Alien Queen

Chapter 1792 - Purgatory


Inside the transparent ice sculpture, a monstrous green ice spine suddenly appeared on the solid body of Mondo Chi, taking the blood in his body as a carrier, when the terrible cold ice formed blood, then the magical and cruel operation in Kenny At the next moment, I didn’t know dozens or hundreds of ice vertebrae punctured from Mondo’s body and turned him into an eye-catching monster.

“I can’t kill the Terminator, I want to try whether it can really kill”

With a smile, Kenny’s right hand began to hold in vain. The time and rhythm were calculated to be absolutely perfect. Once the right hand is firmly held, the extreme cold air that occupies Mondo’s body will condense into a “nuclear melt bomb” and then violently The explosion is on, if this is combined with the main divine power that Mondo itself is unimaginable, this explosion will definitely completely gasify his entire flesh on the spot.

At this time, Kenny is not Kenny’s own extraordinary strong master divine power, which will affect his own attack. No one, including Kenny, can attack any body other than his soul attack into Mondo’s body. After all, his master The divine power is here, but Kenny uses the profound means to mobilize the water elemental power in Mondo’s body which is not much but enough for him to complete the “Aria” attack.

No one can stop the attack that originates from oneself as a disease, maybe you can recover quickly with your own strength when suffering from it, but you can’t stop the instantaneous attack of the acute disease in the body, and it’s not as strong as Mundo, when he himself When the main power of the water element, or the water power that is extremely close to the fusion, was mobilized by Kenny, he used his flesh and blood as the body, even if he had a master divine power that Kenny could not match, he could not resist it.

Not being able to resist does not mean not being able to counterattack. If Mondo is only Mondo and does not merge with the “Terminator”, Kenny’s incredible “Frozen Aria” magic may be enough for Mondo, but now Mondo It is no longer a warrior in the traditional sense, or even a creature in the traditional sense.

It directly detonated the chaotic and violent main divine power in the body. When the cold ice mass like the mutant “nuclear melt bomb” magic light group he had previously played was about to explode in front of the body’s rapid expansion, he was frozen by the ice. Mundo, with body, internal organs, blood, but absolutely not frozen by the soul and the main divine power, did not hesitate to detonate the main divine power in his body that he could not restrain himself.

As the sword’s eyebrows flicked up, Kenny, who had absolutely keen awareness, almost flew back to the distance without lifting his shoulders and feet while the Mondo body exploded, and seemed to perceive what his colorful The eyes of the elemental storm suddenly turned white.

Not the cold white light like ice and snow, nor the soft milky white like the bright holy light, but the white light shown by Kenny’s eyes is extremely dazzling like the scorching sun, with his body radio Far away, the vast empty space where Mondo was violently exploding suddenly burst into a white glow of light, and the turbulent space of the void seemed to be unable to withstand the impact of Meng Duo’s instantaneous divine power or other reasons. A bulge immediately punished with a bang.

The huge space was completely filled with the top “blaze fire” in an instant, but it was not only that, when the white blazing glare with the micro-band jumped in the “blaze fire” that was comparable to the high temperature of the “magic plasma” was as red as red When the living magic runes spread out in all directions, the apparently mutated “blaze” quickly spread to burn the void space, the surging airflow and the chaotic turbulent elements, all of which could burn or The incombustible things are covered by a spectacular and terrifying sea of ​​fire. …,

The endless “blaze fire” filled everything, including the “” formed after Mondo exploded, while the violent “blaze fire” was violently infused, but even the edge space of the “black hole” was burned into a stab. The blazing white, retreating other main gods only felt a deadly suffocation filled the entire turbulent space, the terrifying hot and high temperature shock eroded the soul of each main god, and the battle was completely still at this moment.

Of course, no one is afraid of “Mengduo”, at least those three “Munduos” that cooperate with other iron-blooded gods. In the face of this, they have reached the ultimate fire magic. The three “Munduos” are not like the other. Like the main god, there was a brief stagnation in the rapid retreat. Facing the strange magic rune and the smile of the flame elf more like a scream, the three “Mondos” not only avoided the fire but turned to the sea of ​​fire. The motionless Kenny in the center of the purgatory blasted away.

Burning everything, burning everything, the face of such top-level “blaze fire” magic can rely on it is a similar anti-magic armor in addition to its own magic resistance, but this comes from “”Kenny’s mutation” The “flaming fire” magic is that even turbulent elements can be burned, and the magic resistance that still belongs to the category of magical elements can not resist such a domineering variant “flaring fire” burning.

At the touch of fire, the three “Mengduo” rushed into the sea of ​​fire and immediately became a “huh” burning fireman, when the “blaze fire” that burned everywhere and invaded everywhere along the three After the features of “Meng Duo” entered their bodies, the flaming body and the screaming fire column made Manacido and others see a chill in their eyes.

The surface is covered with a layer of blue flames. No one knows what means Kenny Kenny used, but the “blaze fire” that burned the entire turbulent space is when it touches the layer of blue flames. Swallowed by the latter, the only person in the middle of the sea of ​​fire who was not burned by “blaze fire” stared at the three “Mengduo” who had burned into the fireman but still rushing in, vast and keen. Mendo, who exploded in the sense of mental power, has completely disappeared, and a slight movement on his face at this time is enough to make Manacido and others’ fearful hands lifted up again.

Mosquito fluttering gently, Kenny’s movements are still so breezy, but with his movements, the magic runes in the “blaze fire” spreading in all directions are suddenly A flash, a large number of magical runes gathered with “blaze fire” completely swallowed the three “Mondo” completely in the shortest time.

The endless purgatory stopped dispersion and began to gather together at an unsightly speed. When the three burning “Munduo”, which was absolutely not too fast, flew into the void that was only a hundred meters away from Kenny, the whole piece The sea of ​​fire has completely gathered up the chaotic elements turbulently covering the three “Munduo” bodies and quickly filled the space completely burned into an absolute vacuum by “Yaohuo”.

Finally, he stopped at a hundred meters away. The three “Mondos” covered by the gathered “Yahuo” saw that when he rushed to Kenny, he was still burned and completely gasified. Not only gasified, terrible When “Yaohuo” flickered and did not disappear, what made all other gods unbelievable was that three lifelike phantoms appeared in the void space.

Completely the same as the “Munduo” figure, even the turbulent turbulent elements did not submerge the three lively ghosts. The extremely terrible high temperature vaporized the three “Mundoo” and turned his body. Lively spread in the turbulent space of nothingness.

There was silence.

Regardless of whether you feel the danger of retreating in front of the flare-up main **** or Manacido when the “blaze fire” is coming, all the main gods are watching this scene with dull eyes. No one wants to believe that what is happening in front of them is Really, all this is true. …,

“You can’t beat it, you can’t kill it…”

Stroking his hand easily, seemingly easily using only two variants of the top magic to solve Mondo and his “god” Kenny smiled and said: “Then burn, I don’t believe even one main **** plane The “flare fire” that can burn and decompose will not solve you.”

“Just so dead”

“” Drayte asked stupidly, even if there was no more “Mondo” in sight or mental power.

“It’s so dead”

“Fate of Destiny” Helen’s face was full, but he moaned like a groan.

“Otherwise what else?”

With a huge hole in his left shoulder, the golden-haired giant ape Dita smiled and said with a muffled voice: “You have to believe in the strength of Lord Supreme Lord, we have already said that Lord Kenny is the Supreme Power above the Lord God, It is the same no matter in which plane group.”

“do not move”

Meng Duo exploded in the space of the body, and a crystal nucleus with colorful blurry light flew out of the “black hole” that was about to be closed. With a smile, Kenny, who was still somewhat interested, was far away. Beckoning, the crystal that was obviously the main **** of Mondo was shot directly at Seeing this scene, Manacido thought of something, and his face changed so much that he drank like a thunderbolt. With a cry.

Subconsciously took the hands of the other gods, the main **** core, the soul is just delicious for Kenny, but Mundo’s main **** core with an unusually strong main **** power is the real temptation, although Kenny does not know the horse Why did Nazido shout so loudly, but he still stopped his plan to **** in the core of Mendo, the **** in front of him, and it was a teleportation.

It’s a pity that it’s still too late, losing Kenny’s mental power manipulation, but the main divine nucleus, which shone with the colorful light of Xuanao, appeared in front of Kenny at a faster speed.

It is no longer a main **** core that is enough for any main **** to covet. When the endless black light crystal is projected inside, it is like an element that constitutes Kenny’s body. The billions of black lights cannot be seen by the main god. The speed of sight constitutes a tall and strong body.

A fist thicker than his head appeared in front of him. Kenny’s sudden retreat speed was definitely not slow, and the suddenly formed body was faster, almost at the same time as it was seen, it was covered with black mystery The gigantic ray of fist bombarded Kenny’s face directly with terrifying power enough to destroy everything… To be continued. You are welcome to subscribe, reward,…,

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