long life.

If an ordinary person lives for too long, not only mentality, but even nature will be greatly affected.

But if it does.

With the number of girls in his “paradise” world, it is already a big project to compile a dream for each girl for more than ten years.

Now it has been directly extended to dozens, or even more than a hundred years, and the workload has directly increased by about ten times.

and many more!

In this case.

It’s better to pull multiple girls into a dream and let them play different roles.

It will definitely be a lot faster this way.

As for whether it will affect the progress of the strategy, the big deal is to extend the time of the dream, and it is much easier to come for three to five hundred years than to separate the strategies one by one.

However, it didn’t take long for Naihe to check Mizuno Ai’s memory and even think about it.

It was over in just a few seconds.

But it’s only a few seconds.

Mizuno Ai frowned slightly and spoke again.

“What are you in a daze, what? You must have forgotten it.”

“how come.”

“Give me that.”

“Okay, I’ll give it to you.”

Said, Nai He took out a ring.

The moment Mizuno Ai saw the ring, she immediately grabbed it and put it on her hand.

Looking at Mizuno Ai who was admiring the ring, Nai He pretended to be speechless.

“It’s been hundreds of years since I’ve been gone. Compared with my lover, I care more about a ring.”

“You know it’s been gone for hundreds of years.

After waiting for hundreds of years, I finally got the ring. I’m a little happy. Do you have any dissatisfaction? ”

“No, no, how dare I.”

“Hmph~ I’m sorry you don’t dare.”

Mizuno Ai, with her hands on her hips, proudly raised her little head.

But she quickly reined in her temper.

She knows Nai He’s temper very well. It’s good to vent her dissatisfaction that she hasn’t seen in hundreds of years. If it goes too far and makes the people she likes unhappy, it will put the cart before the horse.

And as the saying goes.

Aojiao is happy for a while, and she still knows the truth of chasing her husband.

“Hey, now that you’re back.

The ninja academy you asked me to set up will be handed over to you.

By the way, in addition to the ninjas who are active now, the souls of ninjas who have died for hundreds of years, I have also collected all of them here as you said. ”

Mizuno Ai put her hand into her chest and took out a Soul Orb.

Naihe took the Soul Orb.

After investigating, I found that the souls of hundreds of thousands of ninja girls in this orb were sleeping.

And the method of resurrection is also very simple.

Especially this kind of ready-made soul, as long as the Soul Orb is placed in the World Tree, the power of the World Tree can be nurtured immediately, and hundreds of thousands of elf ninjas will come out.


1961 Male Character

Mizuno loves to get what he wants.

Since then, the attention of Nai He and others has been focused on the unlucky ninja who fell into the trap.

At this time, the female ninja was already stuck to the floor, and even if her strength far surpassed that of the rookie who had just entered the academy, there was no way to break free.

“I’m going to help her.”

Said, Nai He also jumped from above and landed in front of the female ninja.

After reaching out and grabbing the female ninja’s waist, under a slight force, only a “tear” sound was heard, and the sound of the cloth breaking suddenly appeared.

The ninja suit on the female ninja was torn out with a huge hole.

The female ninja had a bad expression on her face, but she didn’t have any drastic reaction.

After all, she heard everything that happened just now. This man has now become the current principal of this ninja academy.

From now on, including myself, all the ninjas in Iga will be subordinates of this man.

So don’t say that this is the case now, even if this man immediately gives himself to Fa-rectification on the spot, if he doesn’t want to be punished, he can only be obedient.


Looking at the female ninja in front of her, whose face was gradually turning red, Nai He was also a little speechless.

Is the quality of this ninja suit too bad?

As far as this quality is concerned, it feels the same quality as the clothes in ordinary people’s homes.


Is the finances of Ninja Academy very tight?

But that’s not right either.

The entire Iga is the domain of ninjas, and with Iga as the backing, it is definitely impossible to afford a ninja academy.

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