Alien Queen

Chapter 1823 - Resurrection

“Is the queen dead?”

“He said so, and it looks the same now.”

“Do you think he is right?”

“Well… it looks probably right.”

“To the fart! He wants to kill the queen? The one who can kill the queen hasn’t been born yet.”

“What does this say? The queen is not dead, obviously.”

“I can’t hear it? I mean he is a big dung who walks around in the trash, and a dare who doesn’t even have a bird. He dare to put a big word here, what kind of “empty bomb”, believe it or not. “Empty” put an “air bomb” into his asshole.”

“Wait, your vision doesn’t hold. You all know that he has no blood, no meat, no birds, and probably no assholes. Where do I put the “air bomb”? And, who do you mean by “Xiaokong”.”

“Put him an **** without any **** and plug it out again. “Xiaokong” means “space alien”, just like my name is Xiaohei and you call Dahei, if there is another “space alienation”, there will definitely be A “big air” is gone, you don’t even know that there is still a face to follow the boss.”

“Oh. By the way, let’s not go too far. Tell me what happened to the queen? Why are the souls destroyed before they die?”

“It’s not easy, because the two of us are still alive…”

In the yin-yang spirit language, Xiaohe laughed with Dahei as he spoke.

The body trembled as if it was energized, and Li Junshan turned around and looked behind him.

Shaking his head and laughing endlessly, Dahei and Xiaohei, who made the main god, seemed not to be sad and angry at the death of the queen. But it was just like talking to Li Junshan after being rescued by the alien queen in the “Scarlet Narrow Valley” for the first time and waking up to talk about “comparison”.

“Revived by the alien queen? The queen’s consciousness! They have just become the main god!”

Several keywords flashed through Li Junshan’s mind, as if struck by a fierce thunder, his body shuddered instantly.

“Crazy. Two of them are crazy before this!”

Kenny was not angry at Dahei Xiaohe’s verbal provocation, but she still smiled at them.

Two black lights flashed out of the big and small black skulls and disappeared into the alien queen’s scarred and crippling skull, and instantly felt the faint but indifferent queen’s “spiritual” breath. Kenny’s eyes were opened to the extreme, and he looked incredible.

Fate was reversed by “time magic”. I just experienced the gap between heaven and hell. At this moment, when Li Junshan saw the stiff body of the alien queen, a sudden trembling suddenly stood in front of him, and his anger and grief returned. The unfaded Li Junshan was smashed by a huge ecstasy, and the sudden ecstasy and excitement made a weird moan.

“How is it possible. How can they have their soul consciousness? What is the situation? How can you survive?”

I was sure that I wasn’t caught in another “law of destiny” or “time-based” magic, which caused hallucinations and a sense of time and space confusion. I can be sure that the alien queen was standing there with her sword cut, but Kenny’s eyes were round, His mental language was completely stunned.

A white ray of light appeared out of nowhere and quickly sank into the standing alien queen. The holy light projected from the six light-minded “Korai Alien” will completely encase the queen’s body in an instant, regardless of sword wounds, fist wounds, including the completely penetrated hole in the queen’s chest, starting under the powerful holy light treatment Quickly recover.

“Don’t you say that the Light Department of Light cannot cure it?”

The Queen’s death and resurrection made Mitchell even more overjoyed. The incredible on his face was replaced by a heart-shaped happy look, but he also asked Manacido around him.

“Pure dark physique also possesses the light main divine power, such a miracle except Nicholas possessed the alien. Who can achieve any other Warcraft? Do you not feel that the holy light is not pure enough? But obviously its healing effect is not It’s inferior to my holy light technique, and it’s definitely going to be stronger than my whole street if the six go together

Manacido also smiled, but he chuckled: “So what I can’t do is that they did it, which is not unusual.”

Sigh with satisfaction. Li Junshan turned his head to look at Kenny who could not believe in the distance.

“You can’t kill you more than you, compared to the smashing and killing “terminator”. Why can’t the queen be resurrected.”

Staring at Kenny with a smile, Li Junshan continued: “I want to run now? It’s so boring. I was pressed by you for a while, and my main army only came over and you wanted to run. This doesn’t suit you.’ The status of the Supreme Lord’s God. Let’s talk about how happy you are in front of you. Now that there are so many Lords in the field, you may become a Creation God by sucking them one by one. Why would you want to run?”

“Twin” alien “joint magic” is not the most terrifying, what is really scary is their different talents, just like the six “Alien Souls”, they did not ignore the previous moment they all the people in the field together with the elements The existing Kenny has frozen the scene for a moment, and he is 100% sure that he can kill this “King Lord of the Supreme Lord” Kenny. The half-depressed knot is now completely untied. Li Junshan is very teasing.

“You can try.”

“Supreme Lord” Kenny’s face flashed with anger, and he calmed down. He said lightly: “Or you can let them try.”

“No hurry, no hurry.”

The Queen’s injury has not recovered, Li Junshan is not in a hurry to shoot, he turned his head and looked to Helen on the side.

“Now you still have a chance…”

I believe that all the alien gods will definitely use the most perfect coordination and the most violent means to deal with the battles that will erupt at any time in the field. It is wise not to tell them how to fight. Li Junshan stared at Helen and said: “Time is magic, really he Damn, if you can reverse the time again just like adjusting the clock to the watch, you will definitely not have to face the situation now.”

I was very upset. Finally, the master and **** successfully unlocked the seventh layer of “gene lock”, but he was turned back to the prototype by Helen. Now that he has found a way to restrain the “terminator”, Li Junshan finally has an absolute advantage. Psychologically balanced.

Helen said nothing. Her eyes looked far away from Meng Duo, which had been ignited by the blazing fire for a while, and eventually became smaller and smaller until she completely disappeared into invisible powder, but she ignored Li Junshan’s voice.

“Stop talking to them.”

The rebellious alien shape, also shrouded in the Holy Light of the “Dark Beaver Alien” of the Department of Light, said violently: “When the little girls get hurt better, they will start. I can’t kill them today. I blew my goddess, shit, I have never played After such a hard time, I succumbed to death.”

“Leave it to them.”

Li Junshan looked at the inverse alien with a smile: “When they beat her up and beat you up, you will go on again. Even if you beat the water dog down, it should be almost even if you are not enjoyable enough.”

“Yeah, little boss. Don’t talk about our brothers, you have to make them enjoyable too, little boss, and finally the main **** is now suffocating the big guys. You don’t want them to break out of this line.”

Achieving the progress of the main **** to let Xiaohei’s strength Li Junshan is still not clear. However, it is obviously second only to Xiao Ni in the smart form, but it is “poor” a lot, with a flattering taste in the language of mental power, and Xiao Hei nodded and waisted.

“Then fight!”

The inverse alien called “Little Boss” was a comfortable, “I’m optimistic about you” expression, and the trauma on her face had recovered. She pointed to Kenny and said: “Choose the most arrogant fight first . This guy was rampant before, let me kill him first.”

“Little Boss, you just look at it.”

Little black.

“Remember, I want to spike. The most violent and powerful spike, you can go cool if you can’t do this. Even if you fight with him here for a year, I will do it myself.”

“Spike is your patent for the queen and the little boss. This time it’s time for them to perform. Little boss, you can rest assured.”

Xiaohei said, but its dragon head turned to look at the queen. Obviously eye-catching again, Xiaohei still has to obey the queen’s idea.

Invisible in the body, at least the trauma of the alien queen’s innumerable body surface has been restored under the treatment of the six illuminating “light raccoon aliens” that were probably mutated, especially the chest can be seen at a glance The huge penetrating injury has recovered to the size of a fist, and it will heal in sight.

The inverse shape is anxious, and the other main gods are also anxious, but it seems that the alien queen is also suffocated by half a beat, and even it can’t hold back.

The right foreleg stretched out and gently held it in the void, a black light burst from all the different-shaped skulls in the field and shot straight into the queen’s body at a speed that other main gods could not see, and used the “second paragraph again” The moment the power was drawn, the alien queen stormed out.

The Sword of Wind cut across a clear light and fell into the hands of the inverse aliens, apparently did not want to use the “Supreme Master Artifact” to fight, the body exploded in a sudden jump, and the indifferent queen of aliens looked like it would be borrowed by unimaginable The power was thirty meters away and it rushed towards Kenny with a violent breath.

Without hesitation, Kenny appeared one by one in the field, fully possessing the same soul breath and strength breath. In a flash, there were a hundred Kenny’s like a bee stung in a nest. Went out.

A half and a half greeted the alien queen, but more Kenny drove in all directions, apparently doing what he said-Kenny was going to give Helen to deal with the murderous alien gang in front of him However, he wanted to feel the oil and run away.

Just borrowing the ability of six “thunder aliens”, the queen of aliens is enough to knock Kenny out of the air with one sword and one end, not to mention the amount of the alien power of the main **** in the field, and he is not afraid to prop up his own alien queen straight. Like a giant mountain smashed past.


The empty space of nearly a thousand kilometers was instantly covered by the yellowish halo, and the body of the alien queen appeared a more flaming yellowish mask, accompanied by its clenched giant fist spraying two mouths. When Kenny, the speed of the black magic flame, suddenly slowed down and burst, the awful gravity suddenly appeared in the field, so that the speed of the large amount of Kenny suddenly slowed down. . . )

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