Alien Queen

Chapter 1821 - Turn sharply

Ignored that Drayte was swallowed by Mondo.

Nor did he care about Bai Kui being swallowed again and Manacido seeing it suffer again.

For the murderous and anomalously decisive Masdak, they turned a blind eye.

Reason is completely thrown out of Jiu Xiaoyun, and the soul is so extreme that Li Junshan can’t even do the most fundamental thing in the past-simple ideas have been done several times in a row, and he has never returned to his spiritual world, the immovable alien queen Following the current, he drifted away.

I don’t know if all of my main divine powers have shrunk and condensed into a mass, sealing their consciousness, spiritual power, soul power, or everything, extreme protection or even imprisoned in the center, or the queen has died… …

I dared not think about it anymore, and I saw the powerful suction from the huge black hole in the distance pulling the queen’s body, but it took a long time to swallow the queen. Li Junshan, who was blank in mind, chased without thinking. Go up.

To be exact, half of the skull was chased up-the deformed skull.

“Are you trying to devour me?”

The more I fight, the more impatient I am, and the separation of a Mondo also divides most of my strength, plus the sharp output of the main divine power in the instant that hits the alien queen, and the amethyst amethyst from the depths of the heart. “Assimilation” was shocked and frightened. Although the fighting time was not long, he failed to blow the already hit small counterattack into the air, which made Helen anxious. She was not annoyed when she approached the “Master of Death” Masdak. Instead, the mental language laughed.

“You can come and try!”

There is no risk to try to directly break through the inverse alien anger and violently attack continuously-this body is not easy to come by, but Helen is not willing to take any risk of losing it. Raising his hand and throwing the terrible force in the foot will rush over and over again. Helen smiled as he fought against the alien.

Kenny smiled too, very happy.

“You don’t want to abandon it so much. Then go with it!”

The spirit language of smile has just sounded, and there is no need to deliberately lock the target from a large piece of flesh and bone fragments. Watching the half-shaped skull traverse through the ripples of space and chase after the queen, Kenny exited while the slender white right hand snapped a void.

A translucent long sword appeared before him in response to the ejection of Kenny’s right finger. The long sword with the dragon’s head at the handle was only half the length of the arm. The crystal translucent sword shone with crystal luster and was bright. Under the light of the turbulent elements of the turbulent flow, the sword was rolling with lines of mercury tadpole-like mysterious magic runes.

“Although the “time” magic that only exists in the legend today made me think that the “space” magic fell down, but just to kill you, this “Void Sword” is enough!”

Xian Ting evaded a thunder blade spitting out of a “Thunder Alien”, and Kenny’s body with no bones at all seemed to break away from it like a snap and avoid another “Thunder Alien” together. “The violent tongue attacked and smiled. Teleport away to let “Demon pupil” Sadez’s Fengying machete cut into a void. His right hand pointed at Li Junshan.

“call out!”

Ude’s Sword of Destruction is about to be cut on the translucent “Void Sword”, but the latter disappeared between the electric light and flint, and the long sword broke through the waves of the space like the waves in the harsh shriek. Passing through the middle, catching Li Junshan or the half of the skull with vast elemental waves.

Suddenly stopped.

Seeing that Helen and the “Master of Death” Masdak of Helen and the inverse alien warfare stopped, including the dead air and the ghost ghost fire of the large void in his body.

The inverse shape also stopped, and I could hardly see a piece of intact skin. She was all bruised and still maintained the attacking attitude of the previous second.

Helen also stagnate, and the pink right fist pushes out like a statue.

The sky-dancing vines also stopped, including the sight of Manazido, who was about to be entangled in the vines that would be covered by black magic flames.

Mitchell is also the same, he shot at Li Junshan with his blue curved blade, and a series of afterimages dragging behind him solidified at the same time.

Everything went into a state of solidification or stillness in an instant, including turbulent turbulent elements and surging ripples in space, but there were still beautiful frost flowers condensing on them and their bodies, of course Also includes that sharp “Void Sword”.

It’s only about one-hundredth of a second—probably no one except the main **** can feel the abnormality at this moment, but this is a crucial one-hundredth of a second, but it is enough to change the fate of the war or everyone.

The short-term solidification is fleeting.

Just like the natural formation, just when it is temporarily frozen or static is about to be broken. A “black hole” appeared in the turbulent space of the void, as if it appeared at the same time as the anomaly in the space, or it was too late to detect the time, and six aliens flashing like white snow and ice appeared.

There are two other “black holes” blooming together. Li Junshan, which exists in the form of a half-crane, drifts to the alien queen of the huge “black hole” in the distance, just like being swallowed. Taking him and its body as the center, two abruptly appearing “black holes” that perfectly fit the body swallowed them.

The “Void Sword” swept through the void space and plunged into the huge “black hole” in a far more rapid and violent gesture than the thunderbolt. The long sword with some terrible power was swallowed by the “black hole” Afterwards, it still shone with the mysterious light for a few seconds before disappearing completely.

After rushing for a long while, the body flew obliquely to the sky. The inverse alien that thawed suddenly gave up the stalking of Helen, and the six “thunder aliens” who received her spiritual communication were the same in an instant. Quickly backwards, he gave up the attack on Kenny.

Shocked by the sudden change, Helen and Kenny, who felt strange at first, looked up subconsciously to the turbulent altitude. The latter did not know what it was, but Helen recognized the six bodies at first glance. Up and down surging the “Ice Soul Alien” of the main force of the Ice Department, she couldn’t take a closer look at it, and the six-pointed white Mars attracted her attention.

As if appearing out of thin air, even Helen didn’t feel any abnormalities before that. When she saw that the six-pointed white Mars formed the shape of a six-pointed star, and it has become a straight through the void in an instant. A tangled vine-like Mondo exploded, and the flame of the Holy Light that spread like a flash of fire covered everyone’s eyes.

Suddenly burned that void into a vacuum, the white flame gathered into a huge vortex and incinerated everything that could be incinerated, and the black magic flame that was solidified was as violently burned as the energy supplement. The flames of two different colors but extremely high temperature converge together and emit a black and white flame fountain straight towards the turbulent flow of nothingness. The situation is like an eruption of a giant volcano.


The huge leak made Mondo’s body covered in black and white flames spraying inverted fire pillars in all directions, when the terrible two-color flames slammed into his body-no matter if his body was disgusting vines or other Organs, the gas produced by full combustion emits a strange howling sound, breaks the skin and sprays outward, and the gas with a huge impact and the two-color flame straighten the huge Mondo into an unprecedented burning giant firework. .

Seeing that the blood-red vines that were about to entangle the body suddenly pulled down, when the white flames spread quickly, Manacido felt the high temperature enough to gasify his body, and he was horrified. He tried his best to withdraw from the kilometer, but he was still the closest to Mondo and his body and his soul seemed to show a burning scorching sensation, but the horrified he was retreating back and forth until he took his body. Mitchell, with an ecstatic face standing in parallel

No one paid any attention to Manacido’s movements, and at this time everyone’s eyes were fixed on the huge blaze of fireworks.

“Stop… it’s…”

The ecstatic Mitchell repeated the two words in his mouth, but Manacido only slightly stunned but changed the same expression, and his body was shaken by this huge surprise. stand up.

It really stopped.

The ripples in space from the distance are not as choppy as they were in the front. Although they are still continuing, they are obviously just some aftermath.

It really did.

Many dare not say, just what happened just now, “the main **** of light” Manacido can be absolutely sure that the six ice system “ice aliens” have become the main god-this is not, they are in the void above everyone’s head Hovering, and the short stillness just now has nothing to do with the “time” magic of the sky, it is just the “absolute freeze” of the six “ice spirits” combined magic.

There are also fire-shaped The six-pointed white Mars Manacido was naturally seen before, and he can basically be sure that it is the joint attack of the six fire-type “Dragon and Phoenix aliens” that achieved the main **** The magic “vacuum fire.”

There are also aliens of the space system, but Manacido is not sure that the “space aliens” owned by Li Junshan have achieved the main **** or the six whole-system “silver ring ancestor dragon aliens” have achieved the main god. After all, these two aliens are known to him Both are proficient in space magic.

Whether this has all achieved the alien of the main god, Manacido is not clear, but the scene in front of him clearly told him, just like Helen used the power of fate and the magic of the time department of the unknown hall to combine thoroughly After changing the battle situation, the appearance of these alien gods must definitely rewrite the battle situation.

The single main **** alien is not outstanding-at least it is not outstanding in front of the main **** battlefield, especially in front of Mondo, Helen and Kenny, but the twin alien is enough to make any main **** look sideways, startling, and perfect magic. Overlapping, perfect combination of the main divine power, perfect magic rhythm, and the perfect combination magic is absolutely no one can ignore.

The facts tell Manacido that his estimate is still more conservative, with concentric circles of “black holes” blooming in the turbulent void, one…no…it should be said that six are followed by six The main **** alien appeared. . . )

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