Alien Queen

Chapter 1825 - Fuck her!

The elements of itself are completely out of control, but the endless elements in the turbulent flow of the void are not out of control, just like crazy, and the turbulent elements rushed from all directions to Kenny’s body.

No one knows whether this is Kenny’s command of those elements or those elements that are extremely close to him. The influx of elements makes the flaming colorful flames more violent, but Kenny’s screams It is obviously not as painful as before.

A strange magic rhythm fluctuated in the limited void. When the queen of aliens stepped out and returned to Li Junshan, a piece of diamond-shaped snow and frost appeared in the turbulent void centered on Kenny’s body, like a plague. The frost spreading like ice accurately sealed all the space and elements turbulent outside Kenny.

The intervention of the turbulent element is to strengthen the degree of Kenny’s blaze and burn, or it is offsetting the unknown terrifying power attack caused by the “Blast Moon” attack, which is not important, when the body is limited All the elements in the void belong to the body. No more elements flow in, and it is impossible to condense the mental power to cast any magic. Kenny screams once again heated up.

The violent martyrdom burning continued for dozens of seconds. When Kenny’s soul screaming became weaker and weaker, his body had completely transformed into a violently burning colorful flame ball. Slower and slower until it finally disappeared, Kenny, who screamed abruptly, was completely burned like the previous Mondo and eventually disappeared completely.

The body composed of elements disappeared, the soul composed of primitive spirits disappeared, and there is no existence of the core of the main god. The “Supreme Lord” who claims to be unkillable as long as there is an element in the world bids farewell to a very tragic state. In this turbulent and turbulent world, no normal syllable has been pronounced even after death, but any of the main gods in the field can imagine how painful this powerful and arrogant “Supreme Lord” experienced from life to death. .

“Really happy! Why not take it out earlier!”

The anti-alien look was extremely exciting, but he said to the alien queen: “It’s so difficult to play in front of you. You may have taken it out early to solve him.”

“It’s useless to take it out early. If you don’t hit him, it will only make him feel alert.”

Killed Kenny. The violent and aura of the alien queen is still intact, and the statue stands in the void, and his indifferent voice responds to it in a faint voice.

“Why not leave it to the boss.”

His eyes turned to the void that had returned to normal. The rebellious face said with pity: “Let the boss absorb his power, and he will definitely be able to achieve the Lord God.”

“No way.”

Li Junshan said regretfully: “I blasted him once before the “Time Department” magic did not appear. You also saw it. At that time, I tried to use the “Black Shagong” to absorb it but it was not enough.”

“It is estimated that he is not a real living body.”

The inverse shape is a look of unpredictability, but when her gaze falls on Helen who is still immobile for a while. But it turned into a face of excitement and eager to try.

“Fuck her.”

He grinned and smiled cruelly against the alien shape: “She will fight in groups if she can’t die alone. With so many younger goddesses, today she can’t die. We’ll simply explode all the goddesses and commit suicide.”

“I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

Helen finally spoke, but she didn’t respond to the inverse alien or told them to Li Junshan.

“Aren’t you going to kill me?”

There was a light smile on his face. Helen’s eyes fell on the “Master of Death” Masdak, who had stopped still after the appearance of the six “Alien Souls”, but said calmly: “If you don’t shoot, you may have no chance.”

Regardless of Helen’s so-called “ultimate realm” or something else, the “Master of Death” Masdak was the least shot this evening. Especially after the fusion of Helen and Mondo, Masdak can be said to have never done anything.

“I want to try if I can squeeze you out of the body of the “Terminator”, and I won’t devour your soul. That will only make me sick.”

“Sovereign death” Mascark’s sharp soul sounded.

It’s okay to say nothing. Masdak’s sentence will kill him.

It wasn’t Helen’s shot that it was impossible for the war situation to appear any more under the control of the situation. Li Junshan could not yet give the spiritual command to the other main **** alien, but the alien queen had already done so.

Breaking Kenny is a breeze, not to mention Masdar which is not in the same grade as “The Supreme Lord”.

As if passing through the void, the huge hind limb of the alien queen who stopped at the Yuan Yuan side of Li Junshan at the moment was in front of the “Master of Death” Masdak. At the same time as the body appeared, the right fist clenched to the forelimb, which was much larger than the Masdak body, also slammed into the center of the huge mass of frozen death gas.

“Peng” sounded a popping sound, and the piece of void collapsed and rose like a bubble, and then burst. The surging air of death was completely blown away by the terrifying energy covered by the fist of the alien queen, and the exposed rotten body of Masdak violently exploded into blasted fragments.

The dreadful huge body is abruptly stagnant. The broken body of Masdark’s soul attack hit the alien queen at the same time, but said that when the latter suddenly abruptly, Helen not far away suddenly shot.

From the center of the head to the crotch, the two halves are directly divided. The large number of blood-red vines exposed in Helen’s split body is enough to match the attack of the alien hyoid bone, and even a little faster. On the back, the vast void was pierced through holes.

Arrived in an instant, seemingly not yet struggling to wake up from the negative reaction of the soul attack, the alien queen was entangled in the vines waving in the sky, unexpectedly it could be really successful, the ecstatic Helen spirit controlled the vines to rotate He quickly squeezed it and wanted to strangle the queen, thinking that he would get stronger and more violent and absolutely unparalleled strength. Helen’s split body shivered with excitement.

The alien queen’s body is now thirty meters away, but it’s not like thirty meters, that is, three hundred meters. Helen can pack it into dumplings in an instant, but just when she mentally controls the vines to spin and strangle However, those blood-red vines twirled with great force, but they instantly twined into a circle with a diameter of only ten meters away.

A heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and the sudden attack made Helen not distracted to observe. However, how could Helen not know at this moment that he was entangled in only the ghost image left when the alien queen disappeared into the air instantly.

I don’t have to guess that it wasn’t “space aliens” that sent the alien queen away in an instant. It was Li Junshan who took the queen back to the “spiritual world”. All the main gods in the world only felt that their group of “organs” suddenly appeared a negligible coldness, and it was clear that it was the soul of Masdak that was about to invade his body. In the “spiritual sea” of Helen The mysterious mysterious “Law of God” appeared again.

Masdak does not have too much power, at least compared to today’s Helen or the alien queen, but Masdak has endless talents-how many souls have been swallowed for hundreds of millions of years. Ability, combined with her violent power and strong main divine power, I believe that the worst result will also be the fusion of the Masdark soul. Helen asks herself that she is not without a battle in today’s extremely unfavorable situation.

The worst result is a big deal, just to avoid it.

Her mind is like electricity, but Helen has not ignored Li Junshan’s side. No matter what direction she considers, she can no longer allow this ordinary human being to have so many aliens-or the main **** alien.

The dark particles, light waves, and bees wings were extremely violently quaking, and Helen, who had fought violently with pure physical attacks for a long time, finally cast magic again after the “power of the law of fate” and the unknown “time” magic, space The instability characteristics of magic are revealed at this time. When the moon-like colorful light waves penetrated the sky and shot at Li Junshan, a wave of ripples ripped through the turbulent space of the void. The peculiar rhythm sounds sent directly to the depths of each soul.

Li Junshan did not hide-in fact, he could not respond at all and could not escape this violent and powerful blow. He had no confidence in himself but had confidence in those alien gods, but he was still suspended in the void like a rock.

He didn’t send Li Junshan away, and he prepared a long shot of “space alien” on the side.

Not directly interfering with Helen’s unknown “space system” Just as the moment when the magic took shape as if it might be expected to attack its target, the “space alien” floating around Li Junshan was like a magic wolf The black hair on the body surface exploded and passed a black halo.

Six “silver snails” appeared in front of him when Helen’s sharp magic hit Li Junshan. When the magic attack hit one of the “silver snails” skulls, there was a lot of mercury. The streamer flashed on all “silver snail shaped” snail shells, but the seemingly amazing magic disappeared.

To be precise, the magic disappeared on the surface of the “silver snail”, the same colorful particle light wave rushed back at the same speed, but when Helen’s split body suddenly stiffened, The aura of colorful particles split directly into her split body.


The dark brown blood splashed out with broken vines, and the vast void shook violently. At the same time, the white flames, the cold frost, the violent thunder, the fully metalized magic blade, etc., instantly Almost all the sharp magic of all departments raged in Helen’s body. When the last undead department “Frost Nova” was very violently blooming, Helen’s already split body could no longer resist the impact of a lot of magic but it was direct Exploded into pieces of sky. . .

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