Alien Queen

Chapter 1829 (END) - New journey


Hearing Instein’s words, Xi Ji’s rebellion couldn’t help but stretched out his hand and pulled most of Instein’s beard off.

“of course.”

The pain is a trembling, Instein sadly struck a few beards, and said at the same time: “I came here today specifically to inform the boss of you. If you have a strict order, I want to jump and try it once. “” Can you come back?”

The inverse shape is a ecstasy that can’t be concealed. She suddenly thought about a key point. She quickly asked: “This is very important. I can’t come back after jumping out. I don’t care. I am afraid that the boss will desperately fight with me.”

“It will definitely come back.”

Instein said with a firm face: “I have placed signal transmission devices and locators on almost all the planes of this plane group, most of them are placed inside the statues of alien gods, and some are placed in hidden places that are inaccessible. These The device can continuously convert the meta-capacity in the space into its own energy. I can’t guarantee it for too long, and it will be no problem for thousands of years.”

“The plane crystal wall is not a tangible barrier in our imagination, it is just a chaotic area on the outermost edge of all adjacent plane groups. We have spent a lot of effort to get that chaotic area, according to our Test, put the signal transmission device and the locator into our main ship, which can also be received, which means that the device that perfectly matches the signal and the element can completely ensure that we can also locate our current plane group or some outside the plane crystal wall. A plane, as long as there is a signal with positioning and spatial coordinates, it is a matter of minutes and seconds to come back.”

“Can you understand me as my boss?”

In one breath, Instein, staring at himself, stared at the inverse alien, and asked, of course, Instein was qualified. It took 20 years to successfully complete the task given by the boss, and it was possible to jump out of the plane crystal wall that the main **** could not break through based on the science and technology of the iron-blood family. Instein believed that his name would be as well-known as Pope Nicholas.


With a smile on his face, he patted Instein’s shoulder hard and smiled inversely: “You did a good job, go back and wait for my news.”

“You must bring me!”

Instein looked nervous immediately.

“It’s because you don’t want to go with you, and the mother also takes you away.”


After taking a long breath, his eyes flew out against the ship and waved to himself with a smile. Instein then gave the order to the Cao combat ship, and the huge “Bee class warship” accelerated to high altitude and soon changed. Disappeared into a light spot.

“Who is coming?”

It feels like a rebellious alien appears beside her, fearing that she will not tease the child. Li Junshan stepped in front of her diagonally. Asked smoothly.

“Instein, this guy was idle in the main ship running around, and wanted to come in and see it, I was sent away.”

The inverse aliens casually replied and immediately smiled: “My boss. Did you think of the name?”

He didn’t have the gift of naming, but Li Junshan also knew himself, but said with a smile: “The name is still handed over to my father to pick it up, he and Fip just went back to dìdū within a few days, waiting for you to pick him up.”

“Leave it to me, rest assured.”

The rebellious abnormity responded, but a strange expression flashed involuntarily in the purple eyes.

Of course, Li Junshan, who was in excitement and joy at this time, did not pay attention to this.



“Trick me to turn around the main ship. You asked me to let twenty main gods come out. Is it for this?”

An angry roar sounded in the main control cabin of the huge ship “Iron Blood”, and the eyes that were like fire were staring at the inverse aliens in front of him, Li Junshan said angrily: “What are you bored to do with them? I’m playing around in turbulence, I trust you so much, you are doing such a big thing on your back.”

“You liar, lie to me to come up to the main ship. As a result, I haven’t stood still. The main ship jumped here? What is this, go back, go back immediately.”

The huge “Iron-blooded” main ship has just completed the space jump, and the main ship, which is still at the fastest speed, is shaking very hard. Li Junshan is more and more angry, and he is violently jumping.

“How big is it.”

The inverse shape smiled and said: “Sometimes it jumped out of the crystal wall of the plane. It’s been boring for 20 years. Are you not bored, boss? Looking out, how spectacular! You don’t want to go out and explore this face. What kind of world is outside the crystal wall! Rest assured, it’s not difficult to go back. When will you be homesick? Let’s go back and see if it is.”

“I’m angry because you didn’t have my consent for such a big thing, my wife and my children are staying there, my daughter was just a few days after being born, so they left them without saying a word, What if I can’t go back?”

Li Junshan’s spitting star spattered the inverse alien face, and he roared thunderously: “We have compiled our previous experience into a book. You and the queen and those aliens are the protagonists. Okay. I am a day. The face-to-face dragon suit. You are bored now, what you want to do, you have to do it, you let me go, the dragon suit is good!”

“False humanity.”

The inverse shape gave Li Junshan a white glance: “Boss, okay, we are neither me nor queen, you can also do more of the boring and more alien shapes in the world of God, let us do it. Twenty years, I am idle Stayed for 20 years! Compared to your long life, these 20 years are a fart, and I don’t know who started to sit and stare all day long since six years ago? There’s nothing to do with your wives all day long. The endless battle with the family, the battle between the Lord and the Gods, is called a spitting passion.”

“That’s all for me, what can this mean?”

Li Junshan’s voice began to be less aggressive.

“Look directly at your heart, my good boss!”

The inverse alien evil smiled and said: “Even if it’s really a dead dragon, you have an alien in your bones. It’s not much different from me and the queen and other aliens. You like **** battles. You like adventure more than a peaceful life. Look at Shudou Amuse the birds and enjoy the flowers to tease your wives. This kind of life is okay for a few years, you can drive yourself crazy for a long time! Look at it from another angle. Your woman should have been born, no pregnant Going on, you have completed the glorious task of breeding great offspring, so what is the point of waiting so much.”

“What a bullshit.”

Straight speechless, Li Junshan responded weakly.

The boneless king standing on one side wanted to laugh but didn’t dare to laugh, and his face was flushed.

“I’m not a pig, I won’t look at both eyes!”

The inverse alien smiled with pride: “Boss, jump out of those boring plane groups and take a good look at the wider world outside. There are many better things in life waiting for us. The plane wall The world is no longer capable of absorbing. Conquering other unknown plane groups. Conquering more master gods can no longer satisfy us. We need the outside world to find stronger enemies. Whatever they are, we need opponents. The stronger the better!”

“Then you walk, why do you have to pull me.”

Li Junshan was angry again.

“Boss, our destiny has been tightly bound together.”

Inverse alien music said: “This is the fact that God of Creation can’t change it. Wherever we go, you have to go. Don’t I can’t bear to watch you sink into the torment of a peaceful and easy life, I can give up my heart It is estimated that knowing the news of our departure, you are afraid that you have to jump and curse for several years.

“You are gone.”

Blinking triumphantly at Li Junshan, he smiled inversely and said: “As for home, I occasionally go back to see if it is. Now you don’t have to worry about their safety or guilt will hurt which woman’s heart memory crystal ball. Leave it to them. At least they know that I kidnapped you, not you say goodbye, and I told them you will go back from time to time.”

“I want to go back now!”

Li Junshan’s mouth was on, but his gaze involuntarily turned away from the inverse alien and gradually slowed down, and finally he could clearly see the space outside the ship.

He has jumped out of the plane crystal wall into an unknown void, and through the lookout window in front of him, Li Junshan watched the scene that made his heartbeat start to speed up.

The vast universe, the endless galaxy. Everything is beautiful and trembling.

“Fly over there.”

No more opportunities for Li Junshan to fight against the inverse aliens. The alien queen standing next to him extended his forelimbs and pointed to the distant galaxy, but the smooth and translucent skull flashed jīng light under the twin crystal eyes.

“it is good!”

What is more exciting than the inverse alien is Einstein. The former is excited because he has to start exploring adventures without having to live that boring life, while the latter is excited because he has discovered a magical world, and his face is squeezed. He didn’t dare to look at Li Junshan for a long time, and he gave orders to the equally excited warship cāo directly after receiving orders from the alien queen.

The main ship “Iron Blood”, which had just slowed down after the space jump speed, began to tremble slightly, and the speed of the booming magic engine suddenly increased suddenly.

“There is a meta force outside, not the Milky Way, no sun…”

Regardless of whether he looks directly at his inner true thoughts, Li Junshan now has to accept the fact in front of him. After a brief rage, his inner heart is stupid, and his eyes fall on the endless galaxy outside the ship. Uncontrollably excited.


It only took a few minutes to fly out, and the alien queen’s indifferent voice suddenly sounded.


The voice of the alien queen could not hide the excitement, and the inverse alien directly jumped up. With her eyes shining, she looked into the distance of the endless void through the lookout window, but it seemed to see something from the end of the distant galaxy. .

Li Junshan opened his eyes and didn’t see anything, and then Instein’s fingers began to quickly press up on the main console, and the huge display above the main console seemed to have a meteor shower falling laterally, obviously what was captured The ultra-remote monitoring equipment soon perfectly presented the extremely distant front picture in front of Li Junshan.


He couldn’t help but take a breath, and took a few steps towards the front. Li Junshan, who opened his mouth in an instant, could hardly believe what he was watching.

In the endless galaxy of light screen pictures, Li Junshan may be able to determine that the huge planets of the planet are scattered in the universe. Earths such as yellow, red, black, green, silver and white are everywhere. However, Li Junshan was not shocked by these planets, but by himself.

It is indeed a giant, a giant that Li Junshan has never seen or even dared to imagine.

Not only that, but the giant who seemed to have less body than the main ship “Iron Blood” was quietly suspended in the universe, but where he faced, a Li Junshan could not be estimated, but the quality was definitely not better than his previous life. Planet of the earth is there.

The original brown planet was slowly wrapped in a layer of yellowish light when they looked through the light screen in Li Junshan. When the giant’s hands slowly made a special gesture similar to the worship, it suddenly burst into flames. Huang Guang made the planet violently shrink in the surging.

Then I watched the huge planet in the picture shrink and shrink, and after a sudden violent shock, the huge planet was directly swallowed by the twisted “black hole” at the moment of the explosion, and it was incomparably the same as the original face of the planet. The fiery brown light quickly cut through the void and quickly entered the giant’s mouth. Li Junshan’s eyelids jumped at the shocking scene.

“Swallow the planet!”

Li Junshan was shocked, but the alien shape was excited.

“There are dozens of such giants around.”

The voice of the alien queen is gone. The indifference to rì is obviously two decades of boring life.

“Such a good host, you must not let go…”

Started flashing over to the main ship’s teleport room, rejoicing with alien shapes, and had to leave without the permission of Li Junshan or the queen.


I also wanted to speak out to stop the rebellion. After all, the shocking scene just brought Li Junshan’s shock too much. However, when he saw the alien queen, he turned around and followed, and then the giant in the picture seemed to feel the “Iron Blood”. The movement of the main ship looked sideways, and the giant’s completely human-like face showed a cruel and excited look, but he walked across the giant legs in the universe, and Li Junshan, who accelerated the blood flow in his body, hurried to the queen. .

The speed is very As soon as he appeared in the void outside the ship, he watched the giant stepping forward and was not far away from here. Li Junshan ordered the dead bone king and Instein to control The main ship “Iron Blood” backed away, when a large number of giants appeared one by one behind the giant and began to rush to the side quickly, while the alien queen and the inverse aliens rushed up, Li Junshan without thinking The movement of the mind released all the aliens of the main **** in the “Jīng God World”.

With endless grievances, a large or thin alien made a scream of excitement and sharpness, but he greeted those storming enemies like the cháo water in the alien queen…

“It’s impossible to drag the hind legs again! Do you want to borrow the power of those alien gods? Do you want the master **** to unlock the seventh layer of genetic lock? Is it a question of success or failure?”

The momentum of each giant’s collision is no weaker than that of the alien queen. Li Junshan, who is about to explode with a terrifying battle in front of him, sees a burst of animal blood. However, thinking of that strange feeling, and then looking at the tall and violent body of the alien queen, he is the spirit of excitement. A cold war.

. .


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