Alien God System

Chapter 9 - Blockbuster

Master Liu nodded slightly, pouring a cup of tea for Mr. Ye respectfully, and said with a smile: The three big families in Longhu Town, headed by the Yin family, and Master Yin’s sons and daughters, both civil and military, really envy Liu! “

Master Liu doesn’t need to be modest, the sons and daughters of the Yin family are outstanding, and Ling Lang is not bad either. I have read the recommendation letters submitted by the local counties and counties. Ling Lang reached the pinnacle of Tier 2 fighters at a young age. He is also known as Bai Yumeng in the local area. He has a very good reputation for helping the poor and helping the poor. He is also a pillar of the country. ! “

With an indifferent smile, Mr. Ye took a sip from his teacup, and Master Liu had already laughed from ear to ear, and waved his hands modestly and said: The children are still young, and the villagers give face and praise. In the future, Mr. Ye will be required to teach a lot at Tianfeng Academy, do his best for the Fenglei Empire, serve the court, and make the Liu Family Guangzong ancestor, and the old will be satisfied, hahaha! “

That’s natural. The students I recruited will take care of them. Master Liu, don’t worry. “

He agreed, and Mr. Ye gave Master Liu a relieved look. Master Liu also took a long breath, and with his promise, his holding heart finally let go.

But it was abrupt, and at this moment, there was a chattering noise outside the car.

Everyone, go and watch the excitement, the Yang family and the Liu family are working together! “

what? The Yangliu family are both big families in our Longhu Town. How can they do it well? Besides, the Liu family is now in full swing, and the Yang family has long since fallen. How dare they dare to fight with the Liu family? “

I don’t know this, but I heard that Liu Shaobai, the young master of the Liu family, fell in love with the wife of Yang Feng, the young master of the Yang family, and tried every possible means to harm her. He did all the disasters in the town in recent years. In order to deceive everyone’s trust, he is recommended to go to Tianfeng Academy! “

Really, is he such a person? “

Now the Yang family has found out all the human and physical evidence, and they are confronting him, can there be fakes? “

He couldn’t help but twitching. The whole face of Master Liu turned black when he heard the talk outside, and then he looked at the still calm and composed Mr. Ye, and hurriedly said: Framed, absolutely framed. Mr. Ye, please don’t listen to the man-made rumors out there. Dog is always kind, and it is absolutely impossible to do such a conscience! “

Master Liu, don’t get excited, the clear ones will clear themselves! “

With a faint smile, Mr. Ye waved his hand noncommitantly: In fact, this kind of local celebrity cheating letter of guarantee hasn’t happened before, so our college will send someone to inspect it. If the people’s remarks to Linglang were indeed rumors just now, I would not mind, and I would still recommend Linglang for admission. Please don’t worry, Master Liu. “

Yes… Then thank you Mr. Ye! “Master Liu smiled stiffly after wiping the cold sweat on his forehead.

Mr. Ye glanced at him diagonally, his sharp eyes seemed to be able to see through his mind, and he sneered: But if the rumors outside are true, I can’t bring a liar into the academy. It just so happens that someone is confronting Linglang now. Take me to see if it is convenient. Everything is clear! “


What, is Master Liu guilty? “

No, of course not, just go, you are not afraid of shadows. “With a grunt, Master Liu calmed himself down and shouted to the coachman outside: Hurry, go home!”

The carriage that was advancing slowly speeded up and changed its direction. Mr. Liu sat in the carriage, but clenched his fists tightly, and became restless.

Mr. Ye looked at him like this, just smiled and drank tea, leisurely.

Soon, the carriage slowly drove into the crowd in front of the Liu Mansion. Mr. Ye opened the curtains and looked out. He saw the two people facing each other in front of the door. He couldn’t help but smiled and said: The man in front of Liu’s house is handsome and handsome. His son is Linglang, he really shows talent. “

Mr. Ye’s ridiculous praise, that is the dog! “Master Liu smiled humbly.

Then the kid opposite him is…”

That was Yang Feng, the unscrupulous child of the Yang family, a dude who drinks and has fun from snacks. The Yang family’s property was almost defeated by him, and he lost all his father’s people in the town. What he said can be somewhat credible, please let Mr. Ye Mingjian! “

Oh, his name is Yang Feng, and it’s a bit courageous for a dude to dare to be so blatant about a famous student! “A sharp light flashed in his eyes, and Mr. Ye smiled and nodded.

In front of Liu’s house, Liu Shaobai, who had never noticed that his father’s carriage had arrived, was already mad at Yang Feng’s unscrupulous revelations.

You know, the people sent by Tianfeng Academy to inspect him will be there soon. How can he spread such negative news at this time? This is simply ruining his future, especially now that the townspeople are beginning to believe in Yang Feng’s words.

Thinking of this, Liu Shaobai was no longer as gentle and graceful as usual, and immediately furiously said: Yang Feng, you have tarnished my reputation today. If you immediately kneel and kowtow to apologize, I can still let you make a living. Otherwise, don’t blame my men for being merciless. “


As soon as the voice fell, a fierce qi suddenly radiated from Liu Shaobai’s body, which forced the Yang Family and the crowd of onlookers to retreat step by step, and Yang Yuchan and Heibeard couldn’t help but change their faces.

The warrior’s second-order peak strength, one level higher than Blackbeard, is terrifying. Even if they join forces, they may not be the enemy of Liu Shaobai. Liu Shaobai deserves to be the leader of their generation.

Mr. Ye, who was watching from a distance, couldn’t help but clap his hands and exclaimed: Well, at a young age, he has reached the second-order peak cultivation base of a soldier, and breakthroughs will not be a problem in the future. Let’s not say whether his wind evaluation is false or not, this strength alone makes me enter the Tianfeng Academy. “

Master Liu nodded his head after hearing it, and the corners of his mouth almost grinned to the back of his head. Because he heard the mystery from Mr. Ye’s words, it turned out that the research tutor of Tianfeng Academy didn’t care about the wind reviews, so his son would have a drama when he entered the academy.

But soon, Mr. Ye looked at Yang Feng again, which was strange.

At this moment, everyone present was overwhelmed by Liu Shaobai’s momentum, but Yang Feng breathed out as if he was completely unaffected.

This made Mr. Ye incomprehensible again, could it be that this kid is stronger than Liu Shaobai, so he despised him so much?

No, Liu Shaobai is already considered a genius among young people. How strong can Yang Feng be?

But how did he know that in front of Yang Feng, a 200-level mage, Liu Shaobai was a level 8 trifle. Even if he stood there and let him chop, could Liu Shaobai chop off one of his hairs?

Cursing his lips indifferently, Yang Feng stretched out his little finger to Liu Shaobai, and contemptuously said: How can you scare anyone? There is kind to do it, but no kind to get out. You dare to plot against my wife, even if you don’t do anything today, I will beat you to the floor! “

Well, this is what you said, I’ll see what you have the ability to dare to speak up here! “

Unable to stop his face twitching, Liu Shaobai immediately jumped up in anger and slapped Yang Feng’s chest with all his skills.

In the distance, Mr. Ye stared intently, depending on how Yang Feng responded, but only saw Yang Feng standing in place with a wicked smile, motionless.


Liu Shaobai’s palm hit Yang Feng firmly, and a ray of red light drifted past Yang Feng’s eyes, -1. This is a drop of blood that Liu Shaobai knocked down Yang Feng.

But soon, another green light rose in front of Yang Feng, +1.

This is a drop of Yang Feng’s self-recovery.

Seeing this, Yang Feng laughed disdainfully. With Liu Shaobai, an 8th-level rookie, hitting him, a 200-level ** master, would kill at most a drop of blood. But the blood could be made up soon, and his injury was not as fast as his self-recovery.

But when others saw it, they were completely stunned.

How could it be possible that the peak strength of the second-order warrior hits him, and it has no effect at all? “Almost at the same time, Mr. Ye and Mr. Liu in the carriage spoke together, dumbfounded.

Liu Shaobai was even more shocked that his eyes were about to fall to the ground, and now he finally knew why Blackbeard had instantly surrendered to this dude.

No matter where this is still a human being, this is a monster.

Even with the strength of his father’s quasi-war general, he would not dare to hold his chest so hard, but this kid…

Knowing exactly what he was thinking, Yang Feng smiled and said: How about it, it’s over, it’s me! “

His body shook suddenly, Liu Shaobai exuded fine cold sweat on his forehead, but he still didn’t believe it was true. The strength of this dude would crush him so much. He immediately gritted his teeth, waved his hands, and roared: Try our Liu family’s first-grade high-level martial arts, Kang Longzhang! “


A golden dragon was born between his palms, and after turning around him for a while, it rushed towards Yang Feng.

But just when he touched Yang Feng’s body, it suddenly shattered and turned into golden light. Yang Feng’s body didn’t even shake. And before Yang Feng’s eyes, a red -1 appeared first, and then a green +1 appeared.

Just like before, even if Liu Shaobai used the strongest combat skills, he could still only hit him with a drop of blood.

Seeing this, Liu Shaobai was completely confused, and Blackbeard and the others opened their mouths together, once again witnessing the terrifying and powerfulness of their master.

Including Mr. Ye and Mr. Liu in the carriage in the distance, they were also staring at all this incredible, their eyes straight.

Inadvertently patted the shirt on his chest, Yang Feng smiled and shook his head and said: I have slapped me twice, I can’t give you too much! “


As soon as the voice fell, Yang Feng just patted Liu Shaobai’s abdomen gently, and his body flew out like a broken kite, crashing the wall of Liu’s house with a bang, and was buried in the ruins. Only the gurgling blood dripped from the ruins.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was once again confused.

Young Master Liu Family, a well-known young talent in Longhu Town, was so easily killed by such a dude? How can this be? Isn’t it a dream?

Mr. Ye clenched his fist fiercely, and his whole body was trembling with excitement: Wizards, this child is simply the seedling of the God of War that has never been met in a thousand years, this time I am recruiting an amazing student at Tianfeng Academy! “

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